Carbo vegetabilis


Alcohol. Bad food: eggs, wines, liquors, fish. Fat food. Butter. Salt or salt food. Poultry. Ice-water. Debauchery. Strains. Lifting. Over-work (asthenopia). Change of weather. Warm, damp weather. Hot air inhaled from fire. Overheating.



Inquietude and anxiety, especially in the evening (4 – 6 p-m.). Fear of spectres, especially at night. Timidity, irresolution, and embarrassment in society. Despair with lachrymose humour, and discouragement, with desire for death, and tendency to suicide. Disposition to be frightened. Irascibility and passion. Sudden, and periodical weakness of memory. Slowness of apprehension. Fixed ideas. Aversion to labour.


Vertigo, after the slightest movement of the head, or after having slept, as well as on stooping and walking. Vertigo with nausea. Obscuration of the eyes, trembling, buzzing in the ears, and even loss of consciousness. Pressive headache, with tears in the eyes, they are painful when moving them. Headache from being overheated. Headache, with trembling of the jaw. Nocturnal headache. Cramp-like tension in the brain, or sensation, as if from contraction, of the teguments of the head. Heaviness of the head. Pressive headache, especially above the eyes, in the temples and in the occiput. Drawing pain in the head, commencing at the nape of the neck, with nausea. Shootings in the vertex. Beating and pulsation in the head, especially in the evening, or after a meal, with congestion of blood and heat, or burning sensation in the head. The headache frequently extends from the nape of the neck to the brain, and is sometimes aggravated after a, meal. Acute tractive pains in the teguments of the head,

especially in the occiput and in the forehead, often commencing in the limbs. Painful sensibility of the hairy scalp to external pressure (for instance, that of the hat). Sensitiveness of scalp is worse in the afternoon and evening, and after eating, worse from taking cold, or when getting warm in bed. Susceptibility to cold in the head. Falling off of the hair, with itching of the scalp on the evening, when getting warm in bed.


Pains in the eyes, after having fatigued the sight, and from fine work. Pains in the muscles of the eyes, on looking upwards. Itching, smarting, heat, pressure and burning pain in the eyes, and in the corners of the eyes. Nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids. Bleeding of the eyes, often with strong congestion in the head. Quivering and trembling of the eyelids. Black, flying spots before the eyes. Myopia. Insensibility of the pupil.


Otalgia in the evening. In the evening, redness and heat of the (right) external ear. Want of cerumen. Flow of fetid pus from the inner ear. Obstruction of the ears. Pulsations in the ears. Tingling and buzzing in ears. Swelling of the parotids.


Itching in the nose, with tickling and tingling in the nostrils. Redness of the tip, and scabs at the point of the nose. Obstruction of the nose, especially towards evening, or serous flow, without coryza. Violent coryza, with hoarseness and rawness of the chest, tingling and tickling in the nose, and ineffectual inclination to sneeze. Frequent and continued epistaxis, especially at night and in the morning, with paleness of the face, or else after having stooped, or after straining to evacuate.


Paleness of the face. Complexion yellow, greyish, greenish. Face hippocratic. Tractive pains, acute pullings, piercings, and burning pains in the bones of the face. Swelling of the face and of the cheeks. Tetters in the face. Furunculi before the ear, and under the jaw. Red pimples on the face (in young persons). Swelling of the lips. Lips cracked. Purulent blisters on the lips. Fissures of the ulcerated lips. Eruptions, like tetters, on the chin, and on the commissures of the lips. Twitchings of the upper lip.


Toothache, with pulling or drawing pains, acute, or contractive, ulcerative, or pulsative pains, provoked by taking anything hot or cold, as well as by food too salt. Obstinate looseness of the teeth. The gums recede from the teeth (incisors). Unfastening, retraction, excoriation, and ulceration of the gums. Bleeding of gums, and sockets of the teeth.


Heat and dryness, or accumulation of water in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth, without thirst. Roughness in the mouth and on the tongue. Tongue coated white or yellow-brown. Stomacace. Excoriation of the tongue, with difficulty in moving it.


Sore throat, as if from internal swelling. Sensation of constriction in the throat, with impeded deglutition. Smarting, scraping, and burning pain in the throat, the palate, and the gullet. Feeling of coldness in the throat. Pain of excoriation in the throat on coughing, on blowing the nose, and on swallowing. Rattling from much phlegm in the throat, which is easily detached. Swelling and inflammation of the uvula, with stitches in the throat.


Bitter taste. Salt taste in the mouth, and of food. Want of appetite, or thirst and immoderate hunger. Chronic dislike to meat, milk, and fat. Desire for salt food, or food sweetened with sugar. Great desire for coffee. After a meal, but especially after taking milk, great inflation of the abdomen, acidity in the mouth, and sour risings. Sweat, especially during a meal. Great heat after drinking wine. After dinner, confusion of the head and pressure of the stomach, or headache, heaviness in the limbs and mental anxiety. Weakness of digestion, the plainest food inconveniences him.


Empty or bitter risings. Risings of food, and especially of fat food. Sour risings, especially after a meal. Pyrosis. Hiccough after every movement. Nausea, especially in the morning, after a meal, or at night. Continual nausea. Flow of water from the stomach, like saliva, even in the night. Vomiting of blood, of food in the evening. Heaviness, fullness, and tension in the stomach. Cramps in the stomach, contractive, or pressive and burning, with accumulation of flatus, and great sensitiveness of the epigastrium. Sensation of scraping and of trembling in the stomach. The pains in the stomach are aggravated or renewed by fright, opposition, a chill, as well as after a meal, or at night, and especially after having taken flatulent food, also by suckling. Colic, with the sensation of a burning pressure, much flatulence and sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach. Pressure at the pit of the stomach, as if the heart were going to be crushed, especially in suckling women.


Pain in the hypochondria like that of a bruise, and especially in the hepatic region, chiefly when it is touched. Shooting pain under the ribs. Tension, pressure, and shootings in the hepatic region. Shootings in the spleen. Pressure of the clothes on the hypochondria. Pains in the umbilical region on its being touched. Heaviness, fullness, inflation and tension of the abdomen, with heat in the whole body. Colic, produced by the motion of a carriage. Pressure and cramps in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, as from lifting a weight, or from dislocation. Burning pain and great anguish in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen, coming from the left side and tending towards the right side, with sensation of paralytic weakness in the thigh. Much flatulency, especially after a meal, and sometimes with sensation of torpor in the abdomen. Flatulent, cramp-like colic, even at night. Borborygmi and movements in the abdomen. Excessive discharge of flatus, of a putrid smell. Aggravation of the abdominal sufferings after eating the smallest portion of food. The pains in the abdomen are often accompanied by anxiety and tears. He cannot bear any tight clothing around his waist and abdomen.

Stool and Anus

Constipation. Hard, tough, scanty stool. Insufficient evacuations. Difficult evacuations, without being hard, with straining, burning pain in the anus, and pains similar to those of parturition, in the abdomen. Evacuations liquid, pale of mucus-like. Discharge of mucus and of blood instead of faeces during the evacuations, with cries (in children). Involuntary evacuations, of substances of a putrid smell. Discharge of blood from the anus with every evacuations. After the evacuation, aching pain in the abdomen. Large painful haemorrhoidal tumours of a deep blue colour at the anus. Fluent haemorrhoids. Shooting, itching and burning pain in the anus. Discharge from varices. Discharge of taenia. Discharge of a viscous and corrosive serum from the anus and rectum, especially at night. Excoriation and oozing at the perinaeum.

Urinary Organs

Diminution of the secretion of urine. Frequent, anxious, and urgent inclination to make water, day and night. Wetting the bed. Urine red, and very deep-coloured, as if it were mixed with blood. Urine of a deep red, with a dark cloudy appearance. Copious urine, of a clear yellow colour, or thickish and whitish (diabetes). Smarting on making water. Constriction of the urethra every morning.

Male Sexual Organs:-

Extraordinary affluence of voluptuous thoughts. Frequent pollutions. Too speedy emission in coition, followed by roaring in the head. Smooth, red, and oozing spots on the glans penis. Discharge of prostatic fluid while at stool. Itching and moisture at the thigh, near the scrotum. Pressure in the testes.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica