Ammonium muriaticum

Neck and Back

Acute drawings in the sides of the neck and in the collar-bone. A fatty swelling on nape of neck, extending from ear to ear. Stiffness of the neck, with pain on moving it, from the nape of the neck to the shoulders. Coldness in the back, especially between the shoulders (which nothing warms). Pain in small of back as if beaten and shattered. Pain in coccyx, when sitting, worse when sleeping. Pains, as from fatigue in the loins, principally at night, when lying down, when walking, or after stooping. Painful stiffness in the loins, which forces one to stoop in walking. Shootings in the shoulder-blades, especially on breathing.

Upper Limbs

Heavy and stiff, as if paralysed. Tearing in bone of left upper arm, and afterwards in right thigh from above downwards. During the night, acute tearing in the arms, as if it were in the bones. Swelling and hardness of the axillary glands. The right arm is heavy and stiff. Tearing in the shoulders. Swelling of the wrists with tearing pain. Blisters on the wrists, which form crusts. Pain, as from dislocation, in the wrist. Sudden jerks, tearings, for shootings, throbbing, tingling and pain as from ulceration at the tips of the fingers. Exfoliation of the skin between the fingers (and on wrists).

Lower Limbs

Tension in the hips and the hams. Shootings, pain of dislocation (left hip is painful, as if the tendons were too short, causing limping), and pulling in the hip. When sitting, gnawing pain in the bone. Contraction of the tendons of the hams (the muscles under the knee feel too short when walking), and stiffness in the joint of the knee. At night, acute pulling in the legs, as if in the bone. Shooting pain in the calves of the legs, after having walked long. Legs dead and insensible. Pain of ulceration and pulling in the heels. Cold feet, especially in evening, in bed. Fetid sweat in the feet. Sudden jerks, pullings, or shootings, throbbing and tingling in the extremity of the toes. Ebullitions, with anxiety and weakness, as if paralysed. Tension in the joints, as from shortening of the muscles. Burning, stinging. throbbing, as from a boil. Sensation of soreness in different parts of the body. Very severe ulcerative pain in the heel, better by rubbing. The feet get very cold in the evening in bed.


Pains, as from ulceration in different parts of the body. Tension in the joints, as by contraction of the tendons. The right side of the body appears to be more affected than the left Pains in the head and chest, which increase principally towards morning, gastric and abdominal pains after dinner, and pains in the limbs, cutaneous affections, also febrile symptoms, which present themselves in the evening and at night. Ebullition of the blood with anxiety. Paralytic weakness and fatigue, chiefly of the lower extremities, sometimes with giddiness, or with tension and dragging of the legs. Scorbutic cachexia. Tendency of the blood to decomposition. Acute dragging pains in the bones, nightly.


Itching and titillation, giving an impulse to scratch, followed by eruption of pimples. Miliary eruption. Vesicular eruptions which form scurf. Exfoliation of the skin in several places.


Diurnal drowsiness, with indolence and dread of exertion. Early in the evening, inclination to sleep. Restlessness before midnight. Sleeplessness after midnight, from cutting pain in the abdomen, at two a m., or from sneezing, pain in small of back. Waking too early. Many dreams, anxious, terrific, or lascivious. At night, colicky pains, frequent sneezing, crawling in the throat, weight and pressure on the chest (nightmare?), violent suffering in the veins, and pains in the trunk and in the limbs, cold feet, heat in the head, shivering, and itching in the skin.


Cold shivering, most frequently in the evening, about six o’clock, without thirst. All stages of fever without thirst. Shivering after lying down in bed, evening and as often as she wakes. Cold feeling between shoulders. Heat with thirst, and face bloated. Nocturnal sweat, after midnight. Sweat increased by every motion.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica