Homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Album drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Arsenious oxide HAHNEMANN. AS2 O3.


      Weakness of memory.

Confusion of the head.

Aversion to meeting acquaintances because he imagines having formerly offended them, though he knows not how.

Sad, tearful anxious mood.

Fears to be left alone, lest he do himself bodily harm. Determined to commit suicide he suffers so.

Fears he will have to murder some one.

Sees vermin; throws away bugs by the handful.

Tears his body injuries his own person; insanity.

Dread of death when alone, or on going to bad.

Anxious and depressed, fears permanent loss of health. Intense anxiety and with restlessness, worse after midnight driving out of bed.

Great anxiety with constriction of chest and dyspnoea.

Great fear, restlessness, trembling, cold sweat, prostration.

Self-willed and tearful.

Vexation with anxiety, restlessness and chilliness.

Child captious wants to be carried.

Cannot find rest anywhere changes place continually, wants to go from one bed to another.


      Sensation as if the brain moved and beat against skull during motion.

Vertigo as if he would fall. Vertigo of malarial origin, with hyperaesthesia of hearing or during pregnancy; lips and face bluish; jugular veins undulate.

Vertigo with loss of consciousness during coughing fits, in asthmatics.

Heaviness in the head with humming in the ears; goes off in open air, but returns on entering the room.

Inner Head

      Intense frontal headache with vertigo.

Drawing pressive pain in right side of forehead.

Pain as if bruised or sore, over the sore the nose and in the forehead rubbing relieves temporarily.

Throbbing frontal headache over root of nose. Ozaena.

Headache: beating; or pressure as from a load on brain; rising up in bed or motion aggravates; cold washing relieves temporarily, walking in open air permanently.

The pain in head and face is especially severe on left side; cannot lean or rest on that side.

Outer Head

      Erysipelatous burning an swelling of the head with great weakness and coldness worse at night.

Cannot scarcely bear hair to be touched scalp so sensitive.

Falling out of the hair.

Great sensitiveness of head to open air; wraps up head warmly.

Chronic eruptions, with pustules and vesicles filled with pus.


      Sensitive to light; photophobia.

Snow dazzles with lachrymation.

Flickering before the eyes.

Everything appears green; sees as through a white gauze.

Weakness of sight; dim sight.

Pupils contracted or dilated.

Eyes sunken or protruding.

Yellowness of the sclerotica.

Pain in right eyeball particularly during motion.

Pulsative throbbing in eyes (at midnight) at every pulsation a stitch.

Feeling of sand in eyes.

Violent burning in eyes.

Chronic trachoma, inner surface of lids rubs eyeballs; burning etc.

Croupous conjunctivitis from ophthalmia neonatorum.

Conjunctiva looks like a piece of raw beef.

Trembling of upper eyelid, with lachrymation.

Eyelids oedematous and spasmodically closed; also for non- inflammatory oedema (like Apis) Agglutination of lids.

Edges of lids painful during motion, as if dry and rubbing on the ball.

Extreme redness of inner surface of lids, with uneasy sensation rather than pain.

Burning in margins of eyelids.

Ophthalmia of children skin rough, dry and dirty looking photophobia and profuse, acrid lachrymation; relieved by hot applications.


      Unusual sensitiveness to sound.

Ringing in the ears.

Roaring in the ears with each paroxysms of pain.

Hardness of hearing cannot hear the human voice. (Compare Phosphor) Stitching tearing from left meatus auditorius outwards, more in the evening.

Yellow discharge from the right ear, with dryness of the nose the hearing is not weakened.

Discharge of cadaverous odor, profuse ichorous.


      Offensive smell before the nose.

Smells of pitch and sulphur alternately, before the nose.

Cannot bear the smell or sight of food.

Dryness of the nasal cavity.

Discharge of burning mucus from the right nostril.

Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing; with hoarseness and sleeplessness; with swollen nose; alternating with stoppage.

Watery discharge causes and smarting at nostrils as if sore.

Distressing stoppage at the bridge of the nose.

Nosebleed a fit of passion or vomiting.

Knotty swelling of the nose.


      Expression anxious but not wild; distressed; of suffering mental agony; surly; wild; hippocratic; sunken.

Appearance very pale yellow waxy; grey earthy; livid, bluish; flushed; red and swollen.

OEdematous swelling of face.

Twitching of facial muscles.

Tearing in left half of face.

Burning stinging pains as from red-hot needles.

Pimples and vesicles, with acrid discharge; itching burning worse at night in cold air, better from warmth.

Cancerous ulcers on the face; scabbing; burning pain.

Lower Face

      Severe pains along inferior maxillary nerve.

Bites tumbler when drinking.

Sore lips and ulcers in the mouth.

Contractive quivering or jerking on one side of upper lip, especially when falling asleep.


      Grinding of the teeth while asleep.

Teeth seem longer, become loose, and are sensitive to pressure and to cold water.

Pain in some of the teeth, as if loose and would fall out, pain not increased by chewing.

Jerking toothache extending to the temple relieved or removed by sitting up in bed and by external warmth.

Toothache relieved by heat of stove.

Swollen bleeding gums, painful to touch.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: woody, dry unpleasant; sweetish in throat; sour; metallic; bitter; putrid.

Food taste: too salty; not salty enough; insipid; sour.

Beer tastes flat.

Less of power of speech.

violent burning on the tongue.

Swelling about root of tongue externally and internally.

Coating: sides furred, with red streak down the middle and redness of tip; thickly furred edges red; whitish; yellowish- white as if painted white; brown.

Tongue: dry, and morbidly red, with papillae considerably raised at the tip lead colored.

Pale, doughy, takes print of teeth; neuralgia.

Edge of tongue red, takes imprint of teeth.

Gangrene of tongue spots on tongue burning like fire.


      Dryness of mouth with violet thirst.

Burning in mouth pharynx and oesophagus.

Much saliva; must spit often.

Saliva decreased.

Aphthae in mouth; they become livid or bluish.

Painful blisters in mouth and on tongue.


      Dryness, soreness, scraping and burning in fauces and throat.

Sensation of constriction of throat.

Swallowing very difficult and painful.

Paralytic condition of pharynx and oesophagus.

Burning when swallowing; food goes down to region of larynx, when it is ejected again.

Diphtheritic membrane is dry looking and wrinkled.

Desires Aversions

      Appetite increased.

Desire for : sour things; brandy; coffee; milk; lard.

Loss of appetite with increased thirst.

Aversion : to food; to butter.

Thirst and dryness of mouth, with peculiar thick while saliva.

Excessive thirst, drinking does not refresh.

Drinks often, but a little at a time; or may drink much and often. Frequent unquenchable thirst.

Great thirst but water molests the stomach. Dropsy.

Burning thirst, without especial desire to drink.

Eating and Drinking

      Gastro intestinal symptoms worse; after ice; ice cream; ice water; vinegar sour beef; tobacco (chewing); alcoholic drinks bad sausages cheese fruits.

Bad effects from inordinate use of spirituous liquors Delirium tremens; vomiting; diarrhoea; hemorrhages.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough frequent; also when fever ought to have come.

Abortive eructations fruitless retching; irregular, convulsive action of stomach, instead of ordinary peristalsis.

Qualmishness 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. Nausea and complete loss of appetite.

Long lasting nausea, with faintness, tremor; heat all over and shuddering.

Violent vomiting of food and gastric fluids; vomits usually scanty.

Vomit bitter green yellow liquid ingesta; brown turbid matter; streaked with blood; blood; black first water, then thick glairy, or grass green mucus, lastly blood.

Also immediately after food or drink.

Frequent vomiting with apprehension of death.


      pressure in the region of the stomach weight as of a stone.

Stomach tender to pressure.

Intense heat and burning in stomach and pit of Violent, tearing, boring pain and cramp, in the stomach and intestines.

Pain in the stomach relieved by sweet milk.

Great anxiety about the epigastric region.

Epigastrium distended and hard; umbilicus sensitive to touch.

Pain in the pit of the stomach arresting breathing.


      Painful bloatedness in the right hypochondrium, with burning pain.

Pain in region of liver increased on pressure.

Stitches in right hypochondrium, extending to region of stomach, ending as violent pressure over whole abdomen.

Drawing, stitching pain under the left hypochondrium.

Tensive, pressive pain in spleen.

Induration and enlargement of spleen and liver.


      Abdomen distended and painful.

Rumbling in bowels.

Cutting pains in abdomen.

Violent pains in abdomen, with great anguish, has no rest anywhere, rolls about on floor and despairs of life.

Pains about navel, aggravated by lying on back.

Pain in right side of abdomen, near lumbar region, spreading through abdomen to right groin and same side of scrotum.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.