Menses : too early, too profuse; blood dark; suppressed, with frequent bleeding of the nose.

Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Hard black pustule on a swollen portion on left labium.

Dropsy of uterus, the swelling increases during the day and diminishes at night.


      After pains excited by least motion, even taking a deep inspiration.

Lochia too profuse, with burning pain, in region of womb.

Suppression of lochia, with sensation as if head would burst.

Drawing or lancinating pains from hip to foot, worse from touch or motion.

Mammae feel heavy; pale, but hard and painful; tensive burning, and tearing pain.

Flow of milk suppressed; scanty secretion of milk.

(Infant) sore mouth; child does not like to take hold of breast, but after mouth becomes moistened it nurses well.


      Voice rough and hoarse, Tickling in larynx.

Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only after frequent hawking.


      Respiration : impeded; quick and deep, without motion of the ribs, better in cold air and from drinking cold water.

Frequent desire to take a full inspiration, which, however, cannot be done in consequence of a feeling as if there was something should expand but would not.


      Hacking, dry cough from the upper part of trachea.

Dry cough : with sticking pain under the sternum; as if coming from the stomach; with a crawling and tickling in pit of stomach.

Sensation as if the head and chest would fly to pieces on coughing.

Cough, with constant crawling, upward, in the throat followed by expectoration of mucus.

Cough compels the patient to spring up in bed involuntary and immediately; or, to press hand on sternum.

Cough worse after eating or drinking, with vomiting of ingesta; worse coming into a warm room.

Nausea excites cough, and coughing often excites vomiting, Expectoration of mucus streaked with blood.


      Constriction of chest; felt the need of breathing deeply; when attempting to breathe deeply, pain in chest.

Stitch in upper part of chest, through the shoulders, on inspiring.

Chest very sensitive, with stitches in left side, on inspiration.

Sensation of heaviness beneath sternum, extending towards the right shoulder, impeding respiration; deep inspiration was difficult; oppression of right side of chest, with very fine, extremely severe stitches in the right axillary gland.

Stitches in the sternum on coughing; was obliged to hold the chest with the hand.

Sharp pain in left inframammary region; worse during inspiration.

Sharp stitching pain in chest, below right nipple, extending outward, only on expiration.

Short but violent stitches in right side of chest, so that he must hold the breath and cannot cry out.

Tearing stitches in left side of chest extend from behind forward, are better during rest, worse during motion and on deep inspiration.

Stitching pain in region of diaphragm, worse from motion or coughing.

Heart Pulse

      Oppression in the region of the heart, Stitching pain in the region of the heart.

Camp in region of heart, aggravated by walking, raising one’s self, or using slightest exertion, even raising arm.

Heart beats violently and rapidly.

Pulse : full, hard, rapid and tense; at times intermittent with strong orgasm of blood.

Outer Chest

      Painful spot, as from a bruise, on the second rib of the right side, extending to the sternum.

Neck Back

      Pain in nape of back, as after taking cold.

Painful stiffness of muscles of right side of neck, on moving the head.

Dull stitches between the scapulae, extending from behind forward, in the afternoon while lying.

Pain in the small of the back; which makes walking or turning difficult; as if bruised, when lying on it.

Upper Limbs

      Painful tension and pressure in the right shoulder, when at rest.

Painful pressure on the top of right shoulder, worse upon touch; on deep breathing it becomes a dull stitching, which extends downwards and outwards to shoulder joint.

Drawing and tearing and pains in the right upper arm.

Swelling of right elbow-joint, with stitches.

Tearing pains on inner surface of forearm, on a line form the elbow to the wrist.

Pain in wrists, as if wrenched or sprained, on every motion.

Fine stitches in wrist, if the hands become warm, and during rest; they do not disappear on motion.

Rather hot pale swelling in last joint of little finger, with sticking in it on moving the finger, or on pressing it.

On writing or taking hold of anything, a sensation as if the finger-joints were swollen and puffed; they are painful on much exertion and on touch.

Stitching pain in the fingers when writing.

Lower Limbs

      Legs so weak they scarcely will hold him.

Stabbing pain in the hips.

Great weariness in the thighs, worse going up steps.

Great painfulness of right thigh: the pain comes from the head of femur, extends along the anterior surface of thigh to knee.

Knees totter and knock together when walking.

Pain in right knee, so that in evening he could scarcely walk, and was obliged to keep the leg very quite; inner side of knee very painful to touch.

Pinching, tearing in right calf.

Bruised pain or outer side of left calf, on moving and turning the foot, as also from touch; during rest a numb sensation in this place.

Tension in ankles on motion.

Feet are tense and swollen in the evening; pain in feet, as if sprained.

When walking, a prickling sensation like “pins and needles” is felt in the soles of the feet, which hinders or prevents walking.

Hot swelling of the instep, with bruised pain on stretching out the foot.

Tensive pain on the back of the feet, even when sitting.

Limbs in General

      Heaviness in the limbs; seem like lead. Weariness and stiffness of limbs; especially the lower.

Rheumatism, with redness and swelling of joints.

Weakness of the limbs obliges him to sit.

Position etc.

      Rest, Motion : of eyeball: Walking : 2, Misstep :,. Exertion : 2, 2, Ascending stairs; Sitting, rising Raising head : body or arm, Lie quiet. Bend double Stooping : Lying : On back, When smoking. Drinking Hawking, swallowing.


      Very tired and prostrated; great weariness.

Great weakness and exhaustion, worse from walking.

Sudden prostration, shunning all motion.

Faintness : when rising from bed; from slightest motion.

Spasm developed through repercussion of measles.


      Frequent yawning, the whole day.

Much sleepiness during the day.

Sleeplessness on account of uneasiness in the blood and anxiety; the thoughts crowd upon one another.

Night very restless, disturbed by frightful dreams; frequent waking.

No sleep before midnight, on account of a frequent shivering sensation over one arm and foot, followed by sweat.

Starts in affright before falling asleep.

Motion of the lower jaw, during sleep, as in masticating.


Dreams; about household affairs; about business of the day; of dispute and vexation; anxious.


      Morning : Noon : Afternoon Evening : Night : Before midnight : 3 A.M. : Increases gradually morning till evening. Increases by day, decreases during the night, day.

Temperature and Weather

      Better in cold weather and from taking cold food.

Facial neuralgia relieved by cold applications.

Cold water, Cold air. Cold Warmth, Warm weather, Warm drinks. Coming into a warm room. Room.

Open air : Complaints on the first warm days.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill : with external coldness of body and chilliness, frequently with heat of head, red cheeks and thirst; and coldness, mostly in the evening, and frequently only of the right side; worse in the room than in the open air.

Dry, burning heat, mostly only internal, the blood seems to burn in the veins.

Great aggravation of sufferings during the heat.

Sweat in short spells and only on single parts.

Profuse and easily excited sweat, even when slowly walking in cold open air; profuse night and morning sweat.


      Right, left Right to left. Left to right.Behind forward. Above downward.Below upwards Within out.


      Every spot in the body is painful to pressure; worse mornings. Drawing rheumatic pains in various parts of the body.

Transient drawing and tension in almost all the limbs and joints.


      Dropsical swellings, which gradually increase as the day progresses, and disappear during the night.

In acute abscess, promotes resorption of pus.

Large abscess at pit of stomach after a blow.

Stitches in the joints, on motion and on touch.

Bone inflamed, sensitive tense, slightly swollen integuments; in the beginning.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch, Pressure. After a blow.

Pain relieved by hard pressure. Facial neuralgia.


      Yellow skin of the whole body, even of the face.

Red, round, hot spot on the cheek over the malar bone.

Dry, itching eruption over the whole body.

Rash, peculiar to lying-in women and their infants.

Red, elevated, rash-like eruption over the whole body.

Nettle-rash or other eruptions characterized by sensation of prickling, particularly when the parts are touched.

Slow development of rash in eruptive fevers; or, sudden receding of rash, with difficult respiration, or inflammatory affections of chest.

Erysipelas when confined to the joints.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.