-It is not always the direct rays of the sun which produce the condition known as sunstroke; exposure to excessive heat of any kind will do it.
There are degrees of sunstroke or heatstroke, from violent, tight, throbbing headache, to complete paralysis of all the limbs and loss of consciousness.
General Treatment.-When overheated in summer by working, a few of spirits (whisky or brandy) should be taken on a little sugar, or a small quantity of strong wine. No cold water should be drunk. If much fatigued, as well as overheated, a cup of tea is better. In cases of sunstroke, with heat of the head externally, warm water should be applied either on cloths or poured on.
Medicines.-(Every five minutes until reaction sets in.)
Gloninum 3.
-Patients fall down as if struck by apoplexy; eyes fixed, glassy, without expression; pulse scarcely perceptible; face pale; there may be retching; cold sweat; body cold, head hot. In less severe attacks when the head feels too full, throbbing as if it would burst.
Aconite 3.
-Body hot all over, pulse large, hard, and full; signs of distress and anxiety, shown by starting, putting hands to head, grinding teeth, rolling eyes.
Belladonna 3.
-Eyes fixed, half open, turned upwards; face red, head and whole body hot, involuntary passing of urine and faeces; pulse full and hard; occasional twitching of the limbs; putting hands to head; bending head backward; heavy sleep.
Pulsatilla 3.
-In headache from heat, where there is fulness as if pressed asunder, as if the forehead, increased by walking, stepping, or every motion; with fever, thirst, vomiting, sleeplessness, anxiety, uneasiness, starting, weeping.
Bryon. 3.
-Headache form overheating, like that of Belladonna, when the patient is weak and peevish, cannot bear the pressure of his clothes, passionate and cross.