
16. a. L. D. LIPPITT, aet. 20, proved same. 1st. d. – 7 a. m. and 6 p. m., took doses. 2nd day – Took 4 doses at intervals. 3rd day – A slight headache, coming on at frequent but irregular intervals, generally felt when moving or jarring head. It is in a small spot on left temple, and feels as if artery were beating against a tender place; not severe, nor noticeable if mind is occupied. Not felt after 8 p. m. (Never had a headache of this character before.). Same, after 9 day, took 4 gr. 3 or 4 times a day for 3 d. No effect.

16 b. Same took repeated 2 gr. doses of 3x trit. of phosphate, without effect. ( Ibid., pp. 161, 172.)

17. A. W. GREGG, aet. 22, took metal in 2 gr. doses of 3x trit. On 1st day two doses. That n. rest was disturbed by vivid dreams. 2nd day – Took 3 doses. At 8 a. m. a diarrhoeic stool, yellowish in colour, and evacuated with a gush. Good n. One more powder on 3rd day, but no further effects. ( Ibid., p. 162.)

18. a. E. B. FINNEY, aet. 21. See I.26.8 Bowels move easily, but slight tendency to diarrhoea. 1st day – 8 p. m., 2 gr. of 2x trit. of metal. 2nd day – 7 a. m., 2 gr. At 11:30 slight pain at apex of heart. 1:45 p. m., slight griping in bowels, soon followed by gushing stool of thin brown faeces with flatus. Griping pains continued 5 m. after stool. 5, needle – like pain about great trochanter of femur. 8, dry cough from tickling in larynx. Dull feeling in head. Pain in bowels continues at intervals. 3rd day – Slept well. Very little abdominal pain on waking. 7 a. m., took 2 gr. Cramp – like pains at intervals all d. Once or twice slight pain at apex of heart. Mind dull. Stools loose and brown. 4th day – Felt well on rising. 7 a. m., took 2 gr. 8, piercing pain at apex of heart, lasting 3 m. 2:30 p. m., dull, used wrong words when talking; chilly. 9, chilliness continues; low spirited. Went to bed, but sleepless until 11:30. 5th day – Restless night; awoke many times. At 12 m. head began to ache, worse in temples. Cannot concentrate mind on work; feels feverish. At 2:30 temp. 99, pulse 92. Dry cough at intervals all day 9:30. pain about apex of heart. 6th day – Cough in m. 10 a. m., abdominal pains. 1:30 p. m., feels feverish. 2:30, temp. 99, pulse 100. Head heavy and mind dull; sharp pain in region of heart. 7th day – Sleep last n. much broken. 10:30 a. m., sharp pain again in apex of heart. Dry cough at intervals during day 8th day – Slept well. Took 2 gr. at 7:15 a. m. At 12:30 began to feel badly in head; mind was dulled. 9th day – Felt well all day 7:15 p. m., took 2 gr. 10th day – Slept ill, with dreams of work or study. At 11 p. m. got up with feeling as if he must urinate, and was lost in his own room. When thoroughly awake found that the desire to pass water was a false alarm. No further symptoms.

18 b. Same after 1 week resumed proving of 2x. 1st day – 8 p. m., took 4 gr. No effect. 2nd day – 10 a. m., took 4 gr. 11:45, dull occipital headache: head feels dull. Took 4 gr. at 2 and at 7:30 p. m. No effect. 3rd day – 4 grs. in m. and p. m. No effect. ( Ibid., p. 162).

19. D. M. LANDIS proved 2x trit. of Z. metallicum. He took 2 gr. twice daily for 3 day without effect. Then, after 2 day interval, he took 4 gr. 3 times on 6th day, and 4 times on 7th. On latter day felt drowsy all forenoon, with heaviness of head and dull frontal headache. In evening could not read or bear bright light; felt drowsy, and pain in forehead was more intense; stuffed feeling in nose. Frontal headache continued all next day, but not so severely as on previous e. No further symptoms. ( Ibid., p. 166.)

20. a. W. C. SEITZ, aet. 25, health perfect. 1st day – Took 2 gr. doses of 3x trit. of metal at 7 and 11 a. m., 3 and 7 p. m. At 1 p. m. vague dull pain in lumbar region, continuing all day, aggravated by lying on back. Urine diminished and highly coloured. 2nd day – Awoke with on trace of symptoms. Took 2 gr. at 8 a. m. and at 12 m. Lumbar pains returned, lasting all d. At 1 p. m. experienced a headache entirely few in character; beating in frontal and temporal regions; worse on stooping and on being exposed to heat of sun. Urine diminished and nearly blood – red. 3rd day – No symptoms experienced.

20 b.. Same, 13 day later, took 2 gr. dose of 2x repeated every 4th h. Became drowsy in m. before dinner. P. m., gnawing headache, frontal, marked over right eye. On stooping, headache became beating in character. Urine high – coloured, and warm to m. m. of urethra as it passed. Sleep disturbed by roving dreams. 2nd day – Slight heaviness in frontal region. 3rd day – Took 4 doses at intervals of 4 h. Much drowsiness after 2d dose; still more marked after 3rd. Stupid, would miss letters when writing; dull heavy feeling in forehead. Distress in abdomen, vague empty feeling with discharge of flatus. Anorexia. Dull pain in lumbar region, markedly aggravated while in dorsal decubitus. Some languor and muscular soreness. Urine high coloured and of high sp. gr. 4th day – Took 3 powders at intervals of 4 h. General malaise, and marked muscular soreness towards e. Dull frontal headache, aggravated by stooping or mental work; inability to fix attention while writing or reading. Headache most marked over right orbit. Sickening sensation in stomach. ( Ibid, p. 164.)

21. C. R. FULMER, aet. 20, health good; takes tea and coffee, and is a smoker. Proved 3x trit. of Z. phosphoricum in 3 gr. doses. On 1st day took 4 doses without effect. 2nd day – At 7:45 took powder. 9, slight crampy pains in abdomen and desire to defecate; stool small and hard. 12 m., took powder. 12:30, very dizzy on rising from desk, where he had been writing all m. The crampy pains troubled him from time to time. 3:30, crampy pains continue, and he has constant desire to defecate, driving him at times to stool, when he passes only a little hard, faecal matter, with much straining. 5:30, stitching pains below and to left of left nipple, coming and going at intervals of 1 m. for about 20 m. while walking; they ceased on sitting down. Abdominal pains were better for walking; they returned after supper for 10 m. 3rd day – At 1 p. m. crampy pains returned while at dinner, lasting 20 m. 1.309, sudden shooting pain below left scapula for 2 – 3 seconds. 4:30, slight stitching round left nipple occurred for 14 – 20 m. while walking; becoming better when he stopped. 5:15, the crampy abdominal pains come and go, lasting only a few m.; still great desire to defecate with them, but must strain a great deal before any faeces pass. 10, quick and sharp, but momentary, pain around left nipple while standing. 4th day – 0 Abdominal pains still come and go. 10 a. m., sharp pains in both sides of head while writing, lasting about 5 m. 10:15, throbbing around right nipple, transient, but recurring. 1 – 4, dull pain about right nipple. No symptoms on 5th or 6th day; nor, though medicine was taken every 4 hours, on 7th – 9th day ( Ibid., p. 170.)

22. CHAS. H. WELLS, aet. 29, health good. Sac. lac. test negative. Took several 3 gr. doses of 6x trit. of phosphate without effect. Then, after an interval of two weeks, began the 2x trit. On 1st day, at 9:30 a. m., he took 3 gr., and soon began belching a gas resembling sulphuretted hydrogen. At 1 p. m. repeated dose, which made belching more marked, and soon slight disturbance of stomach bordering on nausea was experienced. Later, felt weakness in bowels, as if diarrhoea would come on. Some confusion of ideas. 2nd day – Passed comfortable n. At 5 p. m. took 3 gr., and soon experienced the belching; then nausea and a diarrhoeic stool ensued, with confusion of mind.

22 b. Same prover, after an interval of one month, took 3 gr. at 8 a. m. No effect. Took 3 gr. again at 12:45 p. m., which was followed by a bad taste, some nausea, and dulness of head and eyes, with disinclination to work. 2nd day – Slept as usual through last n. Took 3 gr. at 9 a. m. Felt some uneasiness through body, and on lying down after dinner felt cutting pain through chest just left of sternum. This pain continued until he arose, but a sore, weak feeling at site of cutting remained for some time. (Trans. of Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. of Pennsylvania, 1889, p. 202.)

23. R. H. EDMONDSON, Jr., Austin, Texas, aet. 23, single, medical student. Took 3 gr. of 3x, and subsequently of 1x trit., without effect, save some metallic – tasting eructations after latter. ( Ibid., p. 204.)

24. CHARLES E. GROVE, New Britain, Bucks Co., Pa., Aet. 25, single, student. Took 3 gr. of 3x trit. at 9 a. m., and in 3 hours had a congestive headache, with chilly sensation all over body, sharp stitching pain about left base of heart, nausea and “gone” sensation in stomach; pulse 54, somewhat irregular. He was subject to congestive headaches; and all symptoms left him, after a hearty dinner, about 1 p. m. Then, after an interval of 10 day, he took the 2x trit., 3 gr. at a dose, at 8 a. m., 12 m., 4 and 8 p. m. No effects. (Ibid.)

25. CHARLES L. RUMSEY, Philadelphia, Pa., aet. 20, single, medical student. Height 5 feet 9/10 in.; weight 142 lbs.; constitution good, but subject to mild sore throat on catching cold; temperament nervous; former diseases, varicella, measles, typhoid fever, cerebro – spinal meningitis; takes coffee (in m.); normal pulse, lying down 68, sitting 74, standing 79; normal resp., 20; normal temp., m. 97.8 evening 98.2; urine, about 2 pints daily; normal stools daily. Sac. lac. test was negative. At 9:30 a. m. took 3 gr. of 3x trit. No symptoms during day 2nd day – Slept well during n. No symptoms during day 3rd day – At 9 a. m., natural stool. 1 p. m., took 3 gr. In afternoon had frontal headache; ascribed it as result of close attention to dissecting. 6, 3 gr. 7, the headache has developed into an intense pain at coronal suture; sensation as if head were separated here into two distinct parts. The pain and sensation, as described, never experienced before. Never had neuralgia; probably it was such pains as accompany neuralgia – very acute exacerbating pain. Seems to follow course of frontal nerve. Twitching of eyes, particularly 1. 7:30, desire for stool. 7,50, strong desire to defecate; tenesmus before and after movement; stool made up of small lumps; feeling as if faecal matter slipped back into rectum. 10:15, temp. 99.4 4th day – Between 3 and 4 a. m. was awakened by a seminal emission, without dream; arose feeling somewhat as usual, pains about head having disappeared. 9 a. m., same character of stool as last, with less tenesmus. 10, took 3 gr. 3:30 p. m., stool normal. 4, took 3 gr. 6, sensation and pain about head as yesterday, less acute and more constant; no twitching of eye, but occasionally a sharp lancinating pain through left eyeball; though a mild day, and persons are complaining of “how warm it is in the house,” has been chilly all day and susceptible to least draught of air; more comfortable walking out in air. 10, temperature 98.4; blister on fourth toe of right foot, which was opened, but it remained sore. 4th day – Between 3 and 4 a. m. awakened by a seminal emission, again without dream, an unusual occurrence, as he seldom, if ever, had 2 emissions same week; arose with dull frontal headache. 9 a. m., stool made up of very small lumps, with tenesmus; considerable flatus passed per anum during day; headache has disappeared. 10:30, took 3 gr. 12:30 p. m., while at dinner, severe nausea, no vomiting, passed away in a few m.; chief complaint is constant chilly feeling, and mind is dull. 5:30, took 3 gr. 10:30, not so chilly and feels better. Toe still sore. 6th day – Feels dull and heavy (effect of New Year”s party, perhaps). At 9 a. m. gushing stool of brown faecal matter; acute pain on crown of head, increasing in intensity, then diminishing and again increasing; not so chilly. 4 p. m., natural stool. No further effects. After an interval of 2 day, at 9:30 a. m. he took 3 gr. of 1x trit. Has an enervated feeling; has been so sleepy during afternoon and evening that he was compelled to lie down 3 different times; would, at times, find himself asleep in his chair. 2nd day – At 9 a. m. took 3 gr. Slept badly; eructation immediately after taking powder; on rising from chair had stitching pain through hip – joint, relieved by motion. 3rd day – At 9 a. m. took 3 gr. No symptoms. ( Ibid., p. 205.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.