Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum Album signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Arsenicum Album is used…

      The white oxide of Metallic Arsenic. AS2O3. Solution and trituration.


*Abscess. Acne rosacea. Alcoholism. Amenorrhoea. *Anaemia. *Aphthae. *Asthma. *Atrophy. *Bronchitis. *Brown-ague. *Caecum, *affections *of. *Cancer. *Cancrum oris. *Carbuncle. *Cholera *Asiatica. *Cholera. *Cold. *Coldness. Commissures, soreness of. *Cough. Coxalgia. *Croup. *Dandruff. Delirium tremens. *Depression *of *spirits. *Diarrhoea. *Diphtheria. *Dropsy. *Duodenum. *Dyspepsia. *Ears, *affections *of. *Eczema. *Endometritis. *Enteric *fever. Epithelioma. *Erysipelas. *Eye, *affections *of. *Face, *eruption *on. *Fainting. *Fever. *Gangrene. *Gastric *ulcer. *Gastritis. *Gastrodynia. *Glandular *swellings. Gout. *Hay-asthma. *Headache. *Heart, *affections of. *Hectic. *Herpes *zoster. *Hodgkin’s *disease. *Hydrothorax. *Hypochondriasis. *Ichthyosis. Indigestion. *Intermittent *fever. *Irritation. Jaundice. *Kidney, *diseases *of. Leucorrhoea. *Lichen. *Lips, *eruption *round, *epithelioma *of. *Locomotor *ataxy. *Lung *affections. *Lupus. *Malignant *pustule. *Measles. *Melancholia. *Menstruation, *disorders *of. Miliary eruptions. *Morphoea. *Myelitis. *Nails, *diseased. *Nettle-rash. *Neuralgia. Neuritis. *Nonta *pudendi. *Numbness. *Peritonitis. *Perityphlitis. *Pityriasis. *Plethora. *Pleurisy. *Pleurodynia. *Pneumonia. *Psoriasis. *Purpura. *Pyaemia. *Pyelitis. *Remittent *fever. *Rheumatic *gout. *Rheumatism. *Rickets. *Ringworm. Scaldhead. *Scarlatina. *Sciatica. Scrofulous affections. Sea- bathing, effects of. Sea-sickness. *Shiverings. *Stomach, *affections *of. Strains. *Suppuration. *Thirst. *Throat, *sore. *Tobacco-habit. *Tongue, *affections *of. *Trachea, *affections *of. *Traumatic *fever. *Typhus. *Ulcers. *Vomiting. Whooping- cough. *Worms. Wounds. *Yellow *fever.


*Arsenic is the horse’s remedy, as *Pulsatilla is the sheep’s, and *Antimonium*crud. the pig’s. The reprehensible fashion of “doctoring” horses with *Arsenic is merely an abuse of a therapeutic fact. The horse is an animal on whose power of endurance and “wind” enormous demands are made, and *Arsenic is the remedy for the effects of feats of prolonged endurance. The *Arsenic habit of the Styrian mountaineers has arisen from the discovery of its power of strengthening the muscles both of the limbs and of the breathing apparatus. But in another way the horse typifies the *Arsenic temperament. The mental symptoms of any drug, when pronounced, carry precedence of all others. The horse is an exceedingly nervous animal, constantly moving about, restless to a degree, and very prone to take fright-quite a picture of the *Arsenic temperament. According to Teste *Arsen. acts much more powerfully on vegetable-eating animals than on Carnivora (opp. *Nux-v.), and it is suited to the effects of excess of vegetable diet, melons, strawberries, and fruits in general, especially watery fruits.

The arsenic-eaters of the Tyrol can take as much as six grains of white arsenic, or the sulphide, every two days. They maintain that it imparts a sense of invigoration and enables them to carry enormous loads up perpendicular mountains. According to one account it is resorted to by populations who live on vegetable food almost exclusively. “It strengthens the muscles.” an old indulger in the habit is reported to have said, “helps to digest our coarse bread and potatoes, and allows us to breathe freely and easily. Meat-eaters have no need for such a thing, but with us it is a necessity.” It is difficult to say how far this is a directly “tonic,” effect, and how far curative of the dyscrasia generated by the conditions of life. The fine skin and glossy hair of the young women among the arsenic-eating populations is remarkable, and is comparable to the fine coats of arsenic fed horses. On the other hand, “staring coat” in animals, and “dry, rough, scaly, unhealthy-looking skin” in human beings are keynote indications for the remedy. In this connection may be mentioned the effects on the crew of the ship *Zion, which carried arsenic as a portion of its cargo. This was exposed somewhat to the sun’s rays, and the crew noticed a peculiar smell. Soon they all began to notice themselves growing stout, and on reaching Philadelphia from England they had all gained much, one to the extent of two stones in weight.

Restlessness is one of the grand characteristics of *Arsenic. Even the stupor of *Arsenic is interrupted by fits of restlessness with anxious moaning. Patients are anxious, full of the fear of death, restlessness compelling them to frequently change their position. Hence the applicability of the drug in

many nervous affections, notably chorea. Jerks and starts on falling asleep. Irritability, desperately angry, almost furious. Despair, hopelessness, unutterable misery. The irritability and sadness of malarial cachexias, of the cachexias of quinine, mercury, and syphilis. Low types of disease, typhoid states. Inflammations of great intensity with tendency to destruction of tissue. Burning, lancinating pains. *Burning is another of the leading characteristics of *Arsenic. No other remedy has it in more pronounced degree. The peculiarity of the “burnings” of *Arsenicum is that they are better by heat (herein comparing with *Capsic.). The burning in the throat is better by eating or drinking hot things. On the other hand cold food and cold drinks worse stomach irritations, hence *Arsenicum is of signal use for effects of eating ices and drinking ice-water. *Arsen. affects the entire alimentary tract. The lips are so dry and parched and cracked that the patient often licks them to moisten them. The mouth is aphthous, ulcerated, or gangrenous. The stomach is so irritable that the least food or drink causes distress or vomiting, or stool or both together. Abdominal pains are intense, causing the patient to turn and twist. Haemorrhoids are exceedingly painful as if burning needles plunged in. States of lowered vitality. The *prostration of *Arsen. is remarkable. With it there is the desire to move or to be moved constantly. The patient is exhausted from the slightest exertion. Exhaustion is not felt while lying still, but as soon as he moves he is surprised to find himself so weak. The prostration seems out of proportion to the rest of his illness. Must lie down. Exhaustion from hill-climbing, breathless, sleepless. Thirst for little and often (*Ant. *t., *Lycopodium), wants it very cold and immediately rejects it (*Phosphorus as soon as it becomes warm). Before and after the cough of *Arsenic there is an attack of asthma (*Phosphorus) *Arsen. has a great place in acute coryza and hay-fever. The fluent coryza is corrosive, reddening the upper lip, and has more burning than either *Mercurius or *Cepa. Also it is worse out of doors, and better in warmth, which distinguishes it from *Cepa especially *Arsenic is predominantly right-sided. The neuralgias affect the right side most, the right lung (“acute, sharp, fixed or darting pain in apex and through upper third of right lung”) is more affected than the left, also the right side of the abdomen, hence typhlitis. Many dropsical conditions are controlled by *Arsen. Especially has it done brilliant work in cases of hydrothorax. It has been called the “liquid trochar,” on account of the expeditious way in which it will remove a watery effusion. The patient cannot lie down, must sit up to breathe, anxious, restless, worse about 1 a m.

It is suited to the full plethoric habit. Puffiness is one of its characteristics, and from this to dropsy. All mucous membranes are irritated. The skin is cold and clammy. Scurfy eruptions. Bran-coloured scales on head coming down to forehead. *Arsenic has cured epithelioma of the lips and closely corresponds to the cancerous diathesis. Many cures of cancer have been reported under its use, both in crude and in potencies. When the subjective symptoms of *Arsen. are present, it will cure in the potencies. When the homoeopathicity is more crude the lower potencies will be required: in this case the *Arsen. appears to act directly on the cancerous tissue and cancerous elements in the system.

*Arsenic is a haemorrhagic: it acts on both blood and blood- vessels. Varices burn like fire. Anaemia, chlorosis, pyaemia all come within the scope of *Arsenic, which corresponds also to states resulting from losses of blood, as venesection, metrorrhagia, haemoptysis.

The Conditions, especially of time and temperature, are all- important with *Arsenic. Unless these correspond in the patient, failure will be more frequent than success. *Arsenic is one of the greatest of periodics. I once treated some members of a family who all had attacks of fever of short duration, recurring regularly every six weeks, from living in rooms papered with arsenical papers. Its periods are: every day, every third or fourth day, every fortnight, every six weeks, every year. There is pronounced night aggravation, the pains are unsupportable with restlessness. worse Midnight and after (*Aconite is rather before midnight), worse 3 a m. There is worse from cold and damp, better warmth. *Arsen. loves warmth like *Nux-v., *Psorinum, *Hepar, *Silicea, *Mag.*mur.and other hydrogenoids, and herein is differentiated from *Sulph., *Ant.*crud., *Iodium, *Apis, and *Pulsatilla *Arsen. hugs the fire and likes warm wraps. worse Lying on

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica