Cannabis Indica

Male Sexual Organs:-

Sexual desire excessively increased. Satyriasis, priapism. Erections not caused by amorous thoughts. Violent painful erections. Penis relaxed and shrunken. Itching in the glans penis. Sharp pricking, like needles, in urethra, so severe as to send a thrill to cheeks and hands.

Female Sexual Organs:-

Very profuse menstruation, painful, dark but without clots. Spasmodic uterine colic, pains returning like labour pains, great agitation and sleeplessness. Threatened miscarriage in 8th month, burning on micturition with purulent discharge.

Respiratory Organs

Rough cough, with scraping immediately under the sternum. It requires a great effort to take a deep inspiration.


Oppression of chest, with deep, laboured breathing. He feels as if suffocated, and has to be fanned. Stitches extending from both nipples through chest.

Heart and Pulse

Palpitation of the heart, awaking from sleep. Pressing pain in the heart, with dyspnoea the whole night. Piercing pain in the heart. Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart. Stitches in the heart, accompanied by great oppression, the latter relieved by deep breathing. Pulse very slow (AS LOW AS 46).

Neck and Back

Pain across the shoulders and spine, must stoop, cannot walk erect. Chin suddenly drawn down to sternum, lasting three days. Warmth in spine extending to head. Backache, worse during menses, which occur every two weeks and are scanty.

Upper Limbs

Agreeable thrilling through the arms and hands. Paralysis of the right arm. Coldness of right hand, with stiffness and numbness of right thumb.

Lower Limbs

Entire paralysis of the lower extremities Weariness in limbs,

and stiffness and aching in knees, almost paralysis. Agreeable thrilling from the knees down, with a sensation as if a bird’s claws were clasping the knees. On attempting to walk, intensely violent pain as if treading on spikes, which penetrated the soles, and ran upward through the limbs to the hips, worse in right limb, and accompanied by drawing pains in both calves. Shooting pains in the joints of the toes of left foot, worse in great toe, aching and stitching pain in ball of left great toe.


Great desire to lie down in the daytime. Thoroughly exhausted after a short walk. Felt so weak that he could scarcely speak, and soon fell into a deep sleep.


Excessive sleepiness, sound sleep, with melancholy dreams. Starting of the limbs while sleeping, causing him to awake. Voluptuous dreams, with erection and profuse seminal emission. Talks during sleeps. Gritting teeth during sleep. Dreams prophetic, vexatious, of dead bodies, of danger, and of perils to be encountered. Nightmare every night as soon as he falls asleep.


Loss of animal heat. General chilliness. Coldness of the face, nose, and hands after dinner. Profuse sticky sweat, standing out in drops on his forehead.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica