Tendency to diarrhoea and acid stomach, and prolapsus recti; precursory of tuberculosis of lungs.


      Frequent urination; also at night.

Urine : very dark colored, without sediment; offensive, dark brown with white sediment; bloody.

Urinary troubles, from getting the feet wet.

Burning at tip of glans penis.

Burning in urethra during urination.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire greatly increased at 3 A.M. Excessive sexual desire with retarded erection., and too early emission of semen, during coitus; burning and stinging during discharge.

Nocturnal pollutions, which debilitate body and mind.

Inflammation of the prepuce, fraenum and orifice of urethra, with a little yellow pus between the fraenum and glans.

Female Sexual Organs

      Metrorrhagia, with leucorrhoea during the climacteric.

Menses : too early; last too long; too profuse.

Discharge of blood between the periods, induced by mental excitement or working.

Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Suppressed menses: with full habit; after working in water.

Swelling and painfulness of the breasts before the menses.

Stinging in the os uteri.

Aching in the vagina.

Leucorrhoea, like milk, with itching, burning.

Burning soreness in the genitals.

Violent itching and soreness of the vulva.

Inflammation and swelling in the genitals. Uterus easily displaced by overexertion.

Stinging, burning tubercles on the margin of the labia.

Much sweat about the labia.



Sterility when the menses are too early and copious.

During pregnancy, great fatigue from walking, from feeling of lameness in pelvis.

Alopecia, particularly of lying-in women.

Lochia lasts too long, or has a milky appearance.

Mammae distended, but milk scanty.

Healthy-looking women with deficient milk, whose children die early with diarrhoea and convulsions, or with hydrocephalus.

Swelling of mammae, sore to touch: knife-like pains.

Ulcer on the nipple; sore to touch.

Moles and varicose protuberances on the hands of infants.

Muscular weakness of infants.


      Whistling in larynx after lying down, evenings.

Roughness or rawness in the larynx.

Painless hoarseness, mornings; hoarse, as if larynx was lined with mucus.


      Frequent need to breathe deeply.

Shortness of breath on going up the slightest ascent.

Asthma; early in the morning; muscles not rigid; sensation of dust in throat and lungs.


      Dry, especially at night; violent, first dry, afterwards with profuse salty expectoration, with pain as if something had been torn loose from the larynx; with rattling in the chest; in the morning, with yellowish expectoration.

Cough after first sleep, dry at night, loose by day with copious sputum.

Expectoration of a putrid odor; or tastes like ink.

Tickling cough, as from a feather in the throat.

Cough caused by sensation of plug, which moved up and down in the throat.

Cough excited by : inspiration; playing on piano; eating.

Expectoration : of mucus, with sweetish taste; of blood, when coughing and hawking, with rough and sore sensation in chest; of muco-pus that sinks in water, leaving a trail behind.


      Oppression of the chest, as if too full.

Stitches in the left chest on inspiration; cutting through to back.

Stitches in chest and sides of chest, when moving : from deep inspiration, and when lying on the affected side.

Sore pains in the chest, worse during inspiration.

Much mucus in the chest.

Middle of right lung most affected.

Abscesses forming in lungs.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation, with anxiety; also at night, or after meals.

Tremulous pulsation of heart, worse after eating; at night, with anguish.

Pulse full and accelerated, often tremulous.

Much beating in the blood-vessels.

Outer Chest

      Chest painfully sensitive to the touch and on inspiration.

Itching on the chest.

Mammary glands pain as if suppurating, especially when touched.

Neck Back

      Hard swelling of the cervical glands.

Painless swelling of the glands, in the neck, at the margin of the hair.

Stiff neck with extending down into the shoulders on moving it.

Thick strumous tumefaction of the thyroid gland.

Swelling and incurvation of vertebrae of neck and back.

Crawling pain between the scapulae.

Pain between or in the region of the scapulae, particularly worse by riding, sneezing, gaping or coughing, or other jarring.

Pain in the sacral region, back and neck, after over-lifting, or feeling as if wrenched.

Upper Limbs

      Stitches in the left shoulder-joint.

The arms feel bruised on moving them or taking hold of them.

The arm goes to sleep if he lies upon it, with pains.

Cramp in the whole of one or the other arm.

Weakness and a kind of paralysis of left arm.

Spasmodic tearing pain outer side of the forearm.

Pain as from a sprain in right wrist, or as if something had been wrenched or dislocated.

Darting through the wrist-joints.

Trembling of the hands.

Finger-joints much swollen.

Fingers as if dead; numbness of hand.

Felons; hang-nails.

Large painful boil on the first phalanx of fourth finger.

Lower Limbs

      Painful weariness of the lower limbs, especially of the thighs and feet.

Itching of the thighs.

Sciatic pains caused by working in water.

Swelling of the knees. Rheumatic gout of knee with effusion.

Whitish swelling of leg and foot with sensation of coldness.

Large, red and painful spots on the legs, like erysipelas bullosum.

Legs go “to sleep” in the evening when sitting.

Pain in the calf on walking and stepping.

Cramp : in calves at night, about 3 A.M.; also in hollow of knee when stretching out leg; in sole (left); in toes.

Burning in the soles.


Feet feel cold and damp. Foot-sweat makes the feet sore.

Limbs in General

      Weakness and weariness of all limbs.

Paralytic bruised pain in the long bones and in the joints of the limbs, also in the small of back on motion.

Position etc.

      Rest : Motion : Ascending : Walking : Must walk, Every step :Stepping Exercise Mental exertion, excitement. Not able to walk. Could scarcely rise, Sitting. Stooping, Lying on back : on affected side : Reading or writing, talking Overlifting, During stool, Overexertion.


      Twitching of the muscles.

Trembling of the body.

Talking produces a feeling of weakness, compelling the patient to desist.

Great weariness, not able to walk.

Children cannot walk; they have no disposition to do so, and will not put their feet down.

Great exhaustion in the morning, unable to go up stairs, or becomes much exhausted from it.

Chorea, sometimes only one side, involuntary motions, sometimes falling down; from fright, onanism, or worms.

Epilepsy : before the attack, sense of something running in the arm, or from pit of stomach down through abdomen into feet.

Causes : fright; protracted intermittent: suppression of chronic eruption. Worse during solstice and full moon.


      Inclination to stretch, mornings.

Difficult to arouse on awaking, mornings.

Sleepiness and weariness by day.

Late falling asleep; not until 2 or 3 A.M.

Persistent sleeplessness: so soon as he closes his eyes he sees figures.

Wakes too early : cannot sleep after 3 A.M.

Aroused as often as he falls asleep, by same disagreeable idea.

Dreams : anxious; frightful; of falling.

Children scream after midnight and cannot be pacified.


      Morning : Forenoon 2 P.M. Afternoon, Evening, Night After midnight : 2 or 3 A.M. 3 A.M., After 3 A.M, day : All day :.

Temperature and Weather

      Generally better in warmth, worse in cold air.

Very great sensitiveness to the open air, takes cold easily.

Hot sun : Candle-light : Warm or cold liquids :. Warm food or drink :. Warmth : Draught or cold : Cold air : Taking cold : Open air : Cold applications : Getting feet wet : Working in water :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Takes cold very easily; easily chilled. Chill with shivering, mostly in the evening, yet sometimes in the forenoon.

Chills commencing at 2 P.M. Thirst during the chill.

Internal chilliness in the morning, after rising.

Intermittent fever when the chill commences in the pit of the stomach, like a sort of fixed, cold, agonizing weight, increasing with the chill and disappearing with it.

Frequent flushes of heat, with anxious palpitation of heart.

Heat followed by chill and cold hands.

Nightly internal heat, especially in the feet and hands, morning dry tongue.

External heat, with internal chilliness in evening in bed.

Sweat from slightest exercise, even in the cold open air.

Sweat during first sleep. Clammy sweats at night on legs.

Morning sweat. Night sweats after 3 A.M.

Sweat most profuse on head and chest, and upper part of body.

Sweat; of the palms; of the feet.


      Some symptoms worse toward and new moon.

Worse solstice and full moon :.


      Right, Left, One-sided Below up : Above down-wards, Before backward.


      Great heaviness of the body.

General sick feeling.


      Atrophy of the muscles.

Crackling, or crepitation in the joints, as if they were dry.

Cancer of the breast, very sensitive, and painful to touch.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch : Pressure, Rubbing. Chewing Swallowing : Riding, jarring : Parts on which pressure is made get numb quickly.


      Dry and shriveled; yellow.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.