Colic : from worms; with constipation or difficult stool; with yellow hands, blue nails; with reddish, bloody stools.

Abdominal pains relieved by warmth.

Flatulence, much rumbling.

Distended, hard, hot abdomen, especially in children.

Inguinal glands inflamed.

Inguinal hernia.

Stool etc.

      Sharp stitches in rectum when walking.

Stools; pap-like, offensive; contain undigested food, with great exhaustion, but painless; child has sweaty hands and feet; watery, mucous or bloody.

Constipation, stool large or composed of hard lumps, light colored; expulsion difficult, as from inactivity of rectum; when partly expelled it slips back again.

Hemorrhoids intensely painful, boring-cramping from anus to rectum or testicles: protrude during stool, become incarcerated; suppuration.

Fistula in ano; also with chest symptoms; fissura ani; costive, or sticking pains at coccyx.


      Suppuration of the kidneys; abscesses.

Continuous urging, with scanty discharge; also at night.

Frequent micturition with distress from irritable sphincter.

Weakness in urinary organs; constant desire to urinate.

Profuse urination relieves headache.

Involuntary micturition at night; also in children, with worms and in chorea.

Urine : light colored; suppressed; turbid, sediment of red or yellow sand.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire increased or decreased, weak power but increased desire, ejaculation premature.

Painful coition, sensation on right side of head as if paralyzed; soreness of limbs. (But ).

Thick, fetid pus from urethra. Gonorrhoea.

Red spots and itching on corona glandis.

Slight swelling of penis and testicles.

Squeezing pain in testicles.

Itching humid spots on genitals, mostly on scrotum; sweat on scrotum.

Hydrocele; scrofulous children.

Female Sexual Organs

      Increased desire, with spinal affection.

Nymphomania, with plethora.

Nausea during an embrace.

Menses : too early and scanty; too late and too profuse; irregular, every two or three months.

Menstrual flow strong-smelling, acrid.

Amenorrhoea, with suppressed foot-sweat; pain in abdomen.

Metrorrhagia, offensive foot-sweat; icy-cold body; painful hemorrhoids.

Bloody discharge between periods.

Leucorrhoea : profuse, acrid, corroding; milky, preceded by cutting around the navel.

Prolapsus uteri from myelitis.

Pressing down feeling in vagina; parts tender to touch.

Serous cysts of the vagina.

Itching at the pudendum; of the genitals.


      Threatened abortion; hemorrhage after the abortion.

Promotes expulsion of moles; shooting pains. While nursing :sharp pains in breast or uterus; pain in back, increase of lochia : pure blood flows every time child nurses; complains every time she puts child to breast.

Aversion of child to mother’s milk; refuses to nurse, or, if it does nurse, it vomits.

Milk suppressed.

Mammae swollen, dark red, sensitive, burning pains prevent rest at night; also suppuration of mammae. Induration, burning pains; limbs go to sleep.

Hard lumps in mammae.

Great itching of swollen mammae; scirrhus.

Darting, burning in left nipple.

Nipple is drawn in, like a funnel.

Scirrhus near right nipple, hard as gristle, uneven surface.

Nipple ulcerate; is very tender.


      Hoarseness, roughness of larynx.

Husky voice; worse morning; chronic coryza.

Fibrous, painless swelling on larynx, connected with thyroid cartilage.


      Shortness of breath and panting from walking fast, or from manual labor.

Arrest of breathing when lying on back; when stooping; when running, also after running; when coughing.

Oppression of chest, she cannot take a long breath.

Asthma, worse when lying down; spasmodic cough’ spasm of larynx; pulsations in the chest; often with profuse sputa.


      Dry with hoarseness; with soreness in chest; excited by tickling in throat-pit; hollow, spasmodic; loose, day and night; with profuse expectoration; vomiting of tenacious mucus in the morning; with purulent sputa; awakens him at night; worse from motion; scanty mucous expectoration.

Expectoration : profuse, fetid, purulent, green; only during day; of viscid, milky, acrid mucus; at times pale, frothy blood; often tastes greasy.

Colds fail to yield; sputum persistently muco-purulent and profuse.


      Lungs feel sore.

Stitches in chest and sides through to back.

Excruciating deep-seated pains in chest.

Pain under sternum.

Inflammation of lungs resulting in suppuration.

Dropsy of chest; also in stone-cutters.

Empyema after pleurisy.

Congestion to chest; chilly body.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation of heart while sitting, so that he had to hold on to something.

Violent hammering palpitation, after every quick or violent motion.

Pulse : small, hard, rapid; frequently irregular and then slow.

