Balsamum Peruvianum

Balsamum Peruvianum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Balsamum Peruvianum is used…

      Balsam of Peru. Myroxylon Pereirae. (*N. O.) Leguminose. Tincture of the balsam that flows from the stems.


Bronchitis. Catarrh. Cracks. Epistaxis. Hectic. Itch. Phthisis. Ulcers.


Peruvian Balsam has been chiefly used empirically in catarrhal phthisis or bronchial catarrh with copious purulent expectoration. Sputa thick, creamy, yellowish white, loud rales, night sweats, hectic. Hale has used it with success in “chronic, purulent, fetid anterior or posterior nasal catarrh, with or without ulceration.” He says that a cerate of the *Balsam is the best application next to *Glycerol of Aloes for indolent ulcers, cracked nipples, cracks in fingers and palmar surfaces of hands, or fissured and chapped lips. The *Balsam is also used externally for killing the acarus of itch. All parts affected are gently rubbed with it at night and a bath taken in the morning. A single application is sufficient. It has been proved by Lembke.


Bleeding from right nostril without coryza, or sneezing, or blowing nose, repeated at 7 p-m. Profuse thick discharge from nose, whether chronic or otherwise. Ozaena with ulceration.


Continued scraping of fauces.


Vomiting of food and mucus, catarrh of stomach. Mucous diarrhoea, etc.


Copious liquid stool, painless. Passage of blood with normal stool (does not have piles).

Urinary Organs

Sticking and cutting in urethra. Urination more frequent and copious. Urine scanty, with mucous sediment, catarrh of bladder.

Respiratory Organs

Scraping in larynx in forenoon, dry cough.


Cough, mucous and purulent expectoration. Phthisis of mucous type, vomica in lungs.

Upper Limbs

Oppressive pain in right wrist.

Lower Limbs

Severe pain in left tibia. Boring in right tibia.


Debility, rhagades of nipples and fingers.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica