Agaricus Muscarius


Dry fauces and pharynx, causing contraction and difficulty of swallowing, with ravenous appetite. Pressure in fauces as though a foreign body stuck there which could not be removed by swallowing. Induration of tonsils. Tension in thyroid gland, worse towards evening, feels cravat too tight. Throws up small flocculi or solid lumps of phlegm almost without any cough.


Insipid and fetid taste in the mouth. Want of appetite for bread. Hunger, with want of appetite. Attacks of bulimy, chiefly in the evening. After a meal, pressure in the stomach and the abdomen, with Fulness. Very drowsy after dinner.


Eructations alternately with hiccough. Eructations, with the taste of the food that has been taken. Frequent empty eructations, or with the taste of apples, or with the taste of rotten eggs. Nausea, with cutting pains. Inclination to vomit immediately after a meal. Pressure on the stomach, and in the precordial region, after a meal. Pain resembling cramp and oppressive heaviness in the stomach.


Shootings (sharp needle-like pains) in the hepatic region. Prickings in the region of the spleen during and after inspiration. Stitch in side from running. Cutting and pinching pains in the abdomen as from diarrhoea. Moving about and rumbling noise in the abdomen. Abundant expulsion of flatulency of a fetid odor, like that of garlic.

Stool and Anus.

Hard Stool and Anus.s of a dark colour after a period of constipation. Loose Stool in the form of pap, with flatulency and severe colic. Loose Stool, a painful drawing in the stomach and in the abdomen. Tingling in the anus. Itching in the anus, as from worms. Dysenteric flux. Diarrhoea of children, with grass-green, bilious Stool. Fetid Stool.

Urinary Organs

Urine scanty and infrequent. Urine clear, and of a yellow (lemon) colour. Flow of viscous mucus from the urethra.

Male Sexual organs

Increase of sexual desire, with flaccidity of the penis. Scanty emission in coition. After coition great weakness and nocturnal sweat. Itching in the genitals. A sensation of drawing in the testes.

Female Sexual Organs

Awfully bearing-down pains almost intolerable. Menses too profuse and early, with tearing, pressive pains in back and abdomen. Itching and irritation of the parts with strong desire for an embrace. During menses: headache, toothache, pain and itching in left ear, better by boring, labour-like pains, pains in left arm, itching, palpitation, salivation. Leucorrhoea, with much itching internally and externally.

Respiratory Organs

Expectoration of small globules of mucus, almost without cough. Spasmodic, convulsive, nervous cough, which may provoke secondary haemorrhage.


Respiration short and laboured, with difficulty of walking even slowly. Respiration difficult, as if the chest were full of blood. Oppressive constriction of the chest, with a necessity for frequent and deep inspirations. Pains principally in the lower part of the chest, as if its contents were compressed. Prickings in the chest. Copious nocturnal sweat upon the chest. Itching of the nipples.


Stitches, burning, shooting pains in region of heart, extending to left shoulder blade, worse by coughing, sneezing, or deep inspiration. Oppression in cardiac region as if thorax narrowed. Painful palpitations of the heart. With heart symptoms, paralysed feeling in left arm and hand. Pulse weak, dicrotic, intermittent.

Neck and Back

Pain as from fatigue and dislocation in the back, at the nape of the neck and in the loins. especially when sitting or lying down. Painful weakness in the muscles of the back. Sensation of soreness and great weakness in the back. Paralytic pain in the loins, increased by walking or by standing.


Limbs affected diagonally, left forearm, right thigh, right knee, left hand. Tearing in limbs, worse in rest or sitting, better moving. Cracking in joints. Subsultus tendinum. Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her.

Upper Limbs

Arms weak and without vigour. Burning pain in the arms, followed by an eruption of small pimples with scaling of the epidermis. Irregular and hurried movements of arm. Upper arms shaken as from

an electric shock. Prostration, weariness, and paralytic feeling in left arm. Tearing both hands, on left wrist. Trembling of hands, and coldness. Tearing in the fingers. Cramp-like pain in the thumb. Paleness and numbness of the fingers, which are, at the same time, very sensitive to cold. Itching, burning pain, and redness in the fingers, as if from chilblains.

Lower Limbs

Legs heavy and fatigued, especially in the thighs. Twitching, quicksilver sensation, in gluteal muscles. Pain in legs like electric shocks. On crossing thighs feels a violent pain in them. Drawing in the legs, as if in the interior of the bone, especially when sitting or standing, better by motion. Painful sensation in the hip on walking. Drawing in the legs. Darting pain in the feet and in the toes. Drawing pressure in the malleoli. Burning itching and redness in the toes, as if from chilblains. Bunion.


Painful cramps in the muscles when seated. Sensation of tearing in the limbs, principally during repose, whether seated or standing, and which disappears on movement. Twitchings in the eyeballs, eyelids, cheeks, posteriorly in the chest, in the abdomen. Symptoms which exhibit themselves transversely (for instance, in the right arm and in the left leg), better by walking slowly. Great sensibility in the whole body, the softest pressure produces continued pains. Pains, as from a bruise in the limbs and in all the joints, after even moderate exercise. Soreness and sensation of rawness (nose and mouth). Piercing pains in different parts of the body, chiefly in the head, with desire for sleep, and faintness when seated. Tearing pains (face, legs) continuous while at rest, disappearing while moving about. Great weakness and heaviness in all the limbs. Trembling. Convulsions. Epileptic fits. Epilepsy (with great exertions of strength). Great sensibility to cool air. Great sensitiveness of the body to pressure and cold air.


Itching and titillation, which force the sufferer to scratch himself. Itching, burning pain, and redness as from chilblains in different parts of the body. Miliary eruption, whitish and close- grained, with excessive itching.


Desire to sleep in the day, particularly after a meal. Violent yawning, followed by dizziness. In the morning, a sense of dizziness, and great difficulty in rising. As a rule sleeps badly and unrefreshingly.


Disposition exceedingly chilly, and shiverings in the open air, or on raising the bed-clothes, although the limbs may be warm. Shivering through the body from above downwards. Easy chilliness on slight movement. Violent shivering and trembling over the whole body, with heat in the face and cold in the hands. Sweat from even a moderate walk and slight exertion.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica