Coccus Cacti

Male Sexual Organs.

Genitals hot, red, swollen. Frequent erections, with increased desire. Lascivious mood, nocturnal emissions. Loss of sexual power with constant dull burning pains in left hypochondrium and pain across loins as if broken.

Female Sexual Organs.

Swelling and heat of pudenda. Soreness of vulva, cannot bear pressure of clothing. Inflammation of labia. Great tenderness and irritation in extreme lower part of vagina, worse when urinating, can walk a long distance, but is worse after sitting in the house all day. Menses too early, too profuse, and last too long. Haemorrhage from uterus, with passage of large clots, which escape when quiet, or when getting up to pass water. Enormous black clots pass from vagina. Mucous leucorrhoea, preceded by drawing, thrusting pain in inguinal, vesical, and pubic regions.

Respiratory Organs

Fatigue of the vocal organs, even after speaking without exertion, the voice becoming rough and hoarse, respiration somewhat laborious. Scraping sensation in the throat. Hawking and coughing, with increased thirst. The bronchial tubes are loaded with mucus. Rawness in air-passages, causing cough. Sensation of a crumb the size of a walnut sticking behind the larynx, obliging him to swallow constantly. Whooping-cough, nightly, periodical attacks of cough from tickling in the larynx, ending with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, stringy mucus. Morning cough (6 a. m.), first barking, dry cough, followed by expectoration of viscid mucus, the difficult expectoration causes retching and vomiting. Cough with expectoration of viscid, stringy, yellow, sour-tasting or reddish mucus. Cough, in a warm room, better in a cold room. Short paroxysms of cough, followed by easy expectoration of globules of mucus.


Burning under the sternum. In the chest sensation of heat, of soreness. Oppression and soreness in chest. Stitches and sticking pains in sides of chest.

Heart and Pulse

Pressive pain in precordial region. Sensation as if everything were pressed towards the heart. Heavy pressure in the region of the heart. Irregular beating and palpitation of the heart, with anxiety after eating. Pulse accelerated.


Stitches between the shoulders. Bruised pain in small of back and region of kidneys. Violent pressive pain in region of kidneys.


Drawing, tearing pains in the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Sensation as if a fine glass splinter were sticking in the tips of the fingers, under the nails.

Lower Limbs

Violent stitches in the right hip-joint. Hot swelling of the knees. Pain in the right patella when walking.


Great weariness and prostration. Itching and prickling sensations in the skin.


Irresistible desire to sleep. Great sleepiness (after dinner). Vivid dreams. Uneasy, restless sleep, interrupted by vivid dreams. Frequent awaking during the night, with excitement, as if he had taken too much coffee.


Chilliness all day, cold feet in the morning, with perspiration of the whole body. Chilliness all over the body, especially in the afternoon and evening. Increased warmth of body. Greatly overpowered by moderate heat. Chilliness in the evening, with heat in the head, followed by general heat, an then perspiration all night, which relieves. Perspiration when walking, on the lower extremities, in the morning.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica