Homeopathic remedy Kali Iodatum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Potassium iodide HARTLAUB.


      Talkative, disposed,. disposed to jest; vehement, quarrel some.

Starts at every noise.

Excitation as if intoxicated also after mercurialization.

Inner Head

      Hyperaemia in scrofula; also in weak of tubercular patients; hammering in the forehead;head feels inflated; anxious, restless sleep.

Headache and heaviness in head (5 A.M.); better after rising.

Pains in sides of head, as if screwed in; better in open air.

Lancinating and darting over left eye and in left temple.

Outer Head

      Violent headache, hard lumps on the cranium.

Scalp feels as if ulcerated, when scratching it.

Falling out of hair. Syphilis.


      Iritis syphilitica after abuse of mercury; aqueous, cloudy; ciliary injection bright, angry looking; pains worse at night.

Irido-choroiditis, especially syphilitic.

Pustules on the cornea; no photophobia, pain, or redness.


Burning in the eyes; they secrete a purulent mucus.

OEdema of the eyelids, with lachrymation.

Periostitis of orbit, syphilitic or not.


      Boring pain in the ears; during in the ears (right); rachitic children, head tender.


      Violent epistaxis, after mercury.

From the least cold, violent acrid coryza; bloated eyelids, stinging in the ears, red face, white tongue; violent thirst; alternate heat and chilliness; headache; dark, hot urine; abuse of mercury.

Nose red, swollen; discharge acrid, watery; tightness at the root of the nose. Syphilis.


      Swelling of face and tongue, especially after mercury.

Darting and stinging in the face Coryza.


      Feeling as of a worm crawling at root of the teeth.

Gums swollen; decayed teeth; gum-boils.

Grumbling in teeth and face: copious saliva; thirst; violent in darting into ears; abscess of antrum.

Teeth feel elongated.

Tongue etc.

      Rancid taste in mouth, after eating or drinking.

Bitterness in mouth and throat, going off after break fast.

Burning of the tip of tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue.


      Irregular ulcers, looking as if coated with milk.

Viscid, saltish saliva darting pregnancy.

Bloody saliva, with sweetish taste in the mouth.


      Uvula swollen and elongated; mucous membrane as if oedematous.

Goitre (sensitive to contact).

Submaxillary glands swollen, suppurating.

Desires Aversions

      Food tasteless.

Excessive thirst day and night.

Nausea and Vomiting


Gulping up of large quantities of air.


      Phlegmasia of the stomach (and intestines).

Burning in the pit of the stomach.


      Sudden pain bloating of the abdomen or about navel, followed by diarrhoea.

Cutting and burning around umbilicus.

Stool etc.

      Stool scanty, hard, difficult.

Serous mucus from the rectum.

Diarrhoea and tenesmus, with pain in small of back, as if in a vise; after mercury.


      Morbus Bright, with gout or mercurio-syphilis; granulated kidney.

Frequent painful urging to urinate. Urging disappears when menses come.

Urine; copious, frequent, pale and watery; red as blood.

Urine increased, with unquenchable thirst.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire diminished; tastes atrophied.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses late and more profuse than usual: menses suppressed.

Before menses, frequent urging to urinate; during menses, thigh feels as if squeezed; pains go into the thighs; chilly, heat in the head.

Leucorrhoea watery, acrid, corrosive, with biting in the pudendum.

Discharge of mucus from the vagina.

Atrophy of the mammae.




      Nasal, catarrhal voice.

Hoarseness, with pain in chest, cough, oppression of breathing and pain in both eyes.

Awakens with choking; can scarcely breathe; choking spells, oedema of the larynx.

Rough feeling in the trachea, compelling hawking.


      No air enters the lungs, epigastrium sunken; face livid; laryngeal obstruction.


      Suffocative cough, larynx swollen.

Cough dry; hawking; later copious green sputum.


      Stitches through sternum to back, or deep in chest, while walking.

Phthisis pituitosa, with purulent sputum; exhausting night- sweats and loose stools.

Pneumonia in the beginning when the disease localizes itself; also with so extensive hepatization, as to Cause cerebral congestion and serous exudation; face red, pupils large; urine suppressed; one side as if paralyzed.

OEdema pulmonum, with pneumonia: or secondary to Morbus Brightii; sputum like soapsuds, green.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation,. worse while walking.

Darting pains in the heart, when walking; after abuse of mercury; after repeated endocarditis.

Pulse accelerated; frequent.

Neck Back

      Small of back feels as if in a vise; also with darting pains in lumbar region, worse sitting bent; stitches. Bright’s disease.

Pain in the os coccygis, as from a fall.

Upper Limbs

      Left shoulder feels bruised.

Tearing in shoulder and ear.

Lower Limbs

      Gnawing in hip=bones; darting in left hip at every step, forcing him to limp.

Tearing in right thigh and knee awakens him at night, worse lying on affected side or back. Sciatica.

Knee doughy; spongy, no fluctuation; skin red i spots and hot; gnawing, boring or tearing, worse at night, must often change position; white swelling.

Pain as if bruised in the left instep.

Ulcerative pain in heels and toes.

Limbs in General

      Tearing, darting pains; periosteum, attacked; jerks or contractions of the tendons; emaciation; worse at night, lying on suffering part; from mercurialization or syphilis; rheumatism; gout.

Position etc.

      Walking: 2,; in open air: rising: Sitting bent: Lying o back or affected side: aFFECTED SIDE:. mUST CHANGE POSITION:.


      Subsultus tendinum, or contraction of muscles and tendons.

Restless moving about.

Paralysis. See spinal meningitis.


      Sleepless, restless; horrid dreams.

Weeping during sleep.


      Morning (5 A.M.): Evening: Night:, Day and night: 4. – P.M. and -8P.M.:.

Temperature and Weather

      Irresistible desire to walk in the open air, it does not fatigue.

Open air: Cold: Warmth of bed: external heat:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilly, with thirst (- P.M.) or all night, with shaking and frequent waking; can get warm in bed, but not from heat of stove.

Chill from lower part of back upward and through the whole body; -8 P.M.; with sleepiness.

At times chilly, with dry skin; at others profuse sweat.

Flushes of heat, with dulness of the head.

Intermittent fever; thirst with the chill; chill not lessened by warmth; mouth dry; anasarca; scrofula.


      Right: Left:, Front backward: Below upward:.


      Purpura hemorrhagica.


Emaciation and loss appetite.


Distends all tissue by interstitial infiltration: oedema; enlarged glands: tophi; exostoses; swelling of the buboes, etc.

Dropsy from pressure of swollen glands.

Secondary syphilis, especially after abuse of mercury or combined with scrofula;’ buboes, chancres, with hard edges, thin, corrosive, or curdy pus; deep-eating ulcers.

Roseola. Rupia. Rheumatism; pains in bones; necrosis; exostoses; all worse at night.

Glands: swollen, goitre, bronchial, submaxillary, ulcerating,


Contact Injuries etc.

      Scratching: Contract (touch or pressure) :.


      Itching herpes on the face.

Papulae worse on face, shoulders and back: dry throat.

Pustulous eruption often umbilicated and leaving scars.

Small boils on face, head, neck, back and chest, leaving scars.


      After abuse of mercury.

Against abuse of iodide of potassium, Hepar s.c.

Kali chlor. compares in albuminuria.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.