
      Yawning; drowsy by day: feverish somnolence.

Sleepless : after late supper, or eating too much; from ideas crowding on the mind; first part of night, sleeps late in morning.

Starts, talks, weeps, cries out in sleep.

Dreams: confused, frightful; anxious.

Talking, whining and screaming during sleep.


      Early morning :,. Morning :,,,, P.M.: 5-10 P.M. : Evening :,, Night:,,,,, Day :.

Temperature and Weather

      Warmth :; of bed:, Warm room :, In-doors : Out doors : Sunshine : Spring :. Summer: Cold :,,, Wet weather : head wet : Wetting feet :,. Cutting hair : Hot or cold things:. Ices :, Must have doors and windows open : 2. Wet weather. Getting wet : Wind : Generally pains better cool air; abdominal pains better warmth.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Cold chills all over; chilly all the time, even in a warm room; chilly with the pains.

Chilly at lower abdomen and small of back; sleepy but no sleep.

One-sided coldness, with numbness.

Flitting chilliness; chills in spots, now here, now there; worse evening.

Chill 4 P.M., no thirst; anxiety, dyspnoea; vomiting of mucus when the chill comes on.

Heat, with red face, or one cheek red and one pale.

Internal dry heat, evening or night, without external heat.

Heat of right side or on upper part of body; lessened by moving or washing.

Heat of face or of one hand, with coldness of the other; body hot, limbs cold.

Attacks of anxious heat, as if water was poured over him.

Sweat : one-sided; only on face and head; more at night and in morning; soon ceasing when waking; sour, musty, at times cold; sweetish acid odor to sweat; at night, with stupid slumber.

Pains during sweat.

During apyrexia; headache; mucous diarrhoea, nausea and loss of appetite: enlarged spleen.


      Paroxysms of increasing severity.

Pains appear suddenly, leave gradually.

Wandering pains shift rapidly from part to part.

Symptoms ever changing.


      Right : Left :, Above downward: Below upward :. Changes sides :.


      Tension in inner parts or in joints.

Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration.

Tingling in parts lain on.

Pulsations through the whole body.


      Hemorrhages, blood dark, easily coagulating.

Varicose veins; inflamed.

Circulation weak, sluggish, with paleness and constant chilliness; anaemia.

Inflammations of internal, with disposition to suppurate.

Affections of mucous surfaces; discharges thence are usually bland, yellowish green, thick.

Emaciation, especially of suffering parts.

Chlorosis, especially after large doses of iron.

Glands swollen, painful, hot.

Scraping or tingling in periosteum; jerking boring in bones; incipiency of inflammation. Anasarca.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Part touched feels bruised, ulcerated; skin sensitive.

Child wants to be carried slowly.

Better from trying clothes tightly.

Concussions; bruises, especially with injury of bones, sore pain when touched.

Touch :, Rubbing or wiping : Pressure; of clothes (must unlace);; of truss:. Contusion :, Riding in cars :.


      Pale; burning-itching here and there.

Urticaria, with diarrhoea; also in the summer; itching worse at night; from pastry or pork; from delayed menses; worse undressing, cool bath, etc.

Moles or freckles on young girls.

Erysipelas bluish, spreads rapidly: especially about buttocks and thighs; smooth skin.

Intertrigo, chafing, after abuse of chamomile tea. Rhagades. Chaps.

Bleeding tumors; changeable blood, most while walking during the day.

Measles even with typhoid symptoms; catarrh prominent; eruption tardy; earache; ophthalmia; short, dry cough, with pain in chest : or, rattling loose cough, which is prone to remain as a sequelae.

Ulcers : bleed easily, with burning, stinging or itching around them; with hard or red areolae; better from cold.

Wound suppurate; pus thick, bland, too profuse.

Stages and States

      Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to grief and submissiveness.

Often indicated with women and children.


      Complementary to Acid Sulphuricum Lycop., Pulsat.

It antidotes : Cinchon., iron, Sulphur, Acid Sulphuricum, vapor of mercury, or of copper, Coffea, Chamom., Bellad., Colchic, Lycop., Platin., Stramon., Sabad., Ant. tart.

Pulsat. as antidoted by Chamom., Coffea, Ignat., Nux vomica

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.