Calcarea Fluorata

Calcarea Fluorata signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Calcarea Fluorata is used…

      Calcium Fluoride. Fluor spar. Ca F2. Trituration.


Adenoids. Aneurism. Bone affections. Breast, indurations of. Cataract. Catarrh. Cold sores. Corneal opacities. Cough. Exostosis. Flatulence. Glands, indurated. hemoptysis. Herpes. Hodgkin’s disease. Joints, cracking of. Liver, affections of. *Lumbago. Nodes. Ozaena. Parturition. Post-nasal Catarrh. Spavin (horses). Strains. Syphilis.


*Calcarea fluor. is Schussler’s “bone salt. ” It is found in the surface of bones, the enamel of teeth, in elastic fibres and in the cells of the epidermis. It has been principally used for dispersing bony growths, ulcerations of bone, and for fistula. A giant-celled sarcoma of upper maxilla causing the deformity known as “frog-face” was very greatly relieved by *Calcarea fluor. in a short space of time, after Silica has failed to make much impression. ***W. P. Wesselhoeft cured two cases of syphilitic periosteal swelling, one on right radius, one on left ulna, one sensitive, one not, one patient male dark, the other blonde female. Each case received a dose of *Calcarea fl. c.m. ***G. P. Hale, with the 3X, has removed induration after typhlitis, also encysted tumour of eyelids. He regards induration threatening suppuration as a marked indication. Induration in epigastric region after a kick from a horse was cured. Also indurated glands (of neck, of breast, etc.) of stony hardness. The mental condition is one of depression, anxiety, indecision. Cephalhematoma. Spots on cornea. Senile cataract has been cured by it. Ozaena. Herpes (hard, small) on lips. Deficient enamel of teeth. Prickly, burning, suffocating sensation in throat. Bleeding piles. One prover, Dr. Sarah N. Smith, had among other symptoms this peculiar and constant one in the head: A sort of creaking, straining, and drawing, like the noise of a cornstalk fiddle, greatly interfering with sleep. Dr. Sarah Hogan gave Calcarea fluor. with complete success in a case of flatulency in a pregnant woman. The patient passed through the labor quite easily, whereas the previous labor had been very difficult. In many other cases Dr. Hogan found the remedy facilitate labor. She found flatulency a marked indication for the remedy independently of pregnancy. In hemoptysis it has been used with success, its effect being apparently to cause contraction of the blood- vessels. Lumbago from strains, worse after rest, better after moving a little and from warmth. Vivid dreams of death. Warmth better, warm drinks better, cold drinks worse throat pain. Worse From damp weather, but better from fomentations. Better By rubbing.


*Compare: Calc-p. (ozaena, suppuration of bones), Natrum mur. (cold sores), Silicea (Swellings on skulls of infants, suppuration of bones, spavin), Ph-ac. (spavin). It cured lumbago worse by rest, better by motion, after failure of Rhus.



Indecision. -Anxiety about money matters, fear of want.


Exostosis.- Cephalhematoma. -A sort of creaking, straining and drawing, like the noise of a corn-stalk fiddle, greatly interfering with sleep.


Flickering and sparks before eyes. Spots on cornea. Cataract. Eyeballs ache, better closing eyes and pressing tightly.


Calcareous deposits on tympanic membrane.


Copious, offensive, thick, greenish-yellow nasal catarrh, with bony growths. Post-nasal catarrh.


Hard swelling on jaw, under jaw. Cold sores, rather small, hard, on lips.


Deficient enamel of teeth. Great dryness of mouth and throat, and dryness and harshness of skin.


Prickling, burning, suffocative sensation in throat, worse at night and from cold drinks, better from warm drinks. Increased mucus in posterior nares.


Vomits undigested food. Hiccough.


Flatulence.- Paroxysm of lancinating pains in right hypochondrium under 11th rib, awaking him about midnight, worse lying on painful side, which causes a feeling of bursting outward, better lying on painless side, and by doubling up, with restlessness. At 8 a.m. frequent attacks of lancinating pain in hepatic region, worse when sitting, better after lying down at night. -Dull weight and discomfort in right hypochondrium.

Stool and Anus.

Slight diarrhoea with painful urging before stool. -Constipation with dizziness and dull headache. Itching in anus awakening him at night. -Bleeding piles. -Fissure, fistula.

Urinary Organs

Urine causes smarting along urethra, particularly at external orifice. Urine diminished, high-colored, offensive.

Male Sexual Organs:-

Induration of testes. Hydrocele. Hunterian chancre.

Female Sexual Organs:-

Excessive menses. Prolapsus uteri. Bearing-down, dragging pains in uterus and thighs. Hard knots in breasts. Flatulence in pregnant women. Favours parturition. After-pains from feeble contractions.

Respiratory Organs

Hoarseness after laughing or reading aloud. -Soon after itching at anus, itching tickling in larynx, forcing a spasmodic cough, which was relieved after a few hours by hawking a little mucus from larynx. -Hacking cough, from tickling in larynx as of a foreign body, not better by coughing. -Difficulty of breathing, as if epiglottis was nearly closed.

Neck and Back

Goitre. Indurated cervical glands of stony hardness. Lumbago from strains, severe backache after a long ride, worse after rest, better after moving a little and from warmth. Tired aching, as from a long ride, with restlessness.


Cracking in joints. Synovial swellings. Easy dislocations. Exostoses. (Spavin).


Skin harsh and dry. Chaps, fissures. Fistulae.


Vivid and distinct dreams, with weeping. Jumped from bed in a dream and tried to get out of a window, which woke him.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica