IGNATIA AMARA homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine IGNATIA AMARA …


      1. Nervous, hysterical women; dark hair and complexion; pale, wan, drawn appearance; disposition mild but easily excited; quick in perception, rapid in execution (ctr. Pulsatilla).

2. Rapid alternation of mental states (Crocus. Pulsatilla) with underlying condition of melancholy; moodiness; full of silent grief, sits and sighs; over-delicate consciences; sometimes angry but never ill-natured (see Chamomilla, Nux V.); (>) alone but does not resent consolation.

3. Mental and physical exhaustion from long-concentrated grief, from worry or strain; from disappointed love, etc.

4. Hypersensitiveness, mental and physical; easily offended, intolerant of pain, etc.

5. Spasmodic affections originating in mental causes, (<) touch; chorea, convulsions, etc., in children, from fright, punishment or worms; globus hystericus.

6. Penetrating pains in small circumscribed spots, e.g. headache as of nail being driven in. (>) hard pressure, profuse urination, (<) movement.

7. Gastro-intestinal disorders; capricious appetite; sense of weakness and emptiness in stomach; dislikes stimulants; craves sour things; prefers cold food.

8. Constipation with excessive ineffectual urging felt more in upper abdomen; tendency to haemorrhoids and prolapse; sharp stitches shoot up the rectum.

9. Great contradictoriness of symptoms, e.g. (a) grief excites laughter; (b) “sore” throat (>) swallowing esp. solids; (c) sinking in stomach not (>) eating; (d) piles (>) walking; (e) cough (<) coughing; (f) fevers with thirst only during chill; (g) headache (>) lying on the painful spot.

10. Patient chilly (<) our of doors, (>) heat except stomach symptoms; (<) mental emotion, excitement; stimulants esp. coffee and tobacco; all strong sensory stimuli; pains gen. (<) movement.

Notes. Chronic-Natrum Mur. or Zincum met. Keynotes-Contradictions. Coffee and tobacco inimical to its action.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.