Calcarea Carbonica


Unpleasant taste in the mouth, mostly bitter, or sour, or metallic, especially in the morning.- Insipidity, or sickly or sour taste of food. -Burning or constant thirst, especially for cold drinks, and often with total absence of appetite. -Continued violent thirst for cold drinks (at night). -Hunger, a short time after having eaten. -Bulimia, generally in the morning. – Prolonged distaste for meat and hot food. -Repugnance to tobacco- smoke, desire for salt things, for wine, and for dainties. – Weakness of digestion. -After having taken milk, nausea or acid regurgitations.- After a meal, heat or inflation of the abdomen, with nausea and headache, pain in the abdomen or in the stomach, or else risings and water-brash, or dejection or drowsiness. Risings, with taste of undigested, or bitter, or sour food.


Pyrosis after every meal, and noisy and constant eructations. Eructations tasting like the ingesta. -Regurgitation of sour substances. Frequent nausea, especially in the morning, in the evening, or at night, sometimes with shuddering, obscuration of sight, and fainting. -Sour vomitings. -Sour vomiting, especially in children, and during dentition. -Vomiting of food, or of bitter mucus, often with incisive and cramp-like pains in the abdomen. Black or sanguineous vomiting.- Flow of saliva from the stomach, even after a meal.- The vomitings appear chiefly in the morning, at night, or after a meal. -The vomitings appear chiefly in the morning, at night, or after a meal. Pressive, or pinching pain in the stomach, or cramp-like and contractive pains, chiefly after a meal, and often with vomiting of food. Cramps in the stomach at night. -Pressure on the stomach, even when fasting, or in coughing, or with pressure on the hypochondria, or else with squeezing as if from a claw, on walking. -Pinchings, cutting pains, and nocturnal aching in the epigastrium.- Inflation and swelling of the epigastrium and of the region of the stomach, with painful sensibility of those parts to the touch (they look like a saucer turned bottom up).- Pain, as of excoriation, and burning in the stomach.


Pains generally shooting, or tensive, or pressive, with swelling and induration of the hepatic region. -Stinging pain in the liver (during or after stooping). -Painful pulling from the hypochondria and the back, with vertigo and obscuration of sight. -Tension in the two hypochondria. Inability to wear tight clothes round the hypochondria. -Tension and inflation of the abdomen.- Frequent gripings and shootings in the sides of the abdomen, in children. Colic, with cramp-like and gnawing contractive pains, especially in the afternoon, and sometimes with vomiting of food. -Frequent attacks of griping, chiefly in the epigastrium. – Shootings or pinchings, and aching in the abdomen, even without diarrhoea. -The pains in the abdomen appear chiefly in the morning, in the evening, or at night, as well as after a meal. – Sensation of cold in the abdomen. Pain, as of excoriation and burning, in the abdomen. -Swelling and induration of the mesenteric glands. Enlargement and hardness of the abdomen. – Incarceration of flatulency. -Pressure of wind towards the inguinal ring, as if hernia were about to protrude, with noise and borborygmi. -Painful pressure, pullings, griping, and shootings, or heaviness or traction in the groins. Swelling and painful sensibility of the inguinal glands.

Stool and Anus.

Constipation. Evacuations suspended, hard, in small quantity, and often with undigested substances. -Ineffectual efforts to evacuate, sometimes with pain.- Difficult evacuation, and only every two days.- Relaxation of the abdomen, frequent or continual, two evacuations a day. -Evacuations like clay, in small quantity, knotty, or serous, or in the form of pap. -White evacuations, sometimes with streaks of blood and hepatic pains, on touching the region of the liver, and on breathing. -Diarrhoea of sour smell, putrid, during dentition. -Involuntary and frothy evacuations. -Diarrhoea, of a sour smell, or fetid, or yellowish, in infants. -Ejection of ascarides and of tenia.- Prolapsus of the rectum during evacuation. -Before the evacuation, great irascibility. After the evacuation, dejection, and relaxation of the limbs. -Flow of blood from the anus during the evacuation, also at other times. -Swelling, and frequent protrusion of haemorrhoidal excrescences, especially during the evacuations, with burning pain.- Cramps, tenesmus, and contraction of the rectum. -Burning in the rectum and in the anus, with itching and tingling. -Burning eruption, in the form of a cluster, in the anus. Excoriation at the anus, and between the buttocks and the thighs. Affections of the rectum, as fissures, which are very painful, bleeding after every stool, followed by extreme exhaustion.

Urinary Organs

Tenesmus of the bladder.- Too frequent emission of urine, even in the night. -Wetting the bed.- Deep-colored urine, without sediment. -Urine red like blood, or a brownish red, of an acrid, pungent, and fetid smell, with white and mealy sediment.- Passing of blood.- Flow of blood from the urethra.- Abundant discharge of mucus with the urine.- Polypus of the bladder.- Burning in the urethra, when making water, and at other times.

Male Sexual Organs:-

Inflammation of the prepuce, with redness and burning pain. Pressure, and pain as from a bruise, in the testes. -Weakness of the genital functions, and absence of sexual desire. -Increase of sexual desire, with voluptuous and lascivious ideas. -Absence of pollutions, or great frequency of them. -Erections of too short continuance, and emission of semen too slow and too feeble during coition. -Lancinations and burning in the genital parts, during the emission of semen in coition. -After coition, confusion of the head and weakness. -Flow of prostatic fluid, after evacuation and emission of urine.

Female Sexual Organs:-

Catamenia premature and too copious. -Sterility, with catamenia too early, and too profuse. Before the catamenia, mammae swollen and painful, fatigue, headache, disposition to be frightened, colic, and shivering. During the catamenia, congestion in the head, with internal heat, or cuttings in the abdomen, and cramp- like pain in the lumbar region, or else vertigo, headache, toothache, nausea, colic, and other sufferings. -Suppressed menstruation, with full habit. Miscarriage.- Voluptuous sensation in the genital parts, with emission.- Flow of blood at a time different from the catamenia.- Metrorrhagia.- Itching or pressing in the vagina.- Shootings in the orifice of the matrix, and pressive pain in the vagina. -Prolapsus uteri, with pressure on the parts. Itchings in the womb. -Inflammation and swelling of the womb, with redness, purulent discharge, and burning pain.- Varices in the labia majora. -Leucorrhoea before the catamenia. – Leucorrhoea, with burning itching, or else like milk, flowing by fits, and during the emission of urine. Pain, as of excoriation and ulceration, in the nipples. -Inflammatory swelling of the mammae and of the nipples. Swelling of the glands of the breast. -Breast painful and tender before menses. -Milk too abundant, or suppressed.

Respiratory Organs

Ulceration of the larynx. Ulceration of the lungs. -Frequent or long-continued hoarseness. Hoarseness (painless). -Sensation, as if something were torn loose in the trachea.- Abundant accumulation of mucus in the larynx and in the bronchia.- Cough, without expectoration, excited by a tickling in the throat, and often accompanied by vomiting. -Tickling cough, caused by a sensation of dust in the larynx.- Short cough in the day, as if from a feather in the throat.- Cough excited by playing on the piano, or by eating.- Cough in the evening, in bed, or at night, when asleep, or in the morning, and generally violent and dry (with expectoration during the day, but not at night), sometimes even spasmodic.- Cough, with expectoration of thick mucus, gray, bloody, purulent, tasting sour, or yellowish and fetid, generally at night, or in the morning.- Expectoration of purulent matter, on coughing.- Cough, with expectoration of blood, pain of excoriation in the chest, vertigo, and unsteady walk.- On coughing, pressure in the stomach, shootings or shocks in the head, and pains in the chest.


Obstructed breathing on stooping, walking against the wind, or on lying down.- Urgent inclination to inspire deeply. -Sensation, as if respiration were obstructed between the shoulder-blades. Oppression at the chest, as if from congestion of blood, with tension, mitigated by bringing shoulder-blades together.- Wheezing respiration. -Shortness of breath, chiefly on ascending. -Anxious oppression of the chest, as if it were too narrow, and could not be sufficiently dilated. -Great difficulty of respiration. -Sensation of fatigue in the chest after speaking. – Anxious feeling in the chest. -Pressure on the chest. -Shootings in the chest and the sides, especially during movement, on breathing deeply, and when lying on the side affected. -Shocks in the chest. Sensibility, and pain, as from excoriation, in the chest. Especially during inspiration and on being touched. – Burning in the chest.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica