Scarlet Pimpernel. Weather-glass. Red Chickweed. *N. O. Primulaceae. Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Amblyopia. Cataract. Constipation. Dropsy. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Gonorrhoea. Gout. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Hypochondriasis. Hysteria. Mania. Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Skin, unhealthy. Snake-bites. Syphilis. Tetters. Ulcers. ill- conditioned. Wounds.
Like the *Primula obconica, *Anagallis has a marked action on the skin. Skin itches all over, becomes dry and rough, has bran-like tetters in rings, ulcers and swellings on joints. Ill-conditioned ulcers. It favors expulsion of splinters. Has been used for snake-bites and hydrophobia. It produces great exhilaration and activity of mind: thinks of everything. Great hilarity. (The Greek name of the plant means to laugh out loud.) Tickling and itching in left ear. Bran-like, ring-shaped tetters on face. Dull pains in gums accompanied by very hard stools. Sensation on tongue as if something cold were placed on it. Dryness and scraping in throat. Scraping, scratching of larynx and trachea with hoarseness, worse after eating. Tickling prickling along urethra, orifice agglutinated. Tearing in spermatic cord. Syphilis with nose-bleed, deranged mind, pain in small of back, and itching skin. Soreness on chest with pain. Eruption on chest. Tensive drawing ascending from left shoulder to nape of neck (*Eupat.perf.). Skin of hands dry, sticky, and dirty-looking. Tetters. Vesicles in groups. Pain and tightness in bend of left knee. It is a vulnerary of some importance. Symptoms are worse by touch, worse after eating.
*Compare: Prim-o. and Cyclamen (bot.), Coffea (joyous, excited), Lithium carb. (rough skin, ringworm), Sepia, Tell. (Ringworm), Pulsatilla (chilly, catarrh), Rhus-t.
Exhilarated, mind active, thinks of everything. Cannot collect his thoughts while listening to sermon on account of jovial feelings. Great hilarity for several days, everything gives him pleasure. Despondency. After mental exertion great prostration.
Heat rising to head, slight sweat on forehead, followed by pressing stitching in eyeballs, and a tickling, pricking in urethra, inclining him to coition. Headache just over supraorbital ridges with eructations and rumbling in the bowels. Spasmodic lancinations in both temples, extending to eyes. Pressive aching in forehead and occiput from a current of air blowing on him. Intense headache and nausea with pains throughout the body. Occiput: dull or tearing pains and inclination to vomit, violent headache, with hard, knotty stools, knocking pain in left side, dull pain all night. Head-ache better by coffee. Skin of forehead feels too tight.
Things seem to float to and fro, he cannot write. Glittering before left eye. Pressing in eyes after headache. Stitches in temples extending into eyes. Pain in right eyeball worse on touching lids. Itching of lids.
Obstruction and pain in right ear following the pressure in eyes. Stitches in right ear. Tickling and itching in left ear.
Nose-bleed (syphilis). Unpleasant tickling on top of nose, with violent sneezing. Copious secretion of yellow mucus.
Neuralgic pains in right cheek-bone, extending to supraorbital region, during the night. Pains in facial muscles. Bran-like, ring-shaped tetters on face. Itching on cheek-bones. Itching and tickling stitches on left corner of mouth and lower lip, just under the border.
Dull pain in a hollow tooth with trembling of the heart. Dull pain in upper molars and tearing pain in right cheek-bone. Teeth pain as from cold, worse from touch, chilly sensation in teeth. Dull pain in gums accompanied by very hard stools.
Sensation on tongue as if something cold were placed upon it, also near fraenum. Viscid saliva in mouth, raised by coughing. Collection of water in mouth, with slight tearing in molars.
Sensation of dryness in throat with scraping. Tickling at soft palate at night, as from touch of something cold.
Eructations, nausea, inclination to vomit, and rumbling in bowels with headache. Causes inflammation of the stomach in horses.
Hepatitis and induration of liver. Abdomen distended with wind. Visceral obstructions.
Stool and Anus.
Inflammation of rectum in horses. Itching in rectum, pressure in sacrum, piles. Passes offensive flatus. Stools: watery, soft and pappy, hard like stones, knotty. Itching at anus after stool.
Urinary Organs
Burning in urethra when urinating, mostly in the morning. Orifice agglutinated, presses to urinate, stream divided. Tickling prickling along urethra inclining to coitus.
Male Sexual Organs
The burning in urethra before and during erection ceases during coitus. Drawing pains in right testicle and cord. Tearing pains in spermatic cords. Tickling in symphysis pubis.
Respiratory Organs
Scratching and scraping in throat, especially after meals. Hoarseness proceeding from the trachea. Cough dry, with a scratching sensation when reading aloud, with yellow phlegm from the nose, with spitting of saliva.
A kind of restlessness in chest. Soreness on the chest with fever. Pressure in right lung after a meal or when walking fast. Suddenly a feeling internally in chest as if struck with a cushion full of pins. Itching on left side of chest, principally on nipple. Eruption on chest.
Violent trembling of heart, with general trembling and weakness, preceded by aching in a carious tooth and anxiety in chest in evening in bed. Palpitation.
Tensive drawing from left shoulder up to neck, returns when lifting or stretching the arm. Trembling of muscles of neck (horses).
Upper Limbs
Pains in muscles of upper arm, outside, near shoulder. Pains in forearm, in carpal and metacarpal bones. Gouty swellings on joints of fingers. Skin of hands and fingers very dry, sticky and dirty-looking. Tetter on hands, moist or dry and hairlike.
Lower Limbs
Pain in hip. Tickling pains in right leg and at the os ilium. Drawing pains in muscles of left leg, tearing during night. Weakness and lameness in right leg as if it was too short. Pains in bend of left knee, sensation of tightness as if something swollen or sore. Pains in shin bones, worse when extending the leg. Cramps. Pains in metatarsus and sole (left), in concave part of left sole and near toes.
A chilly trembling. Exhausted and drowsy.
Itches all over, rough, dry. Dry bran-like tetters in rings. Ulcers and swellings on joints. Ill-conditioned ulcers. Promotes expulsion of splinters.
Falls asleep late, sleep restless, awakens early, feeling unrefreshed.