Sleep.-Sleepiness during the day generally occurs but at night, there is frequently persistent sleeplessness, of sleep, if occurring, is disturbed by anxious dreams, of death, of falling from heights, or lascivious dreams with emissions, and these are more likely to occur if the patient lies on his left side.

Chill, Fever, &c.-Thuja causes definite febrile symptoms. Chills occur even in a warm room. During the day there is coldness, especially in the back, with general weakness and a sensation of weariness, in the evening febrile symptoms come on, such as headaches, heat of the skin and a full, accelerated pulse; after midnight relief comes from a general perspiration, or perspiration may be limited to the thighs and inner side of the legs.

Sometimes the night sweat is profuse, offensive and stains the clothes yellow. There may be internal chill with external heat and violent thirst followed by sweat. Copious sweat on undressing or an uncovered parts and during the first sleep are symptoms of thuja.


      Sexual.-The study of the above symptoms caused by thuja shows how appropriate a remedy it is for gonorrhoea and secondary affections that depend on gonorrhoea, such as articular and muscular rheumatism, iritis, chronic conjunctivitis and warty excrescences on or about the genitals. It is useful for chancroid ulcers of the genitals, epithelioma of the vagina, leucorrhoea and the “cock’s comb” excrescences that are found in the scar tissue of laceration of the cervix uteri. These latter are redundant, red, vascular, bleed at the least touch, and discharge a green or yellow excoriating matter. The vagina is very sensitive during coition. Polypi, whether of uterus, rectum, nose or ear are amenable to thuja. When gonorrhoea has been checked by the use of injections, and articular or other rheumatism, prostatitis or impotence result, thuja will restore the urethral discharge and cure these complaints and finally abolish the discharge also. It is very efficacious for a pain in the region of the left ovary, which at each menstrual period becomes very severe and of a burning character, it is coterminous with the flow (lach. ceases with the onset of the flow), and extends through the left iliac region into the groin and sometimes down the thigh, and is worse on attempting to walk. The menses are short-lasting and too scanty. It is a good remedy to prevent abortion threatening at the third month, and for too violent movements of the child during pregnancy, which cause cutting pain in the bladder and urging to urinate.

It is not necessary for complaints to have a gonorrhoeal (“sycotic”) origin for thuja to be the selected remedy, it will equally serve when similar symptoms arise from other causes, not is it the only “antisycotic” drug, there are others, such as nitric acid, sulphur, medorrhinum, cinnabar, &c. Thuja is to be thought of when there is a history of animal poisoning in the case, such as snake-bite, small-pox or vaccination. In veterinary practice it has proved curative in farcy and grease. As the latter complaint is related to small-pox and vaccinia, the employment of thuja has been extended to the treatment of the former disease, and, if given just as the vesicles are forming, it is said to abort and also to counteract the effects of the latter. There is no doubt that vaccination can cause a somewhat ill-defined constitutional state, a vaccinal dyscrasia or vaccinosis, to which many complaints can be traces; for these thuja is an excellent remedy.

Skin.-It is a medicine for all sorts of venereal warts, but its influence is not limited to them, but extends to warts of all kinds and wherever occurring. The warts should be painted daily with the mother tincture and at the same time thuja is high dilution should be given internally. It has been used successfully for lupus, varicose ulcers, and pemphigus. Its influence over warty growths has led to its employment, and with success, in other growths of the skin and mucous membranes, to ranula, epitheliomata, polypi and naevi. It has been shown to have an influence on fatty tumours and on tumours of the breast; in short, it should always be though of when the medicinal treatment of a tumour is under consideration.

Head.-Thuja is a remedy for the kind of headache mentioned above, a nd especially for neuralgic headaches caused by drinking tea to excess.

Eyes.-It is useful for syphilitic iritis, for ciliary neuralgia, when the pain extends all over the face with great soreness, and for kerato-iritis, with excessive photophobia, for tarsal tumours, for tinea ciliaris, when it is dry and bran-like and the lashes are imperfect and irregular, and for chronic conjunctivitis.

Respiration.-Thuja is useful for chronic nasal catarrh, chronic laryngeal catarrh with warts on the vocal cords or other parts of the larynx or for chronic bronchial catarrh with hacking cough and copious greenish expectoration in the morning. It has also been employed for asthma and has been serviceable in angina pectoris.

Digestion.-Aphthae of the mouth and ulcers on the side of the tongue are curable with thuja and also a toothache occurring in teeth which decay at the roots, the pain of which is made worse by warm drinks especially tea and better from inhaling cold air.

It has been used for left-sided inguinal hernia in infants and for a tendency to the same affection after parturition.

Mental.-The many peculiar mental symptoms that have been caused in the provers of thuja suggest its employment in some mental diseases, such as psychasthenia with delusions of being pregnant, early dementia praecox, anxiety neurosis, melancholia with hypochondriacal symptoms, and Hypochondriasis.

Thuja is a “hydrogenoid” medicine, all its symptoms being made worse by damp. Its complaints are mainly left-sided. It antidotes vaccinosis and abuse of tea.


      (1) Pains are localized and wander from part to part.

(2) Symptoms extend from part first attacked.

(3) Frequent micturition accompanied pain.

(4) Sensation of something alive moving in abdomen.

(5) Eruptions that have disappeared leave vivid stains.

(6) Symptoms come on during rest.

(7) Copious sweat on undressing and during the first sleep.

(8) Illusions and fixed ideas: of being brittle, of some one being by his side, of his soul being separated from his body.

(9) Gonorrhoea.

(10) Growths and excrescences bleed easily when touched.

(11) Gonorrhoea and its sequelae; results of suppressed gonorrhoea.

(12) Vaccinosis.

(13) Warts and condylomata, warty excrescences.

(14) Tumours, benign or malignant.

(15) Lymphatic temperament in very stout persons with dark hair and complexion, lax muscles, unhealthy skin.


      From touch, lying on the left side, extension of limbs, letting the arms hang down, walking, ascending, riding, at night, in the morning, cold, damp weather, overheating, warmth of bed; after eating, from tea, coffee, fat food, onions; from coitus, blowing the nose (causes pain in teeth), sun, bright light.


      From pressure, rubbing, scratching, rest, bending head backward (headache), lying on affected side (asthma), looking up, cold (rheumatic pains), cold air (toothache).

Edwin Awdas Neatby
Edwin Awdas Neatby 1858 – 1933 MD was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a physician at the London Homeopathic Hospital, Consulting Physician at the Buchanan Homeopathic Hospital St. Leonard’s on Sea, Consulting Surgeon at the Leaf Hospital Eastbourne, President of the British Homeopathic Society.

Edwin Awdas Neatby founded the Missionary School of Homeopathy and the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1903, and run by the British Homeopathic Association. He died in East Grinstead, Sussex, on the 1st December 1933. Edwin Awdas Neatby wrote The place of operation in the treatment of uterine fibroids, Modern developments in medicine, Pleural effusions in children, Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics,