Phytolacca Decandra

Dr. S.R. Phatak describes the clinically confirmed symptoms of the homeopathic remedy Phytolacca Decandra in his Concise Materia Medica, published in 1977….


      This long and deep acting remedy, prominently affects the glands esp. MAMMARY; tonsils; in addition it has a powerful action upon the muscles; of NECK and back; fibrous tissue; tendons and joints, osseous tissues, periosteum, THROAT; digestive tract and right side. SORENESS; HARD ACHING; restlessness and prostration are the guiding symptoms. Aching, all over the body; sudden; in eyeballs, kidneys, neck; shoulders; back; forearms; below knees. Bluish-red parts; throat; glands etc. Spreading pains. Pains come and go suddenly, change places; rheumatism; after tonsilitis. Discharges are shreddy; stringy; stools; menses etc. Hard and painful nodes. Syphilitic bone pains. Tetanus; general muscular rigidity; alternate spasms and relaxation of muscles. Hastens suppuration. Pus_watery, foetid, ichorous. Obesity. Retarded dentition. Everything affects the mammae.


      Exposure to damp cold weather or changes of weather. Raising up. Motion. Swallowing hot drinks; heat. Cold night. At menses. Rain. Stepping down from high step.


      Lying on abdomen; or left side. Rest. Dry weather.


      Loss of personal delicacy; complete shamelessness and indifference to exposure of her person. Indifferent to life. Feels faint on rising. Refuses food, in spite of continuous insistence. Great fear; she is sure she will die. Disgust for business.


      Vertigo on rising. Pain from frontal region backwards. Brain feels sore; head as if beaten. Pains come every time it rains. Nausea and headache better eating, but returns soon with vomiting which worse headache but better nausea.


      Profuse hot lachrymation. Smarting. Green vision. Fistula lachrymalis. Eyeballs ache on reading and writing. Motion of one eye only, independent of the other. Orbital cellulitis. Lids as if on fire.


      Pain in both the ears, worse swallowing.


      Feels heavy. Flow from one nostril while the other is stopped; alternately. Acrid coryza. Obstruction when riding.


      Yellowish, sickly. Aching malar bones. Glands swelled at the angle of jaw. Jaws ache, as in mumps. Lips everted and firm. Chin drawn closely to sternum. Mumps.


      Disposition to bite the teeth together. Difficult dentition better on biting something hard. Tongue; fiery red at tip; feels burnt or pains at root; protruded. Much stringy saliva. Very painful small ulcers on side of cheek; cannot chew on that side. Sensation of dryness, with cough.


      Dark red or bluish red. White grey spots on fauces. Sore, very painful on swallowing, dark, puffy; burning, as of a stick. Hot ball or lump in. Tonsils swollen; like dark wash leather on tonsils. Hard throbbing in right tonsil. Quinsy. Diphtheria. Cannot swallow anything hot. Follicular pharyngitis. Hoarseness and sore throat after diphtheria.


      Violent vomiting; with retching; desires death, to relieve vomiting; every few minutes. Hunger soon after eating. Easy vomiting, without nausea. Pain worse deep breathing.


      Heavy aching pain in hypochondrium worse lying on affected side, better leucorrhoea. Chronic hepatitis. Continuous urging to stools; even in sleep. Dysentery; passage only of mucus and blood or like scraping from the intestines. Bloody discharges, with heat in rectum. Cancer of rectum. Constipation of the aged; and those with weak heart. Diarrhoea after lemonade.


      Hard ache in kidney; with scanty, suppressed urine. Dark red urine; chalky sediment. Albuminuria; after diphtheria, scarlatina. Urine stains the clothes yellow.


      Spermatic cord sore. Shooting along perineum to penis. Painful induration of testicles.


      Menses; with flow of saliva and tears. HEAVY, STONY, HARD SWOLLEN OR TENDER MAMMAE; paining during suckling; spreading all over the body. Hard nodes in breast; with enlarged axillary glands. Nipples; cracked, very sensitive; inverted. Irritable breast before and during menses. Dysmenorrhoea; in barren women; with erosion of cervix membranous. Galactorrhoea. Bloody, watery discharge from mammae. Affection of old cicatrices in mammae.


      Panting breathing. Hoarseness. Cough with burning in trachea.


      Shocks of pain in cardiac region. Pain leaves heart and goes into right arm. As if heart leaped into the throat. Fatty heart.

Neck and Back

      Neck stiff. Aching pain in lumbar and sacral region. Pain streaking up and down the spine.


      Right arm numb and fuzzy. Pain and stiffness in (right) shoulder; with inability to raise the arm. Pains fly like electric shocks. Hips and thighs pain on change of weather. Aching and weakness in humerus (right) worse motion and extension. Aching tibiae. Aching heels better elevating feet. Neuralgia of toes. Sharp cutting, drawing pains in the hip; legs drawn up, cannot touch floor. Painful, hard, shiny swelling of finger joints.


      Dry, harsh, shrivelled. Disposition to boils. Venereal buboes. Warts. Lipoma. Corns. Barber’s itch. Ringworm.




      Bry; Kali-bi; Kali-io; Merc, Rhus-t.

S.R. Phatak
A pioneer of Homoeopathy in Maharashtra, Dr Shankar Raghunath Phatak was born on 6th September, 1896. He did his MBBS from Grant Medical College, in 1924. Started his practice but somehow not satisfied with Allopathic Treatment.

He was convinced about Homoeopathy while going through Sir William Osler's writings on 'History of Medicine' so switched over to an entirely Homoeopathic Practice in 1932. He also started working on Homoeopathic literature along with his Practice.

He has contributed immensely to homoeopathic literature. He was an ardent follower of Dr Boger. His Repertory is based on Boger's ''A Synoptic key to Materia Medica'.