Morning cough.-F. From gastric irritation.

Hard, racking, loose cough, that makes the stomach sore, and water escapes the bladder, during every cough.

Loose cough through the day but dry at night, worse towards evening, and in the recumbent position.-DR.S.H.COLLUM.

Loose catarrhal symptoms, with tardy menstruation.

Asthma, from deranged menstruation or suppressed urticaria.

Fever.-flying rheumatic pains, with much chilliness, especially after getting the feet wet.

Dizzy when rising from a chair, with chilliness.

Drawing rheumatic pains, frequently shifting from one part of the body to another; constant chilliness, worse nights.

Rheumatism; pains shift rapidly from one part to another, unattended with any great swelling or redness; chronic cases, with weakness, rigidity, coldness, and weight in the diseased tissues.

Very useful in intermittents, where chilliness predominates, little heat, and no thirst. The great amount of chilliness, shows how prominently it affects the posterior portion of the spinal cord.

Urticaria; worse nights, caused by fat rich food.

Chilliness even in the summer, when warmly clad, with vertigo, throbbing headache; pressure in the stomach, pain in the uterus, and dysuria; caused by nervous debility, or from wet feet.

Bad effects of Quinine: chlorosis from abuse of Iron; bad effects from suppressed menstruation; from Mercury, Sulphur, Chamomile tea, watering-places, and rich, fat food, such pork, pastry &C. This is the best female remedy known.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881