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Dysentery Co Bach

Dysentery Co.- This is the nosode prepared from B. Dysenteria and the keynote for its use is nervous tension of a peculiar type and best described as ” anticipatory”….


This is the nosode prepared from B. Dysenteria and the keynote for its use is nervous tension of a peculiar type and best described as ” anticipatory”., since it is that sense of nerve tension which a student might feel immediately before his examiners, or a business man before attending an important engagement.

Mentals. Nervous tension, mental uneasiness in anticipation of some event; hypersensitive to criticism; shyness and uneasiness among strangers; mental uneasiness shows itself by physical restlessness, cannot keep still, fidgets, chronic movements of facial muscles, or limbs. Headache, frontal over the eyes, or in vertex, brought on by excitement; often occurs at regular time periods of 7 or 14 days cycle.

Digestive System. B. Dysenteria has been shown to have selective action on the pylorus causing spasm and retention of digested contents; dilation of stomach; wakened at 12 midnight to 1 a.m. with acute pain in stomach, relieved by vomiting of a large quantity of mucous material.

In some children, diagnosed as suffering from congenital pyloric stenosis considerable success has followed the use of Dys. co. (Bach), which would suggest that in these cases the condition had been due to pyloric spasm rather than to congenital malformation of the pylorus.

Duodenal ulcer often calls for the use of the nosode Dys. co. (Bach) but there must always be present also evidence of nervous tension, which always precedes the physical symptom and which the patient feels and refers to his “stomach and heart area”. This is in contrast to the type of duodenal ulcer found associated with the B. Proteus, where the nerve tension is insidious in action, unperceived by the patient, and the physical condition of the ulcer-tends to come on as a “crisis” without previous warning.

Cardio-vascular. Functional disturbance of heart action, associated with nerve tension; palpitation before important events; anticipatory discomfort in the cardiac area.

There are the outstanding symptoms found in the clinical proving of the nosode Dys. co. (Bach), and you will find in them something of each of the associated remedies, Arsen. alb.; Argent. nit; Kalmia.

John Paterson
John Paterson 1890 – 1954 was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. John Paterson was a Microbiologist, who was married to Elizabeth Paterson, also a Microbiologist. They both worked at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital and at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
John Paterson was President of International Homeopathic Medical League in 1939.
John Paterson wrote The Bowel Nosodes, and he was responsible for introducing them into British homeopathy n the 1920s.