Groins : contractive pain in left; as if sprained in right, when stooping; digging, burning like a boil; stitches.

Stool etc.

      Involuntary stools and urine.

Diarrhoea after chilling stomach by taking cold substances.

Diarrhoea : slimy, green mucus; of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting pain in anus; stools small, with tenesmus, first dark green feces, afterwards dark green mucus; black mucus, with persistent vomiting; black, acrid and putrid; yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain; like dirty water; of blood and water.

Purging, with extreme coldness of the extremities.

Diarrhoea worse after midnight, also in morning after rising.

Anus red and sore. Burning in anus.

Constipation with pain in the bowels.

Hemorrhoids : with stitching pain when walking or sitting, not when at stool; with burning pain, relieved by heat.

Hemorrhages from bowels, dark, offensive. Typhus.


      Frequent urging, with profuse discharge.

Involuntary micturition.

Urine scanty, passed with difficulty, burning during discharge.

Retention of urine, as if the bladder were paralyzed.

Urine : dark brown; dark yellow; turbid; sediment of red sand; mixed with pus and blood.

Haematuria. Albuminuria.

Uraemia, anguish with thoughts of murder, especially in drunkards.

Male Sexual Organs

      Glans blue-red, swollen and cracked.

Excessively painful inflammation and swelling of the genitals, increasing almost to gangrene.

Herpes preputialis chronic (after failure of Rhus).

Scrotum oedematous.

Emissions during diarrhoeic stool.

Female Sexual Organs

      Increased sexual desire, with involuntary discharge of mucus.

Menses : too early; too profuse; exhausting menorrhagia.

Hemorrhage, with lancinating, burning pains; sudden, of profuse dark blood.

During menses, sharp sticking in rectum, thence to anus and pubes.

Painful menses.

Amenorrhoea. Scanty pale menses.

Thin, whitish, offensive discharge instead of the menses.

Leucorrhoea : profuse, yellowish, thick and corroding.

Stitches from the abdomen down into the vagina.

Burning or tensive pain in the ovary.

Pressive, stitching pains in region of right ovary.

Drawing, stitching pain from region of ovary into the thigh, which feels numb and lame; worse from motion. bending, or sitting bent.

Burning, throbbing, lancinating pain in uterine region.


      Burning pains in mammae; relief from motion.


      Voice : trembling; weak; unequal, now strong and again weak; hoarse; rough; hollow; loss of voice.

Simulating membranous croup; caused by checked or non appearing eruptions, especially by hives or urticaria.

Laryngeal lining dirty red or anaemic, with bluish-red patches; indolent, or burning ulcers; laryngeal phthisis.

Sudden catarrh, threatening suffocation at night.


      Respiration short and anxious.

Difficult breathing with much anxiety.

Breathing asthmatic; must incline the chest forward; must spring out of bed at night. Asthma.

Air passages seem constricted, cannot breathe fully.

Dyspnoea increased after coughing, with sensation of constriction of chest or stomach.

Loss of breath immediately on lying down, in the evening, with whistling and constriction in the trachea.

Oppression increased by stormy weather and heavy air; walking quickly; ascending; warm and tight clothing; but especially from discharges of warmth and cold.

Wheezing respiration, with cough and frothy expectoration, looking like beaten white of egg.

Great dyspnoea; face cyanotic and covered with cold sweat; great anxiety. Emphysema.

Whistling expiration.


      Excited by smoky sensation or as of vapors of sulphur in larynx, or by constant titillation of larynx.

Preceded by jerking in hips, which seemed to excite cough.

Cough : When going into cold, open air; especially after drinking; evenings, directly after lying down; has to sit up; afterwards contractive pain in the epigastric region, causing the cough to continue; weakness.

Cough with bloody sputum.

Night cough; must sit up as soon as cough commences; 1 A.M., with gasping for breath.

Deep, dry, unceasing cough; coughs dependent upon asthma, cyanosis, heart diseases; also associated with great exhaustion, collapse, anaemia, nervous irritability.

Expectoration; frothy saliva; thick yellow; green, bitter; salty; mucus streaked with blood.

Haemoptysis after loss of blood; burning heat all over, especially with pain between scapulae; in drunkards or from suppressed menses.


      Tightness of chest as if bound with a hoop.

Constriction of chest : with great anxiety and restlessness, evenings; when going up hill.

Stitches in upper right chest; in left chest only during inspiration.

