
Respiratory Organs

Sensation below larynx as if something was sticking there, with short, dry, hacking cough. Smarting in a spot size of bean, on internal right side of larynx. Crawling in upper bronchi causing dry cough. Tickling right side larynx causing continual cough, paroxysms causing short breath which ceases after expectoration of tasteless white mucus. Rough, scraping, metallic, dry cough, as if he had eaten rancid fat and taken brandy afterwards. Hard, suffocating, dry cough with stitches in chest, returning every winter. Cough partly dry, partly loose, with thick yellow, greenish or grey, sometimes foul-tasting expectoration, great lassitude and thirst. Cough better by warm drinks, by sitting up on bed, with breaking out of perspiration.


Heaviness, oppression, stitches, and tickling in chest. Stitches and pressure in sternum. Mammae increase in size, with pressive pains in them, as if something painful were drawn through them with oppression. Stitches under right mamma, in the skin, worse by lying, breathing, or walking, beginning 7 P.M. and lasting till midnight, followed by stitches close under heart, and with malaise and hot rising from stomach.


Palpitation with slow pulse, believes her heart must be heard some distance away. Four hours before menses appear severe palpitations, ceasing when the flow begins.

Back and neck

Pulsating and burning node on muscles of neck, left side, to inches below mastoid process, preventing turning neck. Backache one day before menses, better bending backward, lasts all the first day. Backache alternating with leucorrhoea. Backache during menses, better by leaning up against something. Stiffness and horripilations between shoulders. Pressive heaviness in lumbar vertebrae. Pains in back extend to pelvis, when she stoops she can hardly rise again, sacrum pains as if broken.


Lassitude with yawning sleepiness. Tearing in extremities and restlessness in legs preventing sleep.

Upper Limbs

Trembling, paralytic pain, crampy pain in right arm. As if muscles beaten off bone (axillary side of right arm). Paralysing stitches in right deltoid. Stitching pains in elbows, radiating to fingers. In center of right palm, severe stitch radiating to elbow, and leaving sensation of numbness in ring and little fingers. Hands go to sleep easily. Dislocation pains in joints of right hand. Heads of bones of fingers feel too large.

Lower Limbs

In both thighs a tensive pain as if skin and muscles were too short. From upper end of right hip painful drawing to middle of thigh, where it ends with a stitch. Sensation at back of thigh as if muscles were torn from bones, worse by ascending, stooping, sitting, and by touch. Paralytic, dislocation pain in right knee. Stitches in either knee. Cramps in calves. Sensation of warmth in left anterior leg, upper part (as from hot vapor), burning in calves. In morning stitching, burning, and twitching, beginning in the calves, going to the toes, most severe in the heels, in evening the pains lessen in the calves but stitches continue to shoot back and forth in the heels, gradually ceasing after an hour. Dislocation pain in joints of right foot. Soles of feet numb as if she walked on needles. Stitches in middle of sole first day of menses. Drawing stitching in right heel running up to calf.


Right cheek cold, tip of tongue cold, whole right. side of body cold.


Nodule on left forearm. Itching biting in skin, in genitals penetrating whole body, worse night, better during motion.


Yawning with chilliness and shivering. Sleepiness towards noon. Dreams of disgusting things, of naked persons, anxious dreams, of her child falling into the water. Frightful dreams, the same dream repeated. Dreams that she is pursued by oxen, of falling into a abyss. Wakes bathed in perspiration.


Chilliness with headache, with stitching, better by warm drink. Dry heat towards noon. Sweat of foul odor on least exertion. Colliquative sweating on least exertion, when eating, all night. Copious night-sweat towards morning.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica