
muscles of the limbs and in the joints. Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the extremities.

Upper Limbs

In the shoulders pain during the night. Arms weak, numb. Sensation as if right elbow were sprained. Pain in elbow (left) from draught of air (at night). Cramps in forearm on attempting to write. Pain as if sprained in the right wrist. Trembling of the hands when lifting them up. Coldness of the wrists and hands. Hot dry hands, esp., the palms of the hands. Spasmodic contraction of fingers. Dupuytren’s contraction.

Lower Limbs

Unsteady gait. Fatigue after slight exercise. Loss of voluntary motion. Violent lancinating pain in the thigh. Obstinate Sciatica, pains worse at rest and particularly when beginning to walk, burning pains, worse at night, compelling her to lie awake: pain in sole of foot when walking. Deep-seated muscular pains in legs better by motion. Anterior crural neuralgia. Paroxysmal shooting pains. Violent lancinating pain in thigh. Thighs sore to touch as a boil, pains all better when in a sweat. Rheumatic pains during the night in the knees. Sudden dislocation or slipping of the knee-pan (during breakfast). The calves of the legs feel bruised, pain at night. Cold feet. Spasmodic contraction of the toes.


Hyperesthesia. Excessive irritability of mind and body. Paralytic affections, muscles weak and will not obey the will. Complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system, with entire motor paralysis. Trembling and weakness, listless and languid, Easily fatigued. Rheumatic pains (wandering) in the bones and joints (night). Spasmodic contractive pains. Sensation as if bruised. Neuralgia, acute, sudden, darting pains, shooting, tearing along the tracks of the nerves, especially if aggravated by changes in the weather. Congestions, arterial or venous, with sluggish circulation.


Papulous eruptions resembling measles, especially on the face. Itching on the head, face, neck and shoulders. Skin hot and dry.


Sleepiness and long-continued sleep. As soon as he goes to sleep he is delirious. Yawning. Languid and drowsy, but cannot compose the mind for sleep. Sleeplessness from nervous irritation. Cannot go to sleep on account of violent itching on the head, face, neck, and shoulders. Restless sleep, unpleasant dreams. He wakens from sleep with headache or colic. Night-terrors, from nose being stopped. Dreamed of dying, and felt his eyes sinking into their sockets.


Pulse slow, accelerated by motion. Limbs cold with oppressed breathing. Cold hands and feet. In the evening, when entering a warm room, thirst, pain the back and loins and in the lower part of the thighs. Chilliness in upper part of body and back. Chilliness every day at same hour. Chilliness especially in the morning. Chilliness, languid aching in back and limbs, sense of fatigue, every afternoon, 4 to 5 o’clock. Nervous chill, the skin is warm, wants to be held that he may not shake so much. Chill with cold hands, feet, and headache. Chills begin in the hands, chills running up the back, hands and feet cold. Chilliness especially along spine. Chill with weak pulse. Coldness of the feet as if they were in cold water, with heat in the head and face, and headache. Chill followed by heat and later by perspiration. Heat principally on the head and face. Typhoid fever when so-called nervous symptoms predominate. In eruptive and other fevers less restlessness than in *Aconite, less violence and suddenness of aggravation than *Bell, languid asthenic fever. Profuse perspiration relieving the pains. Perspires freely from slight exertion. (Intermittent fevers. Children’s remittent fever. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Measles).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

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