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BRYONIA ALBA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine BRYONIA ALBA …


Through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, no remedy affects the serous membranes more powerfully than Bryonia. Its greatest field of action is upon parenchymatous organs, inclosed in serous membranes; but it has the greatest influence over the pleura and lungs; the next organ in order and influence is the brain; then the synovial membranes and muscular fibre. Over the liver it has a powerful influence; and lastly, the kidneys and mucous membrane of the large intestines.

Noack & Trinks say: Bryonia excites both the peripheral nerves and capillary vessels, thus giving rise to symptoms intermediate between inflammation and nervous irritation. Bryonia has striking relations with he secretory organs of bile, and with the uterus, likewise with the serous membranes, and is especially suitable in hyperaemia of the latter. Bryonia is especially indicated in affections where reabsorption is required; in typhoid infiltrations, serous effusions, and sanguineous exudations. It is especially efficacious in affections where the catarrhal, pituitous, and rheumatic character prevails, or when synochal symptoms pass into the nervous stage.

Hempel says: Bryonia is particularly adapted to inflammations of a torpid character, when developing themselves from a rheumatic base; or in acute inflammation which threaten to pass into the stage of exudation or paralysis, with a small soft, or even compressible and somewhat accelerated pulse.

It is particularly in inflammatory affections of the respiratory organs, the lungs and their enveloping membrane, that Bryonia has been found eminently useful; not, however, in the first invasion of the disease, but after the synochal form has been subdued by Aconite, we shall find Bryonia particularly useful.-HEMPEL.

Prof. R.Ludlam says: As a rule, Bryonia is more serviceable in inflammation of the synovial capsules and the pleura, than in peritonitis or pericarditis.: In rheumatic and arthritic inflammation, no remedy can supersede Bryonia. Its powerful influence over serous and synovial membranes and muscular fibre, with its fever and sour sweats, point unmistakably to rheumatism.

Most examples of serous inflammation are believed to be more or less rheumatic in character, and this again shows us why Bryonia is so useful in those diseases.


Stitching, tearing pains; greatly aggravated by motion; relieved by rest and worse at night.

The sovereign remedy for all inflammations that have advanced to the stage of serous effusion. This action extends over all the serous membranes.

People with a choleric temperament, bilious tendency, dark hair and complexion, with firm, fleshy fibre.

Head.-Exceedingly irritable, everything makes him angry.

Headache as if it would split open; greatly aggravated by motion, opening the eyes, or stooping; relieved by pressure and closing the eyes. This shows it is a powerful cerebro-sympathetic irritant.

Congestive headache, as if the forehead would burst open, with epistaxis.

Eyes very sore, and feel as if they would be pressed out of the head; fear of the future.

Frequent bleeding of the nose, when the menses should appear.

Digestive Organs.-Desire for things that cannot be had, or which are refused, or not wanted when offered.

Tongue coated grayish, or thickly yellow, with lips dry, and cracked; dry, cracked lips are almost a sure indication for Bryonia.

Motion, more or less constant, of the jaws, as if chewing something; lips dry and cracked.

Shooting pains in the teeth.

The mouth is unusually dry, with thirst.

Everything tastes bitter.

Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness.

Food is thrown up immediately after eating, with constipation, lips dry and cracked.

Pressure in the pit of the stomach as if there was a stone in it; goes off with much eructation.

Sour vomiting.

Stomach becomes extremely sensitive to the touch or pressure.

Food is vomited immediately after eating, with constipation, and the lips dry and cracked.

Diarrhoea in the morning, soon as she moves.

Diarrhoea brought on by cold drinks in warm weather.

Burning diarrhoea, worse in hot weather.

Diarrhoea worse every spell of hot weather.

Dysentery, much tormina; stools of mucus and blood, or pure blood, with low typhoid symptoms.

Constipation, stools dry and hard, as if burnt.

During colic, must keep very still, with stools hard and dry as if burnt.

Inflammation of the liver, with stitching pains aggravation by motion.

Tensive burning pains in region of the liver, which is swollen and sore.-HEMPEL.

Peritonitis, with stinging, burning pains; abdomen very sore to the touch, with constipation, especially if in a rheumatic subject.

Urine hot, red, and diminished in quantity.

Generative Organs of Women.-Menses too early, too profuse, worse on motion.

Frequent bleeding of the nose when the menses should appear.

Pinching and uneasiness in the abdomen as if the menses should appear._G.

During the menses, has tearing pains in the legs, worse on motion.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881