Stitching pain in sternum, from below up, when coughing.

Pleurisy with tendency to syncope.

Chilliness in chest, evenings.

Burning in the chest.

Catarrh on the chest, great suffocation; child tosses about in agony.

Gangrene of the lungs with green, ichorous sputum,.

Heart Pulse

      Palpitation; after suppressed herpes or foot sweat; with small, irregular pulse; strong, visible and audible, chiefly at night.

Palpitation of heart, with anguish, cannot lie on back; increased by going up stairs.

Heart beats more rapidly and stronger when lying on back.

Angina pectoris; sudden tightness above the heart; agonizing precordial pain; pains into the neck and occiput; anxiety, oppression; breathing difficult, fainting spells; least motion makes him lose his breath; sits bent forward or with head thrown back; worse at night, especially from 1 to 5 A.M.

Hydropericardium with great irritability, anguish and restlessness : especially in uraemia, etc.

Pulse : accelerated; quick and small; quick and weak; rapid and weak; small, very frequent, and irregular, sometimes imperceptible; thread-like.

Outer Chest

      Yellow spots on chest.

Stitches and pressing in sternum.

Neck Back

      Nape stiff, as if bruised or sprained.

Neuralgic pains on left side of neck.

Drawing pains: between scapulae; necessitate lying down; from small of back to the shoulders.

Stiffness of the spinal column, beginning in the region of the os coccygis.

Loss of strength in small of back.

Bruised pain in small of back.

Upper Limbs

      Tearing-jerking pain in right shoulder-joint and shoulder.

Pain in the arm of the side on which one rests, at night.

Drawing, jerking and tearing from the tips of the fingers into the shoulder.

Hands and lower half of forearm dark and livid.

Small reddish spot on left elbow-joint, soon forming a blister, becoming in a few hours as large as a hazelnut and turning black; similar blisters appear on right elbow and next day on left leg.

Trembling of hands.

Ulcers in finger tips with burning pains.

Tingling in fingers,.

Lower Limbs

      Violent shooting-tearing pain in the tip, thigh, groin and left foot.

Pain back of great trochanter, extending down the thigh, posteriorly, then toward the knee, anteriorly, embracing the patella, down the tibia to the ankle; pain relieved somewhat by flexion of the knee.

Cracking of knee when walking.

Swelling and pain of knees.

Stiffness of knees and feet, alternating with tearing pains.

Pain as if beaten in knee-joint.

Coldness, especially of knees and feet.

Itching tetters in the bend of the knees.

Cramp in calves.

Drawing pain in legs when resting feet upon the floor, while sitting.

Swelling of feet, oedematous.

Weakness of weariness of feet, numbness.

Tearing in the heels.

Intolerable itching of feet and thighs.

Toes drawn downwards.

Ulcers on soles of feet and toes.

Sore pain in ball of toes, while walking, as if chafed.

Sensation as if the lower limbs would break down, on going up stairs.

Uneasiness in lower limbs, cannot lie still at night, has to change, position of feet constantly or walk about to get relief, Gressus galinaceous.

Limbs in General

      Twitching; trembling; violent starting while falling asleep; numbness; lassitude; Weariness.

Excessive weakness and exhaustion of limbs oblige him to lie down.

Violent tearing in the upper and lower limbs; cannot rest on the affected side; pain least felt when moving affected part.

Position etc.

      Walking : Ascending : Motion : Moving affected part :. Rising up: After rising : Sitting : Sitting up : Must sit up : Sitting bent : Chest forward : Stooping : Leaning : Resting : Bending : Bending knee : Lying down : Lying on back: Lying on affected side :. Must lie down : Cannot lie still : Must spring from bed : Rolls on floor : Asleep : Exertion :.


      Great restlessness, cannot find rest in any position.

Starting when falling asleep.

Hysterical spasms, followed by exhaustion.

Frequent fainting.

Convulsions with opisthotonos; from at mouth.

Chorea, uncomplicated cases.

Child lies as if dead; pale but warm; breathless for sometime.

Epileptic convulsions : tetanic spasm.

Exhaustion from the slightest exertion.

After great exertions; climbing mountains, etc.

Very rapid sinking of strength.


      Yawning and stretching.

Frequent startings in and from sleep; awakened by pains, worse 12 P.M.

Sleeplessness with restlessness and moaning; mal-nutrition; nerves exhausted.

After sleep, feels as if he had not slept enough; eyes are weary; cannot get out of bed.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.