
But new symptoms or rather old ones began to reappear; they were burning at the meatus, and very acid and hot urine. In two weeks, a mucous discharge appeared from the urethra, and was accompanied with symptoms of a mild attack of gonorrhoea. Of course it is needless to say the lumbago did not appear again. Homoeopathy is such a wonderful system of medicine, and there is so much to it, that it is impossible for us to become acquainted with it in more than a limited degree, in the short period of life in which it is ours to work and investigate these deep and mysterious movements of disease. We can boldly say, however, that homoeopaths alone understand the etiology of disease. This wisdom was given to Hahnemann in the beginning; but so few of us treat our patients from this standpoint. We are prone to follow the teachings of the nominal school, and to associate and center our remedies about a pathological state or name, as had been done in the case of lumbago. In taking the pathogenesis of any case, we must give the miasmatic symptoms prominence, and especially so when we find a history of suppression.

Recovery is usually rapid when the proper rest, diet, and surroundings are given due consideration and the remedy selected carefully and in the highest potencies. The highest can be given with the best results, and seldom leave any trace of the disease behind. If the proper remedy is exhibited in the early symptoms or stage of the disease, a cure ought to be made in from six to eight weeks; but in neglected and unhomoeopathically treated cases it will be necessary to take five months. When they are cured with the homoeopathic remedy in the higher potencies, they will not and cannot transmit the disease. This cannot be said of any other system of medicine.

Repeated attacks of infections are often more severe than single attacks. They are liable to run into the sub-acute form and run from one sequela into another, sometimes with fatal results. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism, gouty conditions of the heart, stomach, and liver bring about fatal endings. It is well to remember that it is never a local disease; therefore, any complication may arise at any time, in any part of the body, no matter how strongly it appears to be a local disease. A specific virus like gonorrhoea with a history of sequelae and profound complications, can never be a local disease. Then, when we add to it, the fact that is one of the miasms, and not self-limited in any sense of the word, its importance can be seen. It is never cured without medical assistance; I mean the true sycotic form. None of the chronic miasms are self-limiting, and this is one of them. All abortive methods of cure are bad, unscientific, suppressive, and unprofessional. Even one of the best authorities in the Allopathic school, says abortive methods are unjustifiable. “The severity of the disease is often enhanced by the use of abortive measures,” says one writer. We should not lightly assume the responsibility of treating so serious a disease, without the exercise of care and good judgment.

It is of great importance of let these patients early understand that gonorrhoea is a serious disease, and that the outcome, if not treated scientifically, is dangerous not only to their life, but to the life of others, and may blot the l fie and prospects of many. Many cases through these abortive methods are changed from an acute into a chronic state much earlier than in the natural course of the disease. Others renew the attack in some form of secondary inflammation, as for instance, orchitis in the male, or some form of salpingitis in the female. Still others when suppressed show no secondary inflammation, but slowly run into a chronic tertiary process, in which the physician loses sight of the disease Sycosis entirely, seeing no connection between the two processes. I feel that I am quite safe in saying, that fully eighty per cent of the physicians come under this enumeration. This is where the great danger lies in the use of local means in the cure of severe acute diseases, and especially is this true of serotherapy. I have found that in many cases of gonorrhoea, nervous or hysterical symptoms often develop, due to worry or caused by loss of strength and worry in those who have to work constantly to make a living, and who get or little or no rest. There are cases which become easily discouraged and change from one physician to another, so that the case not being properly managed, goes on from bad to worse. The prognosis in this disease may be considered good when the proper rest, regulation of diet, sexual hygiene, and the continuation of the treatment are ensured until all the symptoms of the disease have been eradicated from the system.

John Henry Allen
Dr. John Henry Allen, MD (1854-1925)
J.H. Allen was a student of H.C. Allen. He was the president of the IHA in 1900. Dr. Allen taught at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. Dr. Allen died August 1, 1925
Books by John Henry Allen:
Diseases and Therapeutics of the Skin 1902
The Chronic Miasms: Psora and Pseudo Psora 1908
The Chronic Miasms: Sycosis 1908