
Bovista signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Bovista is used…

      Lycoperdon bovista. Warted puff-ball. N. O. Fungi. Trituration.


Coccyx, itching of. Corns. Cysts. Diabetes. *Diarrhoea. *Ear, eczema of. *Eczema. Ganglion. Gleet. Haemorrhages. Hemorrhagic diathesis. *Headache. Heart, affections of. Jaundice. Joints, affections of. Menstruation, disordered. Metrorrhagia. Ovaries, affections of. Rheumatic affections. Stammering. Tongue, ulcerated. Tumors. Urticaria. Warts. Whitlow. Wounds.


“This globular fungus, which, according to report, is eaten in Italy before it is ripe, becomes filled, while ripening, with a blackish dust that breaks the husk which contains it, with a slight noise. ” Corresponding to this signature, “bloatedness,” puffy condition of body surface,” and a sense of “enlargement,” flatulent distension and noisy passage of flatus, are leading features of the *Bovista. pathogenesis. *Bovista. has cured cases of ovarian cyst, and also warts and corns, with shooting pains. There are ebullitions with great thirst. The corners of the mouth are broken out. Numb, pithy feeling in mouth. There is stuttering and stammering speech. Awkwardness, misapplies words in speaking and writing. Relaxation of entire capillary system, hemorrhagic diathesis, haemorrhage from menstrual irregularities, from traumatism. Menstrual flow occurring only or chiefly at night. Hemorrhage between the periods. The puffy, expanding properties of the remedy are shown in a puffy condition of the body surface, instruments (e.g., scissors) indent the fingers in an unusual degree. The heart feels enormously large. *Bovista. has colic like *Coloc., causing the patient to bend double, but it differs from *Coloc. in that the colic is better by eating and is sometimes accompanied by voiding of red urine. ***M. L. Sircar has recorded a striking cure of such a case with *Bovista. 3X, the pain being griping-twisting, intermittent, starting below umbilicus and diffusing itself towards epigastrium, some constipation, urine scanty and reddish. Nothing gave relief except eating. “Itching at top of coccyx” is another characteristic symptom. A case of cyst in broad ligament was cured, presenting these symptoms:_Metrorrhagia, flow at night or early morning, easily provoked from slight over-exertion during menses, can bear nothing tight round body, menses preceded and followed by diarrhoea, acrid corrosive leucorrhoea, flowing at night only, follows menses. “We may always think of *Bovista when we see a very ‘tettery’ person, one who has tetters here and there, all over the body. These tetters may be either moist or dry” (Guernsey). Teste observed psoric eruptions appear on the hands and feet of a patient to whom he gave *Bovista. for headache. He cured with it a “red, crusty eruptions on thighs and bends of knees of eighteen years’ duration. It disappeared for weeks, reappearing in hot weather and at the full moon. ***W. S. Gee cured with *Bovista 4, after the failure of *Rhus, the following case. A widow, 55, had an eruption, which she thought to be erysipelas, on right foot. Some years before she had had an eruption on left foot, which discharged much water, and was “cured” by the use of a salve. A few months later the left knee became affected and the limb was amputated above the joint. The present eruption was fiery red, covered with yellowish-brown scales, thick as an old-fashioned wafer. There were also rheumatic pains in the leg. After *Rhus had been given without benefit, Dr. Gee elicited these additional symptoms: “Occasional spells of short breathing, especially from working with the hands. Sleep disturbed by burning and itching, and also by anxious, frightful dreams, headache when waking from sleep. Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately after urinating.” These symptoms being found under *Bovista. in addition to “moist vesicular eruptions, with formation of thick crusts,” the latter put in heavy type by Lilienthal, this medicine was given with steady improvement and eventual cure. Great weakness of the joints. Sensitive to touch, cannot bear clothing. Sensitive to draught, chilliness predominates. Early morning sweat worse on chest. Many symptoms are worse in early morning, the diarrhoea occurs then. Sweat of axilla smells like onions. Symptoms generally are worse morning, worse cold food, better hot foot. worse Hot weather, worse at full moon. Effects of over-exertion. Bending double better colic, straightening up better shooting pains between shoulders. *Bovista. antidotes effects of charcoal fumes. Easily intoxicated, worse from wine. worse From coffee.


