

Confusion. Whirling vertigo, with shivering, with nausea, with vomiting of bile, on awaking, from 6 to 9 p-m. Rush of blood to head and face, throat and upper chest. Heaviness of head, extending to right side of head, whence a rheumatic drawing extending into right side of neck, wrist, and chest. Headache in afternoon, disappearing suddenly. Headache better closing eyes, better after eating (severe on rising, better after breakfast). Headache, throbbing in temples, pressing from within outwards especially towards forehead, worse open air, coughing, blowing nose, stooping, better while eating. Waving sensation in brain. Waving in brain and heaviness in forehead and vertex, extending to temples, and very unpleasant after drinking white beer. Pressure in forehead extending to orbits, which are painful as if sore on moving the eyes. Pressing pain right side of forehead. Band sensation across forehead and temples, better closing eyes. Tearing in forehead above eyes, extending into the (left) eye, into the lids, and root of nose. Pressive pain in right temple, right parietal bone, and at last over right eye. Beating in temples synchronous with pulse on lying down in bed at night. Stitches in vertex, especially when walking fast. Occiput heavy as if it could not be raised from pillow at night, with drawings in neck from above downward. Sensation of coldness in occiput ascending from nape, worse moving, better at rest. Soreness, sensitiveness, itching, tingling, crawling on scalp. Hair falls out, especially on occiput. Scald-head.


Painful pressure on upper eyelid. Tearing pain in and above eyes. Neuralgic pain above right eye. Stitches between eyebrows. Pressive, burning headache between eyebrows which presses lids together, better after eating, but returning after three-quarters of an hour. Margins of eyelids red. Clonic spasms of lids. Redness of conjunctiva. Whites dirty yellow. Aching in eyeballs on moving them. Pupils contracted. Vision dim. Mistiness of sight of right eye, morning on waking. A blinding spot seems to be before the eyes, and if he looks at it the eye waters.


Pain behind right ear. Tearing from right cheek-bone to ears and around ears extending to upper part of occiput along lambdoidal suture. Sensation in both ears as if wind were rushing out. Loss of hearing during cough. Roaring as of a distant wind-storm.


Tip swollen and red. Dry coryza with (one-sided) stoppage. Fluent coryza. Discharge of black blood with mucus on waking in morning. Obstruction with liver complaints. Hallucinations of smell (on stooping).


Red without heat. Remarkably yellow, especially forehead, nose, and cheeks. The usual red has a mixture of dark yellow. Tension and drawing in (left) malar bone. Sensation of swelling in right cheek-bones. Burrowing-tearing in antrum. Itching in face and on forehead. Herpes on face, especially chin. Lips swollen, dry, cracked, crusty, feeling.


Tearing pains right ear to right teeth, afternoons. Toothache with facial neuralgia, worse warmth, and in bed at night, better cold water, left lower molar, jerking, tearing in antrum. Gums bleed.


Taste, mucous, pappy, bitter, food tasting natural. Bitter taste when not eating. Tongue: nervous, pointed, thickly coated, yellow with red margin, teeth indented. Mouth dry. Salivation: bitter, oozing of blood. Bad odour. Mucus flies from mouth when coughing.


Sensation as if larynx were pressed on oesophagus impeding deglutition. Sensation of choking in throat, as if too large a morsel had been swallowed. Fauces red, swelling of uvula and tonsils, shooting in tonsils, burning and scraping in throat.


Appetite lost. Thirst with dry mouth and throat. Desire for milk, which agrees, for sour things. Aversion to cheese, to meat. Prefers hot drinks, which better. All complaints better after dinner.


Hiccough. Frequent belchings. Eructations tasting like juniper berries. Nausea with sensation of heat in stomach. Bilious vomiting. Gnawing in stomach relieved by eating. Sensation of coldness in stomach. Cutting pain in stomach when yawning, soon after eating.


Colic, navel drawn in. Stitches in liver and spleen. Shooting stitching through liver to back, crampy pain inner angle of scapula. Right (and left) hypochondrium and scrobiculus cordis tense and painful on pressure. Pains across umbilicus as if abdomen constricted by a string. Abdominal plethora, distension, rumbling.

Stool and Anus

Mucous diarrhoea at night. Stools white bright yellow, like clay. Constipation, stool hard, in hard lumps. Some blood with stool. Periodic straining and pressing on rectum, as if before a stool without result. Burning, cutting, drawing, crawling and itching, sticking and itching in rectum and anus (Haemorrhoids).

Urinary Organs

Pressure in bladder with scanty emission. Spasmodic pain in right kidney and liver. Burning, darting and cutting in urethra. Frequent desire and urging to micturate. Urine: profuse, whitish, foaming, red and turbid, dark. (Diabetes.).

Male Sexual Organs.

Drawing pains in spermatic cord, in testicles. Eczematous excoriation on male parts and anus. Painful swelling right testicle with tension and drawing in spermatic cord.

Female Sexual Organs.

Menses too late, too profuse, lasting too long. Pain in right ovary. Milk diminished.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness. Spasm of glottis. While coughing pain in larynx and sacrum. Pricking, sticking, tickling, constriction in larynx. Pressure as if air could not pass through, as if swollen (right). Pressure, heat or irritation in trachea. Short breath and tight chest. Nightly attacks of asthma with sense of constriction in region of diaphragm Cough in paroxysms, throws up lumps of mucus. Cough after waking and on rising, with sensation of dust under sternum. Paroxysms of cough with copious expectoration, with pain behind sternum, especially at night. Paroxysms of dry cough 4 p-



Stitches beneath right ribs, left side of chest. Deep-seated pain in whole right side of chest. Soreness of lower ribs right side.


Stitches and lancinating pains in cardiac region and heart, in pectoral muscles. Periodic palpitation. Violent palpitation with tightness of chest.

Neck and Back

Drawing in nape and occiput. Stiff-neck, head drawn to left. Stitches beneath right scapula (hindering motion of arm). Fixed pain under inner and lower angle of right scapula. Violent pains at lower angle of left scapula. When bending forwards or backwards, tearing, pressing pain in back as if vertebrae were being broken asunder. Drawing from sacrum to right side of scrobiculus.


Twitching in arms and legs. Neuralgia in limbs. Rheumatism. Least touch anywhere is exceedingly painful, sweat without relief. Limbs feel heavy, stiff, and lame, flabby, trembling.

Upper Limbs

Pain in right shoulder, in left shoulder. Inability to use right (also left) arm and forearm with freedom, sometimes attended with tearing pain. Stiffness in wrist. Stiffness, stitches in wrists. Tips of fingers cold.

Lower Limbs.

Shooting in r. hip- Drawing pains in hips, thighs, legs; and feet, more r.side -Weight in lower limbs.- Swelling of feet, most round ankle. -Toes feel dead.- Intolerable pains in heels, as if they had been pinched by too narrow a shoe.


Yellow, yellowish-grey shrivelled skin. Itching. Burning like nettles, preceding eruption like measles. Red painful pimples and pustules on various parts. Red miliary eruption on neck, chest and arms. Eczema. Old, putrid, spreading ulcers.


Frequent yawning. Lethargic. Sleepy, wants to lie down but cannot sleep. Sleep dreamful, unrefreshing. Dreams of corpses and funerals.


Yawning and shivering before attacks. Icy coldness of right foot. Violent shivering fit, 3 p-m daily. Rigor followed by heat and sorrowful, anxious mood. Heat of head, dark red cheeks, pulsation in arteries, full pulse, faintness, difficulty of speech, nausea, short breath, cold feet. Burning heat of hands, spreading thence over body. Moist, burning skin. Sweat during the night, especially towards morning, Sweat on least exertion.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica