SYPHILINUM homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine SYPHILINUM …



      1. Subjects with specific history whose chancres have been treated by local means resulting in many years of suffering, esp. with skin and throat troubles; also congenital syphilis.

2. Weakness or loss of memory, esp. for names; feels as if going insane; terrible dread of the night season owing to aggravation of all symptoms then; despairs of recovery.

3. In syphilitic affections when best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve.

4. Great falling of the hair.

5. Pains increase and decrease gradually; shift locality; (<) night.

6. Craving for alcohol in any form; hereditary tendency to alcoholism; constipation the rule.

7. Eruptions of the skin; dull red, copper-coloured spots becoming blue when patient is cold.

8. Leucorrhoea; profuse, soaks through napkin and runs down to the heels (Alum).

9. Rheumatic complaints esp. of shoulder or at insertion of deltoid, (<) raising arm laterally.

10. Modality; always (<) twilight to daylight (rev. Medorrh.).

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.