Outer Chest

      Painless throbbing in sternum.

Tightness across chest; after suppressed foot-sweat.

Eruption like varicella, covering the breast; itching violently.

Neck Back

      Cervical glands and parotids swollen, indurated.

Stiff back after sitting.

Rheumatism of lower cervical vertebrae.

Violent tearing between scapulae.

Constant aching in centre of spine.

Spinal irritation, paralytic symptoms; cold feet; constipation.

Aching in loins, shooting down the legs.

Spinal curvature to right, painful to touch and motion.

Spina bifida.

Psoas abscess.

Spasmodic pain in small of back; does not allow him to rise.

Lame feeling in region of sacrum.

Pain across small of back on getting out of bed in the morning.

Aching, beating, throbbing in lumbo-sacral region.

Coccyx hurts after riding; coccygodynia.

Upper Limbs

      Offensive axillary sweat.

Bones of arms feel bruised.

Shaking of left arm; before epilepsy.

Right arm and wrist weak; cannot raise anything.

Arms go to sleep when resting on them.

Limbs tremble: forearms jerks so, could not feel the pulse; after bleeding.

Wen on tendons of extensors of fingers.

Paralysis of hands; also in leprosy Enchondroma, right hand.

Moist tetter on hands.

Profuse sweat on hands.

Bone felons; deep-seated pains; worse from warm bed; burning, stinging, aching in superficial parts.

Run-arounds;ulceration about nails; hang-nails.

Contraction of flexor tendons; very painful when moving fingers.

Finger-tips burn.

Nails : yellow, crippled, brittle or crumpled; blue in fever.

Lower Limbs

      Suppuration and caries of hip-joint.

Trembling of legs, with extreme nervousness.

Sensation of loss of power of legs.

Gonocace, pains stinging, lancinating; swelling, doughy; fistulous openings, with hard edges, discharging greenish-yellow pus.

Cramps : in the calves; in soles.

Cold legs and feet, after suppressed foot-sweat.

Feet give way under her, when walking.

Offensive foot-sweat, with rawness between toes.

Ingrowing toe-nails, offensive discharge.

Itching on soles, driving to despair.

Limbs in General

      Twitching of limbs day and night.

Limbs : go to sleep easily; sore and lame; evenings.

Stinging in limbs at night.

Limbs cold; transient local sweats of feet and arm-pits.

Sweat on hands and feet after fever.

Position etc.

      Rest : Wants to lie down : Can’t stand : Lying down : on back : on right side :. Sitting : Can’t rise : Motion :, Exertion :, (mental) : Walking :, fast : Running : Jarring : Stooping : Descending : Rising : Stepping : Reading : Writing : Looking up : Excessive use of eyes : Moving eyes : Distorted face :. Starting : Talking : Wrapping head (warmly) : Manual labor :.


      Restless: fidgety; starts at least noise.

Trembling in all the limbs, hands in particular; at times she was quite unable to lift a cup of tea.

Hysteria, paralysis and obstinate neuralgia, caused by dissipation, or hard work with close confinement.

Spasms spread from solar plexus to brain; come at night or during new moon; attacks preceded by coldness of left side, shaking and twisting of left arm. Epilepsy.

Convulsions after vaccination.

Child slow in learning to walk.

Sense of great debility wants to lie down.

Paralysis from tubes dorsalis.

Progressive locomotor ataxia.


      Sleepy but cannot sleep.

Sleepless; from ebullitions.

During sleep starts, jerkings of the limbs, snoring Somnambulism.

Dreams : lascivious, pleasant; anxious, of murders, horrid things.

Night-sweats; obstinate morning headache; chilly, nauseated.

Erections and urging to urinate awake him.

Feels unrefreshed, wishes to remain in bed.


      Morning :,, A.M. : Afternoon : 3–5 P.M. : Evening :,, 11 P.M. Night : Day : Day and night :.

Temperature and Weather

      Warmth :, Warmth of bed : Warm room : Warm wrappings : Hot compresses : Cold :; things :. Cold or open air :. In bed : Debility during thunder-storm. Draught : Undressing : Getting out of bed in morning :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Want of animal heat; always chilly, even when exercising.

Suffering parts feel cold.

Left side suddenly cold, before epilepsy.

Chill in bed in evening.

Frequent chilliness, with occasional feverishness.

Fever during dentition.

Frequently during day, short flushes of heat, principally in face.

Violent general heat, violent thirst in afternoon, evening and all night.

Fever worse at night.

Periodically returning, heat during day, no previous chill; followed by slight sweat.

Sweat only on head and face; sweat from least exertion.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.