Cutting and dragging in hypogastric region around to loins, making her feel faint.

Painful sensitiveness of abdomen to touch.

Lumps in both groins, hard and painful.

Stool etc.

      Stools: watery; only at night, or usually at night, sometimes unconsciously evacuated; greenish-yellow, slimy, very changeable; like bile, following rumbling in abdomen; offensive, corrosive; of white and bloody mucus.

Dysenteric stools, of clear yellow, red or green slime; pain in back, straining; tenesmus, from anus up along sacrum.

Dysentery during cholera times.

Discharge of blood and mucus during stool; face pallid; fainting; dysuria; frequent stools of mucus only, after dysentery.

Obstinate constipation, nauseous, bad taste in morning, must wash out her mouth; costive stools hard and large, after suppressed intermittent fever by quinine.

Desire for stool, insufficient or no evacuation of feces, but instead yellowish, sometimes blood-mixed mucus.

Painful protruding piles, with smarting and soreness. Piles (blind) with menses; though generally with this remedy, they bleed.


      Tenesmus and stinging in neck of bladder.

Continued pressure on bladder, without desire to urinate.

Ischuria, with redness and heat in region of bladder.

Frequent, almost ineffectual, urging to urinate, with cutting pains.

Desire to urinate, with drawing in abdomen.

Cannot retain urine; it is passed in drops, sitting or walking; involuntary when coughing, passing wind, or during sleep, the latter especially in little girls.

Urine increased, watery, colorless; or, scanty, red-brown.

Sediment reddish, bloody or mucous, jelly-like, sticking to vessel.

Haematuria, with burning at orifice of urethra and constriction in region of navel.

Burning in urethra.

After urination, spasmodic pain in neck of bladder, extending into thighs. At end to urination, dropping of blood.

Male Sexual Organs

      Desires too strong, almost priapism.

Long-lasting morning erections; emissions after onanism.

Sexual excesses resulting in headache; backache; limbs heavy.

Burning of testicles, without swelling.

Orchitis, with swelling of scrotum; from cold, contusion or checked gonorrhoea.

Spermatic cord inflamed by a badly-fitting truss.

Drawing, tensive pains, from abdomen through cords into testicles.


Prostate enlarged; feces flat, small in size; also acute prostatitis.

Gonorrhoea, with thick, yellow, or yellow-green discharge.

Itching burning on inner and upper side of prepuce.

Female Sexual Organs

      Tensive, cutting pain in uterus, which is very sensitive to touch and during coitus.

Pains in uterus, with amenorrhoea.

Prolapsus uteri, with pressure in abdomen and small of back, as from a stone; limbs tend to go to sleep; ineffectual urging to stool.

Metrorrhagia, blood changeable, stops and flows; profuse at times, at others intermittent, mixed with clots; at climaxis; in chlorosis; after abuse of quinine and iron.

First menses delayed.

Menstruation: too late, scanty and short duration; flow thick, black, clotted, or thin, watery; or changeable in appearance; flows more during day while walking.

Menses suppressed or flow intermittently; after getting feet wet; in chlorosis; from nervous debility; with throbbing headache; pressure in stomach; pain in uterus; dysuria; ophthalmia; morning nausea; or bad taste in mouth.

Crampy constriction of vagina; induration, fistula; polypus.

Leucorrhoea : milky, thick, with swollen vulva; acrid, burning, painless, or with cutting in abdomen.


      Threatened abortion; flow ceases and then returns with double force, ceases again, and so on.

Promotes expulsion of moles.

Labor-pains : deficient, irregular or sluggish; spasmodic; excite suffocation and faint spells, must have doors and windows open.

Retained placenta, want of action or spasmodic contraction.

Post-partum secondary hemorrhages from retained placenta or coagula.

After-pains too long or too violent; worse toward evening.

Lochia scanty, becoming milky; feverish, but no thirst.

Convulsions following sluggish or irregular labor-pains; unconscious; cold, clammy, pale face; stertorous breathing and full pulse.

Milk leg.

Mammae : lumps in breasts of girls before puberty; or, escape of thin milk-like fluid.

Breasts swollen, rheumatic pains extend to muscles of chest, also to shoulders, neck, axillae and down the arms, change from place to place; during nursing.

Milk suddenly suppressed; lochia becomes milky, white.

After wearing : beasts swell, feel stretched, tense, intensely sore; milk continues to be secreted.


      Hoarseness and roughness of throat; cannot speak loud; hoarseness coming and going.

Aphonia nervosa returns at every motion; last cervical vertebra feels sore, burning.

Constriction in throat, feels something there preventing speech; cannot eat, weeps.


      Asthma : especially of children after suppression of rash; in hysteria, or with suppressed menses; in the evening, especially after a meal.

Dyspnoea and vertigo, with weakness in head, when lying on the back; at night, in bed, as if throat or chest were constricted; or as if fumes of sulphur had been inhaled; morning, low down in chest.

Oppression of chest on walking fast, ascending an eminence, or exercising.


      From irritation in pit of stomach; shattering, spasmodic, often in paroxysms of two coughs each; excited by itching, scratching, and dry feeling, as from vapor of sulphur in trachea and chest; dry at night, going off when sitting in bed; loose by day; dry after every sleep; evening after lying down, when warm in bed; loose, vomits mucous; diarrhoea; worse at night; with yellow mucus sputa, bitter or greenish; with purulent expectoration; with expectoration of pieces of dark, coagulated blood; menses suppressed.

Spitting of dark, coagulated blood; pain in lower part of chest; anguish, shuddering; qualmishness.


      Phthisis florida, suppurative stage; chlorotic girls.

Soreness in chest; under clavicles.

Pain in chest, as if ulcerated.

Stitches in side only when lying, particularly at night.

Sticking in chest, worse from deep breath, or coughing.

Paroxysms of burning in chest.

Obstinate bronchial catarrh.

Congestion to chest and heart at night; with anxious dreams.

Heart Pulse

      Beating through chest interrupts sleep; old maids.

Catching pain in cardiac region, better for a time from pressure of hand; pains, with but little or no anxiety.

Burning in region of heart.

Heaviness, pressure or sensation of fulness every evening.

Palpitation : in violent paroxysms, often with anguish and obscuration of sight; trembling of limbs; from chagrin, fright, or joy; with catamenia, chlorosis: strong with suppressed pulse; after dinner.

Pulse : accelerated, small and weak; frequent in evenings; with distended blood-vessels, slower in morning; often scarcely perceptible.

Outer Chest

      Chest pains as if bruised.

Neck Back

      Swelling of cervical glands.

Interscapular pain, worse by inspiration.

Curvature of upper part of spine.

Like cold water poured down back.

Stitches in small of back.

Pain in back and small of back, as from stooping long, or as if weary.

Upper Limbs

      Severe pains in both shoulder-joints.

Hard, painful throbbing; glandular swelling in the right axilla.

Heaviness in arm from shoulders to fingers, numb feeling.

Arms feel as if broken and dislocated; worse on pressure and from movement.

Elbow swollen after a contusion.

Veins in forearms and hands swollen.

Lower Limbs

      Pain as from festering, in muscles of buttocks, legs and soles.

Jerking pain in hip-joint, extending to knee.

Drawing, heaviness, weariness, in legs.

Legs hot, swollen, with tensive, burning pains.

Knees inflamed, swollen, with shooting pains.

Soft, white, shining swelling of knees.

Jerking, lacerating through left leg and foot, which becomes numb and oedematous; sensitive to touch; better from changing position.

Aching in calves, which are swollen.

Varices on legs.

Feet red, inflamed, swollen; also the soles. Swelling of top of foot.

Chilblains inflamed, bluish, itching.

Limbs in General

      Redness and swelling of joints, with stinging pains.

Jerking, tearing, drawing in muscles, shifting rapidly from place to place; worse at night, from warmth; better from uncovering: towards evening pains more fixed with swelling of parts, when pains abate some.

Rheumatism : caused by getting wet, especially the feet; from protracted wet weather.

Position etc.

      Motion :, Exercise : Walking :,,, Misstep :. Rising : Ascending : Stooping : Must bend forward : Moving eyes or raising eyes upwards : Rest : Sitting :,, Lying : 2; on back : Parts lain on : Changing position : Mental labor or emotions: Exertion: Talking: Pains worse changing from a long-maintained position.


      Hysteria; symptoms ever changing.

Epileptic convulsions, violent tossing of limbs, followed by relaxation, disposition to vomit, eructations; from suppressed menses.

Fainting fits, great paleness of face; shivering, coldness. Violent trembling all over.

Tired, worn out feeling, as from fatigue, but not better resting.

Nervous debility, with amenorrhoea.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.