Burning or biting about the larynx, with contraction, or construction almost to suffocation.

Profuse catarrh of the air-passages, the mucus being tenacious, with painful hawking and nightly lancinating and dryness in the trachea.


      When breathing deeply, and when speaking she feels as if she dare not exert herself on account of extraordinary dryness or weakness of the respiratory organs; speech therefore weak and timorous.


      Dry, hacking.


      Stitches: in chest, more on right side, or first left then right; in the lower right chest, extending toward the middle of the sternum and axilla.

Burning in the chest.

Exudation within the pleura; dyspnoea, palpitation; scanty urine; tendency to syncope. See.

Heart Pulse

      Anxiety about the heart.

Drawing pain in the region of the heart.

Stitch in heart followed by a crawling sensation.

Pericarditis with effusion; pulse feeble, irregular; tendency to syncope.

Violent palpitation of heart.

Pulse: very variable mostly hard, full and frequent, at times intermittent; frequent and small; slow, feeble and scarcely perceptible.

Outer Chest

      Stitches in the sternum.

Burning on the chest.

Neck Back

      Burning, boring, stitching or lancinating pains in the back, either between or in the scapulae, or in the small of the back; sometimes the skin over these parts burns as if a fly-blister were there.

Stiffness in the neck, with tensive pain on stooping.

Drawing, tearing or lancinating pain in the neck sometimes with burning of the skin over the parts.

Tearing pain in the back, especially morning.

Pains in the loins, kidneys and abdomen, with such pain on urinating that he could not pass a single drop without moaning or screaming.

Pain in the loins, with incessant desire to urinate.

Lancinations and tearing in the os coccygis, causing him to start.

Upper Limbs

      Tearing and stitching pains in the arms.

Lower Limbs

      Tearing from the right, later left hip- bone, down to the knees.

Violent pains in the knees.

Knees totter when ascending steps.

Numbness of lower limbs, first of one leg then of the other.

Pain in the soles, as from an ulcer, could not step.

Limbs in General

      Weakness and trembling of the limbs.

Violent pains of various kinds in the upper and lower extremities, first of one leg then of the other.

Tearing in limbs, relieved by rubbing.

Position etc.

      Motion: Walking: Standing; Stooping: Sitting: Lying: Ascending:.


      Weakness, prostration, faintness.

Convulsions, with dysuria and hydrophobic symptoms; bright light, drink or sound of falling water, touching the larynx, or painful parts, cause or renew the spasm.


      Light sleep; full of wakeful illusions.

Sleeplessness; anxious dreams.


      Some symptoms appear every seventh day.

General aggravation after midnight and during the day.

Morning: Afternoon: Evening:, Night:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm applications relieve pains in knees.

Rays of sun: Open air: Washing and bathing:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill in evening not relieved by external warmth.

Chill, succeeded by thirst without heat.

Chill running up the back.

Cold extremities.

Burning heat at night, which she does not feel.

Burning in the palms and soles.

Heat with thirst.

Sweat from every movement.

Cold sweat especially on hands and feet.

Sweat on the genitals.

Sweat smells like urine.

Intermittent fever, every paroxysms being characterized by the Cantharis dysuria.


      Right side:, Left side: Left to right: Right to left: Below upwards: Without inwards: Above downwards:,.


      Raw and sore pain in the whole body, internally and externally.

Every part oversensitive, and accompanied by excessive weakness.

Burning, stitching and tearing pains predominate.


      Inflammation of serous membranes; pleurisy after Aconite and Bryon.

Ulcerations and erosion of internal parts; patient lies in a stupor, with occasional twitches of the hands; symptoms of collapse.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch:, Pressure: Rubbing:. When combing:.


      Erythema, from exposure to the rays of the sum.

Burning, itching pains.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin; forming blisters.

Eczema rubrum.

Ulcerative pain when touched.

Gangrenous ulcers with itching and tearing pains.


Itching, as from lice, changing place.

Tearing pain in ulcers.

Bruns, before blisters form.


      Antidotes: Aconite, Camphor, Lauroc., Pulsat.

Oil increases the pernicious effects of Canthar.

Inimical: Coffea.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.