
9. A woman, aet. 29, of sanguine choleric temperament, took for 3 day every 2 hours 2 gr., thus every day 12 gr., in all 36 gr. The 1st day some pressure in stomach, pulse became spasmodic, bowels constipated. – 2nd d. Anorexia, thirst, some palpitation of heart and pains between scapulae. Very restless n. – 3rd day, m., vertigo, pains in head, and great exhaustion. Bitter eructation of yellow bilious water after eating. Later some vomiting and tearing in limbs, with loose stool. The pains between scapulae and the prostration lasted over 4 day, and ended in general perspiration, Whereupon all the symptoms ceased. (Ibid.)

10. A healthy black – haired woman, aet. 30, took every 2nd day, in 6 doses, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 gr., at 10 a. m. For 2 hours accumulation of bitter sour water in mouth; at n. shooting and tearing on right side of head above temple. Soon after taking medicine nausea to vomiting, 1 hours afterwards vomiting of water; it is like thin mucus, and she retched twice; this removed the headache. Nausea, with sour taste and flow of sour water into mouth. Trembling of feet, later shooting on right side in middle of hepatic region. After 3 hours pain in abdomen below navel, tearing from one side to the other until e. After 1 hours severe chilliness lasting till evening; then nausea, eructation, and flow of sour water into mouth; next day loathing, nausea, inclination to vomit. (BUCHNER, Hygea, xiv, 487.)

11. A girl took, evening, 2 gr., which caused pain betwixt shoulders, anxiety, nausea, heat, restless sleep with dreams of fire, falling, forgery; then sweat, pressure in stomach, spasmodic pulse. (Ibid.)

12. B -, aet. 27, of bilious constitution, took, Dec. 6th, 8 a. m., 4 gr., next day 5 gr. Sweetish flat taste; after 5 hours lame feeling in sacrum, extending into hips, and towards evening most in left side. Throbbing under lower third of left scapula. After dinner discomfort. Pain in sacrum on turning in bed, n. Slight nausea; on hawking has a tendency to vomit. Sacral and lumbar pain on stooping. Bruised pain in left deltoid muscle. – Dec. 12th, 4 p. m., 6 gr.; 2 day afterwards at same time 8 gr. Weakness in bend of right arm; weakness and prostration of limbs. Increased flow of saliva. Distension of abdomen. Shooting from right scapula to 1. Nausea, so that he must sit down; he feels inclined to vomit, but cannot, at same time eructation and urging to stool. Talking and listening to conversation are disagreeable. Pressure in oesophagus. Frequent formication in left knee – joint. After 5 p. m. he must go out, but is very unwilling to go out of the house; in society he becomes hot, has fulness and pressure in stomach, slight sweat on head and hands, dislikes drink; vomiting, the mouth becomes full, with distended cheeks, he runs out of doors and vomits twice the contents of his stomach, and something acrid, causing burning in face; throat feels rough for a long time. Thereafter he ate and drank with great appetite. Next day slight nausea, pulsation in left natis. Drawing in bones of left foot. Same feeling in whole right foot. Dryness of lips. For a considerable time weