Cuprum Metallicum


Odontalgia, with acute pullings, extending into the temples. Difficult dentition in children, with convulsions.


Mouth clammy in the morning. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Foam at the mouth. Sweet taste in the mouth. Burning sensation in the mouth. Coldness of the tip of the tongue. Tongue clammy, loaded with a white coating. Hoarse crying like a child. Cries, like the croaking of frogs. Loss of speech.


Inability to talk, on account of spasms in the throat. Dryness of the throat, with thirst. Inflammation of the pharynx, with impeded deglutition. Singultus and spasm of the esophagus. Desire for warm food, eats hastily. Audible sound of drink (gurgling) while swallowing it. Swelling of the glands of the neck.


Taste, sweetish, or metallic, acid, or salt. Watery taste of food. Desire for cold things in preference to hot.


Constant risings. Hiccough. Singultus preceding the spasms. Flow of water like saliva, after taking milk. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, extending from the abdomen to the gullet, but chiefly in the epigastrium, with a feeling like intoxication, loathing, and putrid taste in the mouth. Violent periodical vomitings, mitigated by drinking. Vomiting is prevented by drinking cold water. Vomiting in general, which is very severe. Vomiting of bile, of water (containing flakes, offensive-smelling), of slimy matter, or even of blood. Violent vomitings, with pressure in the stomach, cramps in the abdomen, diarrhoea, and convulsions. Cramps in the stomach. Excessively troublesome pressure on the stomach, and on the epigastrium, worse by touch and by movement. Anguish in the epigastrium. Gnawing and corroding sensation in the stomach.


Pain, as from a bruise, in the hypochondria, on the part being touched. Drawing pains from left hypochondrium to the hip. Violent pains in the abdomen, with great anxiety. Abdomen hard, with violent pains on its being touched. Pressure in the abdomen, as from a hard body, aggravated by the touch. Retraction of the abdomen. Spasmodic colic, with convulsions and shrill cries. Tearing and gnawing (corroding, stinging ulcers) in the intestines.

Stool and Anus

Constipation, with great heat of body. Violent diarrhoea (with flakes), sometimes sanguineous. Bleeding of haemorrhoidal tumors.

Urinary Organs

Urgent want to make water, with scanty emission. Frequent emission of fetid (dark-red, turbid, with yellowish sediment), viscid urine, Burning shootings in the urethra, during and subsequent to the emission of urine. Wetting the bed at night.

Male Sexual Organs.

Swelling of the penis, with inflammation of the glans.

Female Sexual Organs.

Before the catamenia, ebullition of blood, palpitation of the heart, and headache. Menstruation too late, protracted, complaints before. Menses absent for months, violent delirium. Before and during menses, cramps, convulsions, piercing shrieks, spasmodic dyspnoea, violent palpitation. Menses not appearing after suppression of foot-sweat. Torpid chlorosis.

Respiratory Organs

Obstinate hoarseness, with great inclination to lie down. Bronchial rales, as if from mucus. Tickling in the larynx. Dry cough, with fits of suffocation, like whooping-cough. Spasmodic affections generally, whooping-cough where the attacks run into catalepsy, movements of the head, epilepsy. Cough, with expectoration of whitish mucus, during fits of spasmodic asthma. Asthma increases (at 3 a.m.) when bending the body backwards, when coughing, when laughing. Cough, in the morning, with expectoration of putrid matter.


Respiration accelerated, rattling, moaning, with convulsive efforts of the abdominal muscles. Short, difficult respiration, with spasmodic cough, and crepitation in the chest. Cough, with wheezing respiration at each effort to breathe. Difficulty of respiration, increased by coughing, laughing, throwing back the body, etc., as well as in the night. Asthma when ascending or walking quickly, with necessity to breathe deeply. Spasmodic asthma. Fits of suffocation. Pressure on the chest. Painful contraction of the chest, esp., after drinking. Cramps in the chest, which cut short the respiration and the voice (after fright and anger).


Spasm of heart. Angina pectoris. Palpitation of the heart (before the menses). Pulse very changeable, imperceptible, small, soft.

Neck and Back.

Sensation of heaviness in the axillary glands. Swelling of the glands of the neck. Paralysis of muscles of back up to neck. Hyperaesthesia of spinal column. Backache top of sacrum.


Cramps of limbs, contraction of joints.

Upper Limbs

Herpes in the bends of the elbows (forming yellow scales, itching, especially in evening). Swelling of the hand, with inflammation of a lymphatic vessel extending to the shoulder. The arms and hands are bluish marbled. Aching and acute pullings in the metacarpal bones. Weakness and paralysis of the hand. Starting of the hands, in the morning, after rising. Torpor and shivering of the fingers. Convulsions in the fingers, particularly which begin in the fingers and toes, then spreading all over the body, spasms clonic.

Lower Limbs

Pains in the legs, especially in the calves of the legs during repose. Tensive pain and cramps in the calves of the legs. In the knee-joint weakness, pain as if broken. Twitching of the muscles of the lower extremities. Pressive and drawing pains in the metatarsus. Burning sensation in the soles of the feet. Sweat in the feet. Suppression of sweat in the feet. Painful weariness and stiffness in the limbs. Convulsions in the toes.


Pressive tearings or startings in the limbs. Pain, as from a bruise in several places, especially in the joints and in the limbs. Aching in the bones. Rheumatic pains. Many pains, especially those which are aching, are worse on being touched. Shaking pains, which traverse the whole body. Shocks or painful blows in different parts. On weeping, convulsions, with want of breath, and retraction of the thighs. Clonic spasms. Tonic spasms with loss of consciousness, turning of the head backwards, redness of the eyes, salivation, and frequent emission of urine. Convulsions, with piercing cries. Epileptic convulsions. Epileptic attacks (at night), followed by headache. Involuntary movements of the limbs, as in St. Vitus’ dance, with redness of the face, distortion of the eyes, of the face, and of the body, tears and anxiety, buffoonery and desire to hide oneself. The convulsions begin mostly in the fingers and in the toes. Spasmodic laughter. Convulsive startings, at night, when sleeping. Violent convulsions, with great display of strength. Paralytic affections. Symptoms which appear periodically, and in groups. Great lassitude, and sinking of the whole body. Obstinate weakness. Consumption. Excessive sensibility of all the organs. Fainting fits. Outward appearance of the face bluish, bluish red. Affections of the soles of the feet, attacks of sick feeling, blackness of outer parts, cyanosis or morbus ceruleus, bloated skin.


Eruptions which resemble (dry) itch. Tetters, with yellow scales. Miliary eruptions, esp., on the chest and on the hands. Old ulcers, caries.


Profound sleep, with shocks in the body, and starting in the limbs. Lethargic sleep. During sleep constant grumbling in the abdomen.


Pulse small, weak, and slow. Chilliness over the whole body, mostly in the extremities. Shiverings after attacks of epilepsy. Debilitating, hectic, internal heat. Flushes of heat. Slow fevers. Cold sweat (at night). Many attacks (epileptic attacks, attacks of mania) end with (cold) perspiration. Violent nocturnal perspiration.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica