Baptisia Tinctoria

Frequent small, thin, dark, offensive, and acrid stools. Very fetid, exhausting diarrhoea, excoriating. Stool papescent, with large quantities of mucus, no pain. Dark-brown mucous and bloody stools, with tenesmus and typhoid tendency. Dysentery: rigors, pains in limbs and small of back, stools small, all blood, not very dark but thick, tenesmus, great prostration, brown tongue, low fever, in autumn or in hot weather, constipation, severe, with Haemorrhoids, in afternoon. Stricture from piles.

Urinary Organs

Stitches in region of right kidney, shooting in left kidney. Burning when urinating. Urine rather scanty, dark-red colour, alkaline, fetid. Light-green urine.

Male Sexual Organs.

Orchitis. Pressing pain in left testicle, cramp, as if squeezed.

Female Sexual Organs.

Menses too early and too profuse. Excites abortion. Lochia acrid, fetid. Puerperal fever. Stomatitis materna.

Respiratory Organs

Aphonia. Larynx sore to touch, painful swallowing or speaking. Fetid breath. Awakes with great difficulty of breathing, the lungs feel tight and compressed, must have fresh air.


Constriction and oppression of the chest. Weight and oppression in precordial region, with a feeling of unsatisfied breathing, afternoon. Sharp pains in center of sternum. Dull stitches in left nipple.

Heart and Pulse

Feeling of greatly increased compass and frequency of heart’s pulsations, seem to fill chest. Pulse at first accelerated, afterwards slow and faint.

Neck and Back.

Neck tired, sore down neck. Stiffness and lameness of cervical muscles, worse on moving head. Back and hips very stiff, ache severely, worse walking. Feels as if lying on a board, changes position often, bed feels so hard, worse in region of sacrum. Dull sacral pain, compounded of a feeling as from a pressure and fatigue, from long stooping, soon extending round hips and down right leg.


Wandering pains in all the limbs with dizziness. Drawing pains in arms and legs, aching in the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Constant twitching in left deltoid. Pain in left shoulder, extending down arm. Pains in bones of arms and hands. Numbness of left hand and forearm, with prickling.

Lower Limbs

Soreness in front of thighs, worse after sitting. Limbs weak and vacillating. Left foot numb, prickles. Burning of top of right foot from toes to back of foot.


Restless, does not sleep quietly, wants to be on the move. Great languor, wants to lie down. Tired, bruised, sick feeling in all parts of the body. Weak and tremulous, as if recovering from a severe illness. Great weakness, especially in lower limbs. Prostration, with disposition of fluids to decompose. Indescribable sick feeling all over. Numbness prickling and paralytic feeling over the whole body, especially left side. Ulceration of mucous membranes, especially of the mouth, with tendency to putrescence. Discharges and exhalations fetid. Sensation all over the body as if bruised or beaten. Feels as if lying on a board, changes position, bed feels so hard makes him feel sore and bruised.


Great burning and heat in skin, worse in face. Livid spots over body and limbs. Eruption like measles or urticaria. Confluent small-pox, tardy eruption. Foul, gangrenous, eating syphilitic sores.


Delirious stupor, falls asleep while answering a question or being talked to. Sleeps well till 2 or 3 a m., then restless till morning. Drowsy, stupid, tired feeling, disposition to half close the eyes. Restless, with frightful dreams. Wants to get out of bed. Cannot sleep, limbs seem scattered about so.


Chilly going into the open air, chills over the back and lower limbs. Chilly, with soreness of body. Whole surface hot and dry, with occasional chills, mostly up and down the back. On awaking, 3 a m., flashes of heat, feeling as if sweat would break out. An uncomfortable burning all over surface, especially face, moves to cool part of bed, finally rises, opens window and washes. Typhoid and cerebral forms of fever. Beginning of typhus when the so- called nervous symptoms predominate, causes sweat to break out and relieve, typhus, critical sweat on forehead and face. Fever originating from confinement on shipboard, without good care or food. Fetid sweat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica