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IGNATIA AMARA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine IGNATIA AMARA …


Through the cerebro-spinal system, it has a special action upon the medulla oblongata and spinal cord, producing tetanic convulsions, dyspnoea, asphyxia and death.

Marcy and Hunt say: Its specific sphere is the spine, from which all the symptoms proceed. It produces nervous diseases, and especially clonic spasms; over-excitement of the spinal nervous system giving rise early to nervous symptoms.

R. Hughes, M.D., says: Ignatia exalts the impressionability of the incident nerves all over the body. We have, hence, pains, and other morbid sensations well-nigh everywhere; increased susceptibility of the special senses; emotional sensitiveness; and; and, probably from reflex excitation, twitchings, constrictions and spasms. This action of the drug, however, is not deep and lasting. An alternating series of symptoms– numbness, torpor, depression–soon appear, which are themselves as superficial as their predecessors. The febrile symptoms have the same CHARACTERISTICS.

The bean is said to contain triple the amount of strychnia that the nux vomica seeds do, and its actin is more energetic.


The patient is full of grief; frequent involuntary sighing, with a sensation of goneness or emptiness in the pit of the stomach.

Strongly inclined the solitude, and to be very secretive and passive.

Sadness and sighing, with an empty feeling at the pit of the stomach.

Full of grief; with a week empty feeling at the pit of the stomach which is not relieved by eating.

Mental symptoms change often from joy to sadness.

The patient is sensitive, peevish, excitable, hysterical, with sanguine nervous temperament; is delicate; falls easily in love; is romantic; bears trials meekly, and readily falls into clonic spasms after mental agitation.–MARCY and HUNT.

Silent grief, combined with mortification, suppressed vexation.

Feeling as if being swung to and fro.

Great importance about plans and bad feelings, which cannot be described.

Fretfulness of temper with timidity.

Spasmodic laughter from grief.

Disappointed affection, with silent grief constantly preying upon the mind.–MARCY and HUNT.

Fright followed by sadness of grief.–MARCY and HUNT.

Sleeplessness, caused by dejection, grief, &c.–MARCY and HUNT.

Excessive convulsive yawning, with stiffness, or pain in the nape of the neck.

Headache, as if a nail were driven out through the side, relieved by lying on it.–HAHNEMANN.

Throbbing pain in the occiput; worse from pressing at stool, from smoking, or the smell of tobacco smoke.–RAUE.

Nervous headache when the eyes are involved; more generally on eye, with burning lachrymation; pressure in the eye from within outwards.–HEMPEL.

Gets sleepy after every coughing spell.

Broods over imaginary trouble.

Digestive Organs.Odontalgia as if the teeth were crushed or smashed into fragments.–HEMPEL.

Boring pain in the front teeth, and a soreness in all the teeth; worse after drinking coffee, after smoking, after dinner, in the evening, after lying down and in the morning.-.

In talking or chewing they bite themselves in the cheek.– Feeling of emptiness or goneness in the stomach, with a sensation as if a number of pins were sticking in it, not relieved by eating.–HEMPEL.

Sensation as if the stomach was shortened.

Excessive flatulence.-.

Gastralgia, with stitching pains, brought on by starvation, care, grief.–HARTMAN.

Sensation in the stomach as if one had been fasting too long; as if the stomach was empty, with flat taste and languor in the limbs.–HEMPEL.

The evacuation of faeces is difficult, because of a seeming inactivity of the rectum; cannot take a violent effort to expel them without danger of eversion and prolapsus of the rectum.– DUNHAM.

Moderate pressure at stool causes prolapsus ani.–DUNHAM.

After stool, painful constriction of the anus.–DUNHAM.

After stool, a stabbing stitch from the anus upwards into the rectum.–DUNHAM.

Bleeding after, and during stool.–DUNHAM.

Hemorrhoids; the tumors prolapse with every stool, and have to be replaced; they are sore as if excoriated; both hemorrhage and pain is worse when the stool is loose; dragging pains around the pelvis.–DUNHAM.

Piles, attend with pains shooting deep into the rectum, seemingly up into the abdomen, with a sensation of excoriation, or contraction of the anus.

Neuralgia of the rectum.

Bowels inclined to be loose.

Pain in the anus, returning regularly every day; worse when walking or standing, relieved by sitting.

Stitches in the hemorrhoidal tumors during every cough.– Especially useful in ascarides.

Urinary Organs.–Urine pale and profuse.

Scanty, dark colored and acrid urine.–TESTE.

Sexual Organs.–Sexual desire with impotence.–TESTE.

Women.–Menses scanty, black, of a putrid odor.

Uterine cramps, with stitches.

Chlorosis; the stomach is very delicate; oedema of the lower limbs.–DR. EISENMANN.

Respiratory Organs.–Dry hollow cough, in the morning on waking.-.

Constant hacking cough in the evening in bed.–TESTE.

Constrictive sensation above the throat-pit which compels one to cough.–TESTE.

Dry, rough, harsh, spasmodic cough, with a sensation of a feather, or the vapor of sulphur in the throat.–JAHR.

Every time he stands still, during a walk, he coughs.-.

Extremities.–Cold hands and feet up to the knees; numbness of the feet, legs, and sometimes of the whole lower limbs.– TESTE.

Sudden spasmodic action of a muscle’ sudden jerks and starting of a limb.–W. PEARSON, M.D.

Spasms and tetanic convulsions in children and hysterical women.

Clonic convulsions in hysterical, fitful women. Tetanic convulsions, with frequent inclination to yawn.– MARCY and HUNT.

Chorea; the convulsions are greatest in the mouth, producing much distortion of the face.

Epilepsy, caused by fright or grief.–RAUE.

Spasms in children from fright.

Child pale, cold, fixed staring look, occasional screams; vomits food.–A. F. SQUIRE, M.D.

Sudden spasmodic action of muscles; sudden jerks and starting of a limb.–DR. PEARSON.

Fever.–During the chill, thirsty, seeks external warmth; during the fever heat, no thirst; external warmth very pleasant; sitting up relieves the chill.–HAHNEMANN.

Change of position relieves the pains; aggravated by coffee and tobacco.

Symptoms occur in the morning and evening, but more particularly in the morning.–TESTE.

Like Nux vomica, the symptoms are aggravated by contact, motion, open air, and artificial warmth.–TESTE.

Morning is the best time to give Ignatia.–HAHNEMANN.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881