Before leaving the respiratory system reference must be made to its use in pleurisy. It has been employed in the early stages on account of the sharp pain it produces in the chest, aggravated on inspiration and more especially by breathing cold air. In the days when a rheumatic pleurisy was described it was this variety for which aconite was exhibited. There does not appear to be much evidence that inflammation of the pleura is induced by drug, although the lungs have been found congested in cases of poisoning and there is some evidence that the endothelium of the mitral and tricuspid valves are thickened by prolonged slow poisoning. In tuberculous pleurisy or the acute septic (pneumococcic and streptococcic) varieties (e.g., after operations) aconite is not likely to be of use, save as a palliative.

In the early stages of endocarditis and pericarditis its use would be indicated by the mental and bodily symptoms first described. There is on record one case of ulcerative endocarditis cured by it.

On the nervous system, as already stated, the drug in large doses has a paralysing effect. Quite small doses develop a stimulating or irritant effect, shown by twitching of muscles, spasms in a variety of situations (the vocal cords have been referred to), trismus, stiffness and cramps in the back sometimes approaching opisthotonos, and cramps in the lower limbs. Administered early in acute anterior poliomyelitis aconite will lessen the area of the cord involved.

General convulsions in children, as during dentition, and in other sensitive subjects, may be relieved by the drug, but only when the general erethistic condition coexists. The paralysing effects are due to massive doses.

The provers of aconite experienced variety of shooting pains, tingling, numbness and burning, together with surface tenderness more or less general, the stress falling on the trigeminal nerve (of either side), on the intercostals and the sciatic nerve, suggesting neuritis. If such pains have been induced by cold in otherwise healthy subjects aconite will be of prompt assistance.

Muscular pains, frequently described as rheumatic, are even more common and more general. They may be burning, shooting, aching, bruised in character, or merely evidenced by stiffness. They occur more often on the left side-neck, chest, dorsal and lumbar muscles, sacral and hip-joints, shoulders, forearms, &c. The right side, however, by no means wholly escapes, even in the same regions. Movement is usually distasteful-whether walking, writing or otherwise using the part. In some cases of stiffness and weakness stronger movement brings relief. These muscular and articular pains, plus the sweats produced by aconite, have led to its use in acute rheumatism(rheumatic fever) with indifferent results. As a palliative to the restlessness and distress produced by the pain it may have a useful place.

Head.-As is usual with febrile conditions headache is common in cases requiring aconite. There are so many varieties that they are scarcely useful as indications, but some varieties are more frequently found than others. The so-called pressive or compressive headaches in which the head feels as if tied up with a string or compressed with a tight hat or band, is common. Throbbing and shooting are common. The forehead is the chief seat of any of the pains, especially outwards-pressure pain. Unilateral headache, e.g, in one temple, is frequent, especially on the left side. Heat of head, throbbing, a flushed face and tenderness of scalp, all may be found. Stooping and walking in the open air aggravate, and sitting relieves. Headaches with high-tension pulse and flushed face due to exposure to the heat of the sun may call for aconite-compare the symptoms. For sunstroke other remedies will be required. Sudden earache from dry cold winds generally requires aconite.

Epistaxis may occur, especially with high blood pressure.

Digestive disturbances are not prominent. Nausea, aching or pressure in the epigastrium or in the region of the liver, colicky pain in the hypogastrium aching and shooting in the rectum or anus, may occur and do not contra-indicate aconite. It is very serviceable in colic, diarrhoea and even dysentery brought on by exposure to wet and to cold winds, and if given early in the attack will abort it, or greatly modify its severity.

Bladder: Urging to urinate, with or without dysuria, is a common symptom. Rigors after passing catheters or sounds are checked by aconite or may be prevented.


      (1) SIMPLE FEVER: Chills followed by or alternating with heat: shivering on every movement; full; hard pulse and palpitation. Ordinary fever symptoms, but especially if accompanied by certain-

(2) MENTAL AND NERVOUS SYMPTOMS : Restlessness of mind and body, tossing about, anxiety, nervousness, apprehensiveness. FEARS: fear of death, predicting the day; anxious, horrified facies. In the initial stage or independently of fever, fear of being in a crowd or crossing a street. Feeling of being in a hurry; ailments from fright.

ALTERNATION of moods with other symptoms.

(3) Hypersensitiveness: to pain (screaming and desperation), all ailments seem severe; to noises, especially to music, to smells; and, if crossed, with the highly strung condition, and high-tension pulse haemorrhages may occur, e.g, nose, lungs, &c.

(4) Muscular twitchings, even convulsions (children).

(5) Pressing pains in small spots, as if pressed either outwards or inwards, as with a finger.

(6) Aconite is useful for suddenly suppressed sweat, coryza, menstruation or other secretions.

(7) Hoarse and croupy coughs.

(8) Vertigo: Sudden giddiness or faintness on assuming the erect posture.

(9) DREAMS: Confused, nightmares; long dreams on a single subject, haunting prover when awake.

(10) Craving for bitter, pungent things.

(11) Dark-complexioned plethoric persons of firm muscular habit are especially sensitive to the influence of aconite.


      From Movement, especially walking (muscular and rheumatic pains, teeth); breathing cold air or tobacco smoke (cough); touch and pressure, lying on painful parts; sudden or periodical aggravations of various symptoms; general aggravation at night; from dry cold winds, cold draughts (neuralgia); heat of sun (headache); hot weather (intestinal).


      Perspiration, lying in bed and especially by lying on the back.

ACONITE is of interest to the student of or inquirer into homoeopathy. In physiological doses it is of little use except as a local application in neuralgias, and there are many sedatives and palliatives superior to it.

As a febrifuge its field has been defined by the application of the law of similars, and where that rule is not applied disappointment follows.

Experimentation with it in repeated small and infinitesimal doses has brought out the finer points of its action, which points serve as indications for its use remedially. These points are not brought out by experiments with massive doses.

A short testing of the remedy on these lines in general practice will soon establish its reputation and incidentally will furnish an important item of evidence of the validity of the homoeopathic rule.

Edwin Awdas Neatby
Edwin Awdas Neatby 1858 – 1933 MD was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a physician at the London Homeopathic Hospital, Consulting Physician at the Buchanan Homeopathic Hospital St. Leonard’s on Sea, Consulting Surgeon at the Leaf Hospital Eastbourne, President of the British Homeopathic Society.

Edwin Awdas Neatby founded the Missionary School of Homeopathy and the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1903, and run by the British Homeopathic Association. He died in East Grinstead, Sussex, on the 1st December 1933. Edwin Awdas Neatby wrote The place of operation in the treatment of uterine fibroids, Modern developments in medicine, Pleural effusions in children, Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics,