PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA…


PHYTOL. DEC.Poke. “Trans. Amer. Inst. Hom.,” Vol.II.




Of large doses : Coffee seems to diminish the action, but does not stop it entirely. Opium is said to be the best antidote. Of small doses : Ignatia


Dryness of the fauces, most in the morning. The pains in the head are chiefly in the forehead, and worse after dinner. Dullness, giddiness, and vertigo. The prominent feeling in the eyes is that of smarting. Sensation of a lump in the throat. The symptoms of the stomach, throat, and mouth are worse in the morning. Griping pains, without diarrhoea. The symptoms of the lower extremities are worse in the afternoon. The pains are sometimes followed by itching and burning. Transitory pains. Neuralgia times followed by itching and burning. Transitory pains. Neuralgia in the perinaeum in the middle of the night. The cough is worse in the perinaeum in the middle of the night. The cough is worse towards morning. Sudden translation of internal pains to the extremities.


The pains all partake of the nature of neuralgia; they are pressing and shooting, sometimes sore, drawing, and aching. The pains are all made worse by motion and by pressure. The pains in the extremities are always in the outer portions of the limbs. the secretion of tears, saliva, bile, urine, and the menses is increased. Vomiting, attended with but little distress in the stomach.


Suppuration of painless tumors. Drawing in the cicatrices. Eruption of spots on the chest of the size of lentils, elevated, with great itching.


Yawning. Drowsiness. Sleepiness. Restless sleep at night.


Sense of entire indifference to life.


Sensation of soreness in the interior of the head, deep in the brain. Dullness of the head. Transient giddiness. Vertigo, with dimness of vision.


Pains throughout the head; aching; dull feeling in the head; dull pain in the forehead; dull, steady, aching pain, principally on the forehead. Headache with sickness of the stomach. The pain is increased by looking down and by stooping. Headache with sickness of the stomach. The pain is increased by looking down and by stooping. Headache; slight fullness of forehead with constant gaping; heaviness in the head and especially in the temples. cold in the head. Pressure in the temples and over the eyes. Sore pain over the head, worse on the right side and in damp weather. slight constriction across the forehead. Moving, transitory pains in various parts of the head. Heat in the head.


Pressure in the eyes. Pressure over the eyes. Sandy feeling in the eyes. Soreness on closing the eye-lids. Reddish-blue swelling of the eye-lids. Photophobia in the morning. Dimness of sight. Long-sightedness.


Pain in both ears, worse in the right one. Irritation in one of the eustachian tubes. Increased sense of hearing with pain in the forehead.


Drawing sensation above the root of the nose. Feeling in the nose and eyes as if a cold would come on. Cold in the head.


Paleness of the face. Heat, with redness of the face and a sensation of fullness about the head, and coldness of the feet.


Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together.


Tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue. Swelling of the soft palate.


Pressing pain in the right side of the throat. Sore throat and swelling of the soft palate in the morning, with a thick white and yellow mucus about the fauces. The throat feels very dry and sore. Roughness in the pharynx. Great dryness of the throat.


Raging appetite. Diminished appetite. The usual appetite remains, not with standing the nausea of the stomach.


Eructations. Constrictive feeling at the praecordia, with pressure in the temples. Sickly feeling in the stomach. Sickness of the stomach accompanying the headache.


Cutting in the pit of the stomach and in the abdomen. Tenderness to the touch of the pit of the stomach.


Digging pain in the right hypochondrium in the upper and outer portion of the liver, preventing motion. Pain in the region of the pylorus. Violent dull pressing pain in the left hypochondrium, in the evening. Soreness and pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy.


Neuralgic pain in the left groin. Cutting in the abdomen. Griping pain as before a diarrhoea. Sensation in the bowels as if a diarrhoea would follow.


Constipation of long standing. Continual inclination to go to stool. Mushy stool. Diarrhoea attended with a sickly feeling in the bowels. Copious discharge of bile from the bowels.


Urgent desire to pass water. Weakness, dull pain and soreness in the region of the kidneys, most on the right side, and connected with heat; uneasiness down the ureters; a chalk-like sediment in the urine. Pain in the region of the bladder, before and during urination. Dark-red urine.


Menstruation too copious and too frequent. Painful menstruation. Violent pains in the abdomen during menstruation. Leucorrhoea. Inflammation and swelling, and suppuration of the mammae.


Dry bronchial cough, with a sensation of roughness and slight increase of heat in the trachea and bronchia. Hacking cough.


Shortness of breath. Aching pain in the right side of the breast. Tenderness of the muscles of the chest, as if they were bruised. Occasional shocks of pain in the region of heart.


Sensation of weight and pressure on both shoulder-blades. A very peculiar and tension in the parotids.


Pain throughout the muscles of the shoulder. Slight drawing pains in the upper arm. Rheumatic drawing in the fore-arm. Rheumatic pains in the hands and feet, some times in the arms and legs. Neuralgic pains in the palm of the hand.


Sciatica. Neuralgic pain in the thigh. Neuralgic pain in the left groin. Heaviness in the knee-joints. Heaviness in the lower extremities, as if they were asleep. Rheumatic pains below the knees and in the arms. Coldness of the feet, with increase of the capillary circulation about the face and head.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.