*Compare: Calcarea, Rhus-t., Sepia, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Veratrum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carb-v., Causticum, Kali-c., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Nat- m., Silicea, Spigelia, Stront., Valer. Aurum, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Stramonium (laughter alternately with weeping), Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Sulphur (sinking immediately after eating), Bufo (sensation as if heart in water), Zincum met. ( worse from wine), Coloc. (colic better bending double), Ammonium carb. (poisoning by charcoal fumes), Stramonium (stammering), Ambra (haemorrhage between periods), Secale, Ustilago It has cured where Rhus seemed indicated and failed. *Antidoted by: Camph. It *antidotes: Effects of Tar applied locally. *Followed well by: Alumina, Calcarea, Rhus, Sepia Teste puts Bovist. in his Sulphur group.


Dejection and sadness, when alone. Placid melancholy, with inquietude and sombre thoughts. Sad, depressed, and desponding. Great sensitiveness, irritable, takes everything amiss. Great loquacity and unreserved conversation. Weakness of memory. Absence of mind. Awkwardness, allowing everything that is taken hold of to fall. Misapplication of words in speaking and writing. Laughs and cries alternately.


Intoxication after having drunk but very little wine. Vertigo as if everything turned round in a circle. Stunning dizziness, with loss of sense. Sudden attacks of vertigo and feeling of stupidity in bed, on rising, loses consciousness for a moment preceding and following a headache in morning. Pains in the center of the brain, with a sensation as if the head were enlarged. Pains in the head pressing inward, pains from side to side pressing outward, as if both sides were pressed towards each other. Headache on waking, as after too long a sleep. Stunning headache with heat in the eyes. Nocturnal cephalalgia, with insupportable pain on raising the head. Aching pains in the head, with throbbing, as in an abscess. Compressive cephalalgia. Sharp pains in the head, with heaviness and a bruise-like sensation. Excessive sensibility in the scalp to the touch. Falling off of the hair. Excoriated spots on the scalp.


Painful twisting in the eyes, with pressure in the sockets, bone sensitive to pressure, during menstruation. Nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids. Eyes dull, without brightness, and without fire. Objects seem to be nearer than they really are.


Ulcer in the right ear. Ulcers in the ears, with pain on swallowing. Scabby and humid eruption in the ears. Oozing of fetid pus from the ears. Itching in the ears. Diminution and hardness of hearing, with frequent mistakes.


Excoriation in the nostrils. Nostrils scabby, with burning pain. Scurfs and crusts about nostrils. Stoppage of the nose, which impedes respiration. Fluent coryza, with secretion of serous mucus and confusion in the head. Bleeding of the nose early in the morning (during sleep).


Heat in the cheeks, as if they were going to burst. Face alternately pale and red. Extreme paleness on getting up in the morning. Piercing and digging in the cheek-bones. Very pale swelling of the upper lip, of the nose, and of the cheeks. Swelling of the upper lip (and cheek, after toothache) in scrofulous subjects. Sensation of a splinter, or of something sticking in lips. Lips cracked. Corners of the mouth ulcerated. Rheumatic pains in the lower jaw, with swelling and pulsative pains in the sub-maxillary gland.


Pains in the upper incisor teeth, followed by swelling of the upper lip. Drawing odontalgia, especially in the hollow teeth, in the evening and at night, mitigated by heat and walking in the open air. Piercing and digging in the teeth. The gums bleed easily at night, or on sucking them.


Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Sensation of torpor in the buccal cavity. Stuttering. Incisive pains in the tongue. Ulcers

on the edges of the tongue, with pain like excoriation. Putrid smell from the mouth. Sore throat, with scraping and burning pains.


No appetite for breakfast. Nausea in the morning, generally vomiting a watery fluid and relieved by eating breakfast. Putrid taste in the mouth. Taste of blood. Desire for cold drinks, especially in the afternoon and evening. Eager and continual hunger, even after a meal. Great sleepiness after having eaten, especially after dinner and in the evening. Hiccough before and after a meal.


Nausea, with chilly disposition from morning till noon. Sensation of cold in the stomach, as if a piece of ice were there. Pressure and fullness in the precordial region, with tension in the temples and anxiety.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica