Eryngium Aquaticum

Eryngium Aquaticum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Eryngium Aquaticum is used…

      Button Snake-root. *N. O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of fresh root.


Anus, prolapse of. Conjunctivitis. Constipation. Cough. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Gleet. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Influenza. Laryngitis. Leucorrhoea. Renal colic. Sclerotitis. Sexual weakness. Strabismus. Spermatorrhoea. Urine, incontinence of. Wounds.


*Eryngium acts on the mucous membranes, producing thick yellow mucous discharges from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, bowels, urethra, and vagina. Haemorrhages from stomach and bowels. It is a vulnerary, antidoting the effect of blows. It causes headaches, expanding sensation in forehead, dull, dragging pain in occiput, neck, and shoulders. Seminal and prostatic weakness. I. J. Whitfield has cured three cases of renal colic with calculi (two left side, the other not stated) with *Ery-a W. K. Leonard reports the following case: A young Methodist minister, apparently healthy, was just over his twelfth attack of renal colic. The attacks has recurred at intervals of two to four weeks and lasted from one to three days, and they were so weakening as to keep him incapacitated in the intervals. He had had old-school treatment, including Morphine and Quinine, with no benefit. *Ery- a. O, five drops three times a day, put an end to the trouble. The attacks had been attended with severe nervous chills, and it was for these that the Quinine had been prescribed. *Eryng. has a cough with a sense of constriction. (Hale found it useful in epidemic influenza when there was raw smarting burning in throat and larynx, with constant irritating cough and expectoration of yellow mucus.) Loss of energy and nervous erethism. Most symptoms occur on left side, and extend or move from part to part. Motion worse all symptoms. Bending head forward worse head symptoms, turning eyes causes pain in them. worse From mental exertion. Heat better.


Eryngium compares with the other Umbellifera.: with Aethusa in inability to concentrate thoughts, with Conium as a vulnerary, in discharge of prostatic fluid from slight causes. *Compare: In pollutions, Chi., Gelsemium, Phosphorus In urinary and urethral affections, Cann-s., Cantharis, Dioscorea, Oci. can. in constipation and rectal symptoms, nitricum acidum In influenza, Gelsem., Sticta.



Thoughts confused, cannot concentrate them on any subject, the effort causes heavy full pain if persisted in.


Vertigo. Expanding sensation in frontal region above eyes, worse stooping, causing dimness of sight.

Sharp, shooting pain over left eye, when sitting in stooping posture leaves eye, passes into neck and along muscles of shoulder, and beneath scapula., shooting in coronary region and in right side of face from eyes to teeth in morning. Dull dragging pain in occiput, neck, and shoulders, when less severe in head, is worse in shoulder. Scalp sore, combing hair causes pain.


Burning, sensitive to light. Effects of exposure to strong light: squinting, sclerotitis, watery or, purulent discharges. Purulent inflammation of left eye, purulent, sticking discharge causing gumming of lids, conjunctiva granular and rough. Muscles of eyes feel stiff, pain on moving them quickly.


Bruised tearing pain, as if ears being torn off. Inflammation of Eustachian tube, left ear swollen in and out, tender to pressure, constant aching, bleeding readily, thick white, bloody, foul- smelling pus. Continued singing and ringing, with creaking sound in left ear.


Profuse thick yellow mucous discharge.


Thick, tenacious, disagreeable mucus in mouth.


Smarting raw pain along left side of throat, dry tongue. Intense redness, slight swelling without pain, profuse secretion of thick whitish mucus.


Partial anorexia. Nausea followed by acrid eructations. Hollowness or emptiness in stomach with heavy dragging pain. Spitting of bright arterial blood, mixed with black clots, with burning in epigastrium after a blow on stomach. Burning in stomach or oesophagus after taking the drug.


Severe colicky or cramping pains in small intestines. Severe pain in left groin and testicle.

Stool and Anus

Mucous diarrhoea of children. Constipation. Stools dark leaden color, dry, and very hard, tenesmus at stool with a sensation of cutting as they pass through anus. Haemorrhoids and prolapsus ani.

Urinary Organs

Frequent desire to urinate, stinging burning pain in urethra, behind glans, during urination. Must urinate every five minutes, urine dropping away all the time and burning like fire. Renal colic.

Male Sexual Organs

Desire suppressed, then excited with lewd dreams and pollutions. Discharge of prostatic fluid from slightest causes. Spermatorrhea from onanism, and excessive indulgence. Emissions at night with erection, followed by great lassitude and depression, partial impotence. Emissions without erections, day and night, followed by great lassitude, after injury to testicles. Gonorrhoea with painful erections. Gleet.

Female Sexual Organs


Respiratory Organs

Chronic laryngitis, short, hacking cough. Cough with sensation of constriction in throat. Oppression of chest, feeling of fullness, inability to take a long breath.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica