Cicuta Virosa


Foam before and in the mouth. Whitish pustules, painful on being touched, and ulcers on the edge of the tongue. Swelling of the tongue, white, painful, burning ulcers on the edges of the tongue. Speech embarrassed, with convulsive movement of the head (from before backwards) and of the arms at every word that is uttered.


Throat dry. Inability to swallow, the throat is, as it were, closed, and feels bruised when touched externally (with eructations). Stricture of oesophagus. Strangling on attempting to swallow. Constriction after being hurt by swallowing a splinter of bone.


Want of appetite, caused by a sensation of dryness in the mouth. Satiety, and aching in the stomach, after the first mouthful. Great inclination to eat coal. Continual hunger and appetite, even shortly after a meal. Burning thirst, especially during the cramps. After a meal, colic, cuttings, pressure on the epigastrium, and drowsiness.


Violent and noisy hiccough, with crying. Bitter and yellowish regurgitation on stooping, and followed by a burning sensation in the throat. Nausea in the morning and during a meal, sometimes with head ache. Vomiting of blood. Vomiting, alternately with tonic spasms in the muscles of the chest, and convulsive movements of the eyes, (the vomiting does not relieve the lock- jaw). Burning pressure on the stomach and abdomen. Pulsative pains in the epigastric, which is much inflated. Oppression and anxiety in the epigastrium region. Swelling and throbbing in the pit of the stomach.


Colic, with convulsions (in children from worms). Cuttings, immediately after a meal, with drowsiness. Pinchings and borborygmi in the abdomen. Accumulation of flatus, with anguish and ill-humour. Distension and painfulness of the abdomen. Pain, as from ulceration in the groins.

Stool and Anus.

Constipation. Liquid and too frequent evacuations. Itching in the rectum, with burning pain after friction.

Urinary Organs

Retention of urine. Frequent micturition, the urine is propelled with great force. Involuntary urination as from paralysis of the bladder.

Male Sexual Organs.

Testes drawn up. Sore drawing pain in urethra as far as glans, obliging one to urinate. Stitches in fossa navicularis with nightly emissions. Pollutions without lascivious dreams. Strictures (spasmodic) sometimes after gonorrhoea.

Female Sexual Organs.

Menses delayed, spasmodic symptoms. Tearing and drawing in coccyx during menses. (Painful tumours of mammae.).

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness. Difficult respiration, and want of breath. Cough with copious expectoration.


Tightness in the chest, she is scarcely able to breathe all day. Pressure on the chest, as from a weight, with difficulty of respiration. Sensation in chest and throat as though something the size of a fist were lodged there. Tonic spasms in the muscles of the chest, alternately with vomiting. Heat in the chest. Pain, as from a bruise, and from excoriation, in the lower extremity of the sternum. Burning pain in the nipples. Burning in the chest.


Trembling palpitation of heart. Feels as if heart stopped beating, and sometimes faint feeling therewith.

Neck and Back

Tension, as from a wound, in the muscles of the neck, on bending the head back. Swelling of the neck. Tonic spasms of the cervical muscles. Neuralgia of neck with tendency to draw head backwards and dull occipital headache. Tearing jerking in coccyx. Coccygodynia coming on for first time during catamenia, after parturition. Spasmodic bending backwards of the back, like an arch. Tension above the shoulder-blades. Pain of ulceration in the shoulder-blades.


Great weakness in arms and legs after slight exertion. Trembling in limbs. Spasmodic contortions and fearful jerking of limbs.

Upper Limbs

Pain, as from a bruise, or of excoriation, in the joints of the shoulder, and in the forearms. Sensation of heaviness and want of strength in the arms. Jerking in the left arm all day. Startings and convulsive movements (involuntary) in the arms and in the fingers. Deadness of the fingers. The veins on the hands are enlarged.

Lower Limbs

Involuntary starting of the lower limbs, jerks and twitches. Painful stiffness of the legs. Trembling of the legs. Yielding of the feet, when walking, they turn inwards.


Pains, as from excoriation, or from a bruise, on various parts. Trembling of the limbs. Shocks, as from electric sparks, in the head, the arms, and the legs. General convulsions, and fits of epilepsy, sometimes with cries, paleness or yellow colour of the face, pressing together of the jaws, numbness and distortion of the limbs, suspension of respiration, and foam at the mouth. After the fit, the body remains insensible, and, as it were, dead. State of insensibility and immobility, with loss of consciousness and of strength. Attacks of catalepsy, with relaxation of all the muscles, and absence of respiration. Tetanus. Drawing pains in the limbs. Affections of the right side of the back. Spasms during parturition, children have convulsions from worms. Strictures after inflammation, sometimes after gonorrhoea.


Sleeplessness and nocturnal sweat. Half-sleep, with restless movements and confused dreams. Frequent waking, with profuse sweat, which, however, alleviates. Vivid dreams of the events of the day. Vivid dreams which cannot be recollected.


Burning itching over the whole body. Purulent eruptions, with yellowish and burning scabs. Lenticular pimples, of a deep red colour. Long-lasting purulent eruptions, confluent, forming thick yellow crusts, with burning pain.


Pulse weak, slow, trembling. Shivering, and perpetual desire to be near the fire. The chilliness begins in the chest and extends down the legs and into the arms. Coldness in the thighs, and in the arms, with fixedness of look. Heat only internally. Perspiration at night (in the morning hours), principally on the abdomen. Worm fever with colic and convulsions.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica