

Causticum is antidoted by: Asafoetida, Coffea, Coloc., Dulcamara, Guai. (rheumatic contractions), Nit-s-d., Nux-v. *Is antidote to: Asafoetida, China, Coloc., Euphr., Plumb. (Lead poisoning), type- poisoning, abuse of Mercurius, and Sulph. In scabies. *Incompatible: Acids, Coffea, Phosphorus *Compatible: *Before-Calcarea, Kali-i. (facial paralysis from an abscess), Lycopodium, Nux-v., Rhus-t., Ruta, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur *Intercurrently _Arsenicum, Cuprum, Ignatia, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Rhus, Sepia, Stann. *After-Calcarea, Cocc., Coloc., Cuprum, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Petroleum, Petros., Rhus-t., Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur *Complementary: Petros. Mercuriuscor., assists the action of Causticum and *vice versa (in small-pox, according to Teste). *Compare: nitricum acidum is like Causticum in being at once antipsoric, antisycotic, and antisyphilitic. Phosphorus touches Causticum at many points, and is too near it to be compatible with it. (This only applies to cases in which either of the two has done good, if one has been given without any result the other, if indicated, will very likely succeed.) Both Causticum and Phosphorus are taciturn and distrustful, or inclined to fits of anger, both are worse at twilight, both have sensations of tension. The hoarseness of Phosphorus (like that of Carb-v.) is worse in evening. Phosphorus has extreme sensitiveness of larynx and dreads to cough or talk. The Causticum cough is better by cold drinks. Carb-v. has rawness and burning down throat (like Causticum) and hoarseness from damp evening air. *Compare also: Calcarea (images on closing eyes), Natrum mur. and Sepia (Spurting of urine with cough), Rhus-t. (rheumatism from damp and cold, but with Rhus-t. there is restlessness and better from motion always- Causticum has restlessness at *night only), Eup-per. (hoarseness worse in morning, influenza with aching all over body, has more soreness on chest than Causticum), Sal-ac., China, Carb-s. (Meniere’s disease), Coloc. (colic), Lycopodium (sweat and heat worse 6 to 8 p-m.), Baryta carb. (mental weakness, paralysis, worse damp weather), Sepia (Enuresis in first sleep,_in deep sleep, Belladonna, Sulphur), Calcarea (scalding urine), Sarsaparilla (Urine, especially in women, passed without patient’s knowledge), Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lachesis, Lycopodium and Phosphorus (difficult swallowing of liquids), Calcarea, Carb-an., Stroph. And Stramonium (Fear of darkness), Tarent (restlessness), Gelsemium (Ptosis, paralysis, faint-like weakness and trembling, blindness), Antim tart. (laryngeal affections), Lycopodium (contraction of brow with pain in head), Cepa (sore heel), Sepia (Sadness, especially before menses. Face yellow), Ammonium carb. (rawness and burning in chest), Aconite (paralysis from cold), Pulsatilla (cystitis, failure of milk after labour), Euphrasia (ptosis from cold), Nat-c., Sulphur And Sul-ac. (falls easily), Kali-bi. (blindness with headache, Kali-bi. has blindness better, as headache worse ).


Burns or scalds. Fright. Grief or sorrow. Night watching. Suppressed eruptions. Ulcers maltreated with lead.



Mirthfulness sometimes, and soon after, ill-humour. Melancholy and vexatious thoughts, day and night, with tears. Hypochondriacal sadness. Restlessness, apprehension, and great anguish. Anxiety of heart. Fearfulness, especially at night. Afraid at night (in the dark room, the child does not want to go to bed alone). Mistrust of the future. Discouragement. Irascibility and passion, with great sensitiveness of disposition. Quarrelsome and wrangling spirit. Indisposition to labour. Disposition to be frightened. Weakness of memory. Absence of mind. Tendency to make mistakes when speaking.


Confusion in the head, as if it were compressed. Feeling of intoxication, and as if momentarily on the point of falling. Vertigo, with sensation of weakness in the head, and anxiety. Attacks of headache, with nausea. Headache in the morning, sometimes on waking, with sensation, as from a bruise, in the brain. Nocturnal pain in the head, as if from an abscess in the brain. Dull and pressive headache, which occasions gloominess, and is felt chiefly in the forehead or in the occiput. Shooting pains, especially in the temples. Digging, with sudden shocks in the head. Congestion in the head, with ebullition and noise internally. Tensive or compressive pains in the head. The headache sometimes exhibits itself only on one side (left). Heat and sensation of burning in the head. Tightness and shootings in the head. Tension and tightness in the head, and of the scalp (forehead and temples). Sensation of torpor in the occiput.


Pain in the eyes, as if the eyeball were dilating. Aching in the eyes, as if from sand, sometimes aggravated by the touch. Itching, smarting, and burning pain in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and itching of the eyes and eyelids. Ulceration of the eyes. Lachrymation. Difficulty in opening the eyes, with a sensation as if the eyelids were swollen. Visible quivering of the eyelids. Obscuration of the eyes, often sudden, and sometimes as if the eyes were covered by a skin. Sight confused, as if a gauze or mist were before it. Ophthalmia where there is opacity of the cornea which has spread over the pupil. Movements before the eyes, as of a swarm of insects. Dark nets, which seem to dance before the eyes. Lights and sparks before the eyes. Photophobia. Warts of old standing in the eyebrows, on the upper eyelid (and nose).


Otalgia, with pressive pain outwards, as if the inner parts were pressed out. Shootings, and pain, as of excoriation, in the ears. Swelling of the ears, externally, with shooting and burning pain. Stitches in the (right) ear. Discharge of fetid pus from the ear. Itching in the lobe of the ear, as if from a tetter. Words spoken and steps re-echo in the ear. Tinkling in the ears. Loud resounding noises in the ear, with hardness of hearing. Rumbling and buzzing, rolling and murmuring in the ears, and in the head. Sensation of stoppage in the ears.


Itching at the point, and the alae nasi. Scaly nose, externally and internally, with burning and itching. Eruption at the pint of the nose. Warts of long standing on the nose (orbits, upper eyelids). Blowing of blood from the nose, every morning. Epistaxis. Loss of smell. Obstruction of the nose. Dry chronic coryza. Coryza with hoarseness preventing loud speech. Fluent coryza, with nocturnal cough, rough hoarseness and headache. Discharge of fetid mucus from the nose. Sneezing in the morning.


Yellow colour of the face, especially in the temples, with bluish lips. Burning sensation in the cheeks, and especially in the cheek-bones, Arthritic and tensive pains in the bones of the face, in the cheeks-bones, and in the jaws. Swelling of the cheeks, with pulsative pains. Sensation of tension and of swelling under the jaw, which impedes its opening. Itching eruption on the face. Eruption of red pimples on the face. Semi- lateral (right) paralysis of the face, from the forehead to the chin. Cramps in the lips. Excoriation and eruption on the lips, and at the commissures of the lips. Tetter on the lower lip. Tensive, dragging pain in the jaws, with difficulty in opening the mouth. Inflammatory swelling of the chin, with burning pain.


Odontalgia, provoked by the introduction of air on opening the mouth. Pain, as from excoriation, or tractive pains, and acute pulling, throbbings, or shootings in the teeth, in the under jaw, in the lower teeth, (particularly on the (left) side). Painful loosening and elongation of the teeth (incisors). Fistula in the gums. Prolonged ulceration of the gums. Painful sensibility, swelling, and ready bleeding of the gums.


Dryness of the mouth and tongue. Accumulation of mucus in the mouth. Pain, as of excoriation and burning in the mouth, in the palate, and at the point of the tongue. Stuttering, embarrassed, wheezing, and very indistinct speech. Paralysis of the tongue. Swelling of the inner side of the check, he bites it when chewing. Distortion of the mouth and of the tongue, when speaking Burning ulcer on the inner surface of the upper lip.


Sore throat on using exertion, as if it were lacerated internally. Pain as of excoriation, roughness, scraping, and burning pain in throat. Shooting pain in the throat on swallowing. Audible cracking in the throat. Constant urging to swallow, with sensation of swelling or of contraction of the gullet. Difficulty in swallowing, from paralysis of the organs of

deglutition. Sensation of cold which ascends to the throat. Dryness of the throat, without thirst. Accumulation of mucus in the throat, and behind the palate, with expectoration by hawking.


Putrid, greasy, rancid, or bitter taste. Burning thirst for cold drinks and for beer. Sensation as if lime were being slaked in the stomach. Dislike to sweet things. At the commencement of a meal, loss of appetite and disgust. Fresh meat causes nausea, smoked meat agrees. Sensation of suffering as from indigestion. Pressure in the stomach, after eating bread. After every meal, pressure on the whole abdomen, or on the stomach, or else nausea and inflation of the abdomen, or else, again, shivering or heat in the face.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica