Cactus Grandiflorus


Difficulty of breathing, continued oppression and uneasiness as if the chest were constricted with a (hot) iron band, hindering respiration. Whirling sensation from chest to brain, arterial throbbing. Oppressed breathing from a weight on chest. Congestion of the chest which prevents lying down, palpitation, constriction as from a tight cord around false ribs. Sensation of a great constriction in middle of sternum, as if the parts were compressed by iron pincers, with oppression of breathing, worse on motion.

Heart and Pulse

Pain deep in heart like a jerking body, frequently repeated. Something seemed to be whirling up from chest to brain. Sensation as if heart turned over, as if it whirled round, as if some one was grasping heart firmly, with sensation as if it whirled round, as if heart was bound down and had not room enough to beat, as if bolts were holding it, as if compressed or squeezed by a band. Lancinating pain in heart when perspiration fails. Deathlike feeling at heart and round to left back. Acute pains, pricking and stitches in the heart. Palpitation of the heart, day and night, worse when walking, and at night, when lying on left side. Palpitation in small irregular beats (at times frequent, at others slow), from slightest excitement or deep thought, with necessity for deep inspiration. Pains in apex of heart, shooting down left arm to ends of fingers, feeble pulse, dyspnoea. Endocardial murmurs, excessive impulse, increased precordial dulness, enlarged ventricle. Heart disease with Oedema of left hand only. -Aneurism. -Atheromatous arteries.

Neck and Back

Exophthalmic goitre. Cold in back and icy cold hands. Rheumatism of shoulder. Pain under left shoulder-blade (with palpitation). Lumbar muscles tender on pressure and stiff, especially on first moving after repose.


Rheumatic pains, in shoulders, upper and lower arms, in hips down to feet, worse in rest and in motion, and in all positions.

Upper Limbs

Pain in shoulders and arms. Sore aching in left arm down to elbow, down to fingers. Numbness of left arm. Formication and weight in arms. Oedema of the hands, worse in the left.

Lower Limbs

Restlessness of legs, cannot keep them still. Oedema of the feet, extending to the knees, the skin is shining, pressure with the fingers leaves an indentation.


General weakness and prostration of strength. Sensation of constriction: in throat, chest, heart, bladder, rectum. Haemorrhages: from nose, lungs, rectum, bladder, stomach. Congestions.


Dry, scaly herpes on the outside of the elbow, and on the right internal malleolus.


Sleeplessness without cause, or from arterial pulsations in the scrobiculus, and in the right ear. Dreams: frightful, lascivious.


Slight chilliness towards 10 a m. Chilliness, with chattering of the teeth.-Chilliness not relieved by covering, and 11 p-m Burning heat, with shortness of breath. Scorching heat at night, with headache, following a chill and terminating in perspiration. Coldness in back and icy cold hands.-Intermittent fever (quotidian) recurring every day at the same hour (for many successive days). One o’clock in the afternoon slight chill, then burning heat, with dyspnoea, pulsating pain in the uterine region, terminating in slight perspiration. -Quotidian, 11 a m., great coldness for two hours, then burning heat, with great dyspnoea, violent pain in the head, coma, stupefaction, insensibility till midnight, and unquenchable thirst and perspiration.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica