
      Pain in breast, cough and other pre-pneumonic symptoms during recovery from meningitis.

Heart Pulse


Beating of heart, so increased by motions he cannot speak for hours; trembling, twitching as in chorea: murmurs instead of regular sounds; consequent on fright.

Pulse: full, strong; frequent, hard; irregular; small and spasmodic; slow, in typhus; sometimes trembling or imperceptible; sometimes double and very quick, with quiet respiration.

Outer Chest

      Red rash on chest. Typhus.

Neck Back

      Constant pain in cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae.

Bending backward. Drawing pain in spine.

Spot in back pains when touched.

Put right arm often to small of back and draws mouth, as if he had severe pain.

Upper Limbs

      Raises arm above head, claps hands, makes graceful, gyratory motions.

Grasping about with hands, as if reaching for things; searching for things; picking.

Grasps the throat; sighing, groaning.

Hands and arms tremble. Clapping hand over head.

Hands clenched (not thumbs) but they can be opened.

Difficult to bring hand to tumbler or carry latter to mouth.

Panaritium, pain intolerable, drives to despair; relieves pain of suppuration.

Lower Limbs

      Coxalgia, left side; also for violent pains when abscesses form.

Inside of right thigh red, swollen. Typhus.

Spasmodic rigidity of lower limbs.

Paralysis of lower limbs; loss of speech; staring. Constant trembling of feet.

Limbs in General

      Arms agitated, lower limbs quiet.

Drawing, laming, somewhat, spasmodic pains in muscles.

Fingers and heels numb, latter sometimes painful, rheumatic headaches.

Limbs feel as if “gone to sleep Cold hands and feet.

Position etc.

      Lying still: Lying on back. Inclined to lie down: Rising : Rising head: Boring head: Bends back-ward: Bending: Motion: (spasmodic) of anus, Walking: Prays fervently; Talks incessantly or absurdly: Eyes wide open: half open; Look up (could not) looks about, Throws arms upward: Distorts face. Staggering: Can not walk in dark or with eyes closed: Runs about: Tosses about: Clenched hands: Rolls arms over head Tongue hangs.


      Great inclination to lie down.

Totters as if giddy, cannot make even a few steps without help.

Frequent twitching; sudden jerks through the body.

Trembling of limbs.

Convulsions, especially opisthotonic, from bright, dazzling objects, water or touch. Child rigid as a board.

Chorea from fright; creeping in limbs, then violent movements generally crosswise; rotate arms over head; jump up, climb over tables, etc.

Hysteria preceded by great sensitiveness, weeping and laughing alternately; sexual excitement.

Spasms; abdomen puffed; alternation of clonic and tonic; body very hot; continually changes character.

Said to be very effective for hydrophobia (vary the dose even to the production of symptoms).

Epilepsy from fright; attacks sudden, with screams, afterwards drowsy; aching in stomach; periodical.

Gives warning of approach by premonitory symptoms.

Catalepsy, limbs can be moved by others. Tonic spasms.

Muscles will not obey the will.

Paralysis of one, convulsions of other side.

Left side paralyzed, stammering, unconnected words, sheds tears.

Paralyzed limbs after apoplexy.


      Drowsy by day; staggering and drowsy.

Sleepy, but cannot sleep; after the convulsions.

Snoring, deep sleep.

Coma, rattling respiration, bloody froth at mouth. Scarlatina.

Falls into a deep sleep; deep breathing, snoring.

Sleepless, tosses about.

During sleep: laughs; screams; starts; sexual excitement; emission; spasms; sit up, looks about, talk incoherently.

Awakens: with a solemn air of importance; all things seem new; screaming, seems frightened, knows no one, shrinks away, or jumps out of bed.


      Morning; Afternoon: Evening:, Night:,, Toward midnight (12 P.M.) After midnight: Toward morning: Day:, Day and night:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warmth: Warm covering of head: Cold: Vaulted rooms: Sunstroke: Wind (walking in): Uncovering: Summer:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilly, as from cold water down her back.

Chills: run down back; and general coldness, with red face and twitchings; with great sensitiveness to uncovering; with heat in head.

Fever in children; cry out in sleep; start, jerk; eyes half open, pupils large; suppressed urine.

Anxious heat with vomiting.

Afternoon, first heat of head and face, then general coldness, then general heat.

Heat: anxious, with vomiting; delirium, thirst and sweat; of whole body, face vivid red; at the same time sweat.

Covers up during heat.

Sweat: cold all over; with delirium; with impaired vision, or shunning light; oily of putrid odor.


      Worse during equinoxes: Worse in summer: spasms, ecstasy.

Attacks of epilepsy come periodically: Gradually decreasing: Suddenly appearing:, Glittering things or dazzling lights and objects excite chorea and convulsion: excite cough, After fright, Chorea; epilepsy; mania, melancholia.


      Right: Left: Right to left:. Backward or forward: Downward:.


      Painful sensations as if joints were loose, with anguish therefrom.

Arms and legs feel as if separated from body.

Sensation of wind rushing out of ears; Sensation of boiling water rising in throat:. Sensation of something creeping:,.


      Mitigates the terrible pains of tumors, abscesses.

Plethoric, especially young persons. Emaciated, cries day and night; cough.

Anasarca, after scarlatina.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Pressure:.


      Whole skin and conjunctivae red, like crimson.

Skin hot and dry.

Worse when eruptions are suppressed, or do not come out well.


Entire face swollen, muttering delirium, small-pox before vesicles form.

Restless, skin itching; rash coppery-red, skin dry, hot.

Measles, before eruption, with convulsions, frightful visions of rats and mice, seem frightened, try to hide; spasms of oesophagus: body hot, face red, puffed.

Stages and States

      Children especially; chorea, mania, fever. Young, plethoric persons.


      In metrorrhagia from retained placenta, with clapping hands, delirium, loquacity, etc.; Secale acts better than Stramon.

Ailments from: vapor of Mercur., Plumbum.

Antidotes to Stramon.: Bellad., Hyosc., Nux vomica; against large doses: lemon juice: senna (cerebral symptoms); tobacco injections; vinegar.

Stramon,: useful in whooping-cough after Bellad, had acted too powerfully.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.