
frequent trembling of the lower extremities and of a pressure towards the parts. For several months she experienced an itching of the skin over the whole body, which becomes intolerable, especially during the time she should have her period. There is nothing to be seen, however, on the skin. In September *Sul. 15 x was given and quickly relieved the skin symptoms, but later (in the beginning of December) she sought relief for a violent headache and vertigo. *Cyclamen 3X lessened these by the fourth day. A week later she reported both symptoms gone, but now “fiery balls danced continually before her eyes.” *Cyclamen 15X three times a day. Shortly after (December 27th) the fiery balls ceased to trouble her. Early in January the menses reappeared, with considerable abdominal pains, and the headache and vertigo had disappeared altogether. Thereafter menses appeared regularly and copiously. From Dr. Eidherr’s account no improvement appears to have been effected in the power of vision. Dr. George Royal (of Des Moines, Iowa) records another use of this drug. A medical man had suffered from soreness of the heel for over three months. The soreness seemed to be in the bone and was worse sitting or standing. Not so much noticed on walking. *Rhus, *Kali. *bi., and *Phosphorus *ac. had done no good. *Cyclamen 30 cured in a week. It also cured, in three days. A case almost identically similar. The only worse here was on standing *Cyclamen has cured migraine with scintillation after the failure of *Iris v. In the case recorded the headache increased as the vision returned, the head seemed about to burst (*Kali bichromicum) Itching, pricking worse at night in bed. Many symptoms are worse by rest, better on walking about. Sitting worse menstrual flow. Drawing shoulders forward worse, drawing them backward better twinges in back. Many symptoms are worse at night. Open air worse, cold water better headache. better From moistening diseased parts and from bathing. Worse From eating at night.


Ferrum and Chi. resemble it in chlorosis, Crocus and Thuja in sensation of something alive in abdomen, Am-m. (menses worse at night), Iris-v. and Kali-bi. (migraine with scintillations, headache worse as sight returns, Kali-bi.), Coc-c. (leucorrhoea worse sitting better walking, *Cyclamen menses worse sitting better walking), Rhus t. (enteralgia), Gelsemium and Seneg. (diplopia), Arnica (falls), Baryta carb., Calcarea, Cantharis (chilly and fever), Cocc. In speedy satiety, Lycopodium, Nux-v., Sepia In prostatitis and urethritis, Lithium carb., Digitalis, Selenium, Causticum, Lycopodium, Apis, in squint, Alumina, sudden vanishing of sight with menses, Sepia, Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla scanty, Cyclamen profuse and dark), nausea in throat, Sepia Berberis, pain in heels on standing. Desire for lemonade, Belladonna, Sabin. *Antidoted by: Camph., Coffea, Pulsatilla (The modalities of Cyclamen are in general opposite to those of Pulsatilla, the menstrual flow of Cyclamen is more profuse while at rest, with Pulsatilla the opposite is the case).



Taciturn, depressed, out of humour. Sudden change of sadness and cheerfulness. Weakness of memory. Secret vexation and troubled conscience. Ill-humour and slovenliness, with dislike to conversation, by fits. Love of labour, alternately with indolence.Memory alternately quick and weak. Dullness and confusion of mind, with unfitness for every kind of labour. Hallucination as if two persons lay in her bed, and that the body of the other overlapped hers by half.


Vertigo, when standing (when leaning against anything), as if the brain were moving. Vertigo, worse when exercising in the open air, better when sitting in a room. Headache in the morning, when rising. Numbing headache, with obscuration of the eyes. Migraine with scintillations before the eyes, as vision returns, head seems about to burst., shootings in the brain on stooping. Shootings in the temples (in the left temple, the forehead, with dizziness). Pricking itching in the scalp, which only changes its situation on the part being scratched ( worse in the evening and when at rest, better from motion). Congestion of blood to the head, increased sensation of heat in the head.


Eyes dull and hollow. Shootings in the eyes and the eyelids. Swelling of the eyelids. Itching of the eyelids. Pupils dilated. The eyes lie deep in the orbits, look dim, and are surrounded by blue rings. Double vision, strabismus. Burning in the eyes, worse when reading. Sight confused, as if looking through a cloud. Glimmering and glittering before the sight. Fiery flames dancing before eyes.


Drawing in the ears. Diminution of hearing, as if the ears were stopped.


Diminution of smell. Fluent coryza, with sneezing (morning).


Toothache, with dull tractions at night. Shootings and piercings in the teeth.


Tongue loaded with a white coating. Constant sensation of roughness and of mucus in the mouth. Sensation of torpor in the upper lip, as if it were hardened. Dryness of the lips, without thirst. Mouth and throat redder than usual. Fine stitches on the surface of the tongue. Burning on the tip of the tongue (evening). In the evening, great dryness in the palate, with hunger and thirst. The tonsils and palate are shrivelled and white.


Dryness in the throat. Sensation of painful constriction in the throat. Burning and scraping in throat. Nausea in throat.


Putrid taste in the mouth. Insipid taste of all food. No thirst all day, but it occurs in evening as face and hands become warm. Hunger and appetite rather weak, especially in the morning and in the evening. Speedy satiety, followed by disgust, on beginning to eat. After eating but little, aversion to the rest of the food, with sensation of nausea in the throat. Repugnance to butter (aversion to eat bread and butter), and cold food, less aversion to warm food. Great inclination to sleep after a meal.


Frequent risings, empty or acid. Risings, with hiccough, especially after a meal. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, and uneasiness in the region of the epigastrium, as after taking fat food, especially after dinner and supper. Nausea and fullness in the chest, with unusual hunger (morning). Nausea caused by eating and drinking, could only drink lemonade without being nauseated. Vomiting of mucus followed by sleep. Vomiting of blood. Water- brash, with nausea, especially in the evening.


Fullness and pressure at the pit of the stomach, as if it were overloaded. Uneasiness in the abdomen, with nausea. Painful sensibility of the abdomen, on the slightest touch. Sudden attacks of griping, with pinching. Stitches in the stomach, region of the liver, navel, abdomen. Borborygmi in the abdomen, immediately after a meal.

Stool and Anus

Evacuations hard and frequent. Evacuations of the consistence of pap, with vomiting at night. Pressure in the rectum. Discharge of blood from the rectum. Drawing pressure in the anus, and in the perineum, as from subcutaneous ulceration, when walking or sitting.

Urinary Organs

Frequent want to make water, with abundant emission of whitish urine. Shootings in the urethra, when making water, followed by a sudden discharge of a dark red urine.

Male Sexual Organs.

The prepuce and corona glandis feel sore from slight rubbing.

Female Sexual Organs.

Catamenia too profuse and too frequent. Before menstruation (at night) labour-like pains, the abdomen was bloated and swollen on the previous day, the menstrual blood is black and clotted. Secretion from the swollen mammae like milk. Menses suppressed.

Respiratory Organs

When reading aloud the voice is weak. Scraping and dryness in the pharynx, causing a suffocative cough.


In the evening, shortness of breath, as from weakness. Fits of suffocation. Pressure in the sternum. Oppression of the chest, with difficulty of respiration. Sensation of great weakness in the chest, as if there was not strength enough to breathe. Lancinations, and acute pullings in the chest, with short and difficult respiration.


Pressure on the heart, as from congestion of blood, with very sensible palpitations of the heart, stitches in the region of the heart.

Neck and Back.

Pains of excoriation in the nape of the neck. Aching, with paralytic weakness, or traction in the nape of the neck and in the neck. Shooting pains in the loins. Dull stitches in the region of the kidney, worse when drawing a long breath.

Upper Limbs

Pressure, as by a hard body, on the arms, as far as the fingers, which hinders writing. Tractive pains in the arms, and as far as the fingers. Cramp-like, slow contraction of the right thumb and index, they have to be extended by force. Pains in bones of forearms, bruise-like, worse by touch, pressure, movement. Pain, as after being struck, or pain of bruising in the arms. Painful traction in the arms, and in the wrist. Contraction of the fingers. Red vesicles in the joints of the fingers, preceded by violent itching, ceasing after scratching.

Lower Limbs

Cramp-like pains in the thighs. Red spots in the thigh, as from a burn. Frequent and violent itching in the calves of the legs, in the ankle-bones and in the toes. Pains of dislocation in the joints of the foot. Sensation as if sprained in the left foot. Soreness of the heels when walking. Pains of excoriation in the toes, when walking. Deadness of the toes after walking. Fetid sweat between the toes.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica