Labor-pains cease from hemorrhage; cannot have the hands touched.

Uterine hemorrhages, ringing in ears, fainting, cold, loss of sight; discharge of dark clots; uterine spasms; twitches, jerks; wants to be fanned.

Lochia lasts too long; drawing about ovaries; or discharge fetid or cheesy, purulent.

Asphyxia of the newborn; after great loss of blood by the mother.


      Hoarse, voice rough, deep from adhering mucus.

Sore sensation in larynx and trachea.

Influenza, with debility, loss of appetite, heat without thirst.


      Asthma, looks as if dying; worse autumn, wet weather, or after depletion.

Cannot breathe with head low.

Wheezing, whistling inspiration, crowing, rattling, oppressed and painful.

Oppression of the chest; also evenings, lying down.

Nightly suffocative fits; spasmodic cough.

Suffocative catarrh, and paralysis of lungs of old people.

Rattling in chest; loud sounds through the nose.

Inspiration slow, difficult; expiration quick, blowing, short. OEdema glottidis.

Oppression of chest, as from fulness of stomach; also continued talking.

Breath cold.


      With pain in larynx and sternum; with pain throughout whole cavity of chest.

Cough causing cutting in left lower abdomen; expectoration difficult, black.

Cough with granular sputum during day or evening, none night or morning.

Dry, spasmodic or suffocative night cough, as from vapor of sulphur, with bilious vomit.

Cough first hollow, dry and painful, later bloody expectoration. Sputa slimy, whitish.

Coughs worse : lying with head low, or on left side; moving; deep breath, talking, laughing; eating, drinking; evening or after 12 P.M.; lightly touching larynx; least draught; loss of fluids; after being awakened.


      Loud, coarse rales, great debility, anaemia; oedema of legs.

Pneumonia after hemorrhages, bleeding or with bilious symptoms; or incipient gangrene.

Pressure in chest as from violent rush of blood, violent palpitation; bloody sputum; sudden prostration.

Stitches in right chest up to axilla, prevents bending forward and breathing; stitches in left chest; stitches under sternum worse during deep breathing and sudden movements.

Phthisis of drunkards, suppuration of lungs.

Cannot bear percussion or even auscultation, chest so sensitive.

Haemoptysis : with subsequent suppuration of lungs; stitches in chest worse from slight touch.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation : with rush of blood to face, heat and redness of face, with cold hands; after loss of fluids.

Pulse : frequent, small, hard; more quiet after meals; feeble, rapid; unequal, intermitting.

Neck Back

      Pressure as from a stone between scapulae.

Pain in small of back at night, lying on it.

Insupportable pain in small of back, like a cramp, worse from least movement.

Laming, drawing, tearing in back and thighs.

Upper Limbs

      Aching in shoulder-blades and limbs; worse from least pressure; restless, wants to change position.

Spasmodic stretching of the arms, with clenched fingers.

Hands tremble (when writing).

Veins of hands distended.

Swelling of back of left hand.

One hand icy-cold, the other warm.

Nails blue.

Lower Limbs

      Hip disease, with profuse suppuration, sweat, diarrhoea.

Pain in the right knee, up to thigh, or down towards the legs; pains worse from contact than from motion.

Legs feel as after a long walk.

Uneasiness in legs, must move them or draw them up.

Hot swelling of right knee, painful to slight touch.

Knees weak, especially when walking.

Rheumatic pains in metatarsal bones, and phalanges, worse form motion and contact.

Swelling of the feet; hot, arthritic.

Limbs in General

      Darting-tearing, worse from contact, especially in hands and feet.

Pains in all the limbs, as if clothing were too tight, after a walk in the open air.

Pains in limbs increasing gradually, worse from slight touch.

Parts about the joints are swollen and very sensitive to least touch; worse at night, parts feel weak.

Heaviness in limbs, especially the thighs.

Limbs pain, especially joints, as if bruised, worse in rest, better moving.

Position etc.

      Rest;. Sudden motion : Motion :,,, Jar : Walking :,. Must stand or walk : Wants to change position : Lying : on back :; on left side : with head low : Parts lain on : Raising the head : Bending double : Mental exertion :.


      Great debility, trembling, averse to all exercise; nervous; sensitive to pain, to draughts of air; sleepless.

Complaints from loss of animal fluids.

Convulsions : rush of blood to head, throbbing carotids; from great loss of blood.

Epileptic spasms far apart; deathly pallor; relaxation of muscles.

Paralysis from loss of fluids; after arsenical poisoning; onanism.

Numbness of parts on which he lies.

Twitching of limbs.


      Irresistibly sleepy during day and after eating.

Constant sopor or unrefreshing sleep.

Sleepless, aching in head (until 12 P.M.), anxiety on waking, from frightful dreams.

Sleepless, from crowding of ideas, making plans.

During sleep : snoring, blowing expiration; moaning, whining.

Sleep too short, unrefreshing; awakens too early.

Worst sleep after 3 A.M.

On awaking : cannot collect one’s senses vertigo; hunger; sweat; languor; unrefreshed; head hot; oppression of chest.


      Morning till afternoon : Morning :,, Forenoon : Afternoon :, Evening :, Night :, A.M. : Day : Day and night :. 12 P.M. :.

Temperature and Weather

      Room : Entering room from open air : Warm stove : Draught :, Open air :,. Foggy weather :. Wet weather : Covering up : Autumn :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill preceded by palpitation, anxiety and hunger.

Chill over the whole body, increased by drinking, thirst before or after, but not during the chill.

Internal violent chill, with icy-cold hands and feet, and congestion of blood to the head.

Chill and heat alternating in the afternoon.

Fugitive chills in the back, tendency to sweat on covering up.

In the evening in bed, he cannot get warm.

Wants to be near the stove, but it increases the chill.

Chill most afternoon or evening; less forenoon.

General heat, with distended veins.

Heat of face, with cold body.

Long-lasting heat, which frequently sets in late after chill.

During the heat : thirstlessness or thirst for cold drink only; desire to uncover; aversion to food; or canine hunger; pains in the liver, chest, back, limbs.

Sweat : debilitating, night or morning; profuse; partial, cold, or profuse, with thirst; greasy; on the side on which one lies.

During the sweat, increased thirst.

Revulsion of sweat, and therefrom want of sweat.

Heat of the face, with cold body.

Sweat profuse, morning and night.

Sweat partial, cold; or, profuse, with thirst; sweats easily, especially at night in sleep.

Fever, with dry mouth, burning lips; red, face, delirium; chill when uncovered : pains in limbs.

Sweat on side lain on; sweat less after meals.

Suppressed sweat.

Hectic fever, frequent night-sweats, diarrhoea, pallor; skin dry, flaccid; sleepless; nervous; hunger; after exhausting disease, loss of fluids, etc.

Acute fevers, with profuse sweats.

Typhoid fevers :,,,.


      Worse every other day : congestions; chills; neuralgia.

Autumn : At a certain hour each afternoon : Worse during increase of moon.

Alternate weakness and feeling of great strength, especially in joints.

Pains in organs, alternate with wandering rheumatic pains.


      Right : Left :, Left to right : Above downwards : Below upwards :.


      Pain in every joint, bones, periosteum as if strained.

Pains with lameness or weakness of affected parts.

Single parts feel pithy, numb.


      Hemorrhages from mouth, nose or bowels; wants sour things. Glands swollen, hot, painful.

Chlorosis, dropsy, poor digestion; after exhausting diseases or discharges.

Red inflammatory swellings.

Wounds become black, gangrenous.

Muscles lax.

Emaciation, especially of hands and feet; atrophy of children.

Humid gangrene; parts turn black.

Anasarca, ascites in the aged; also from liver and spleen disease; drunkards.

Caries with profuse sweat.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :,,,, Pressure :, Rubbing : Jarring :.


      Skin : dry, flaccid; yellow; of whole body sensitive, even palms of hands.

Ulcers ichorous, sensitive; ichor has a putrid smell.

Ulcer flat, shallow, copious discharge.

Small-pox, pustules black.

Stages and States

      Swarthy persons.

Debilitated, “broken down,” from exhausting discharges Old women after menopause; pleurisy, dropsy.


      Antidotes to Cinchon. are : Aranea diad., Arsen., Carb veg., Eupat. perf., Ferrum. Ipecac., Laches. Natr. mur., Nux. vom., Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur, Veratr. Cinchon. is frequently indicated in ailments from Arsen., Calcar., Coffea., Helleb., Iodum, Mercur., Sulphur., Veratr.

Also in hemorrhages from abuse of Chamom.

Complementary to Ferrum.

Cinchon. increases the anxiety caused by Digit.

Inimical to Selenium

Cinchon. antidotes : Arsen., Ipecac.

China mur. is sometimes preferable for periodical severe pain in or above eye, with chills; iris involved; cornea ulcerated.

In intermittent fever of nervous or hysterical women, compare Tarent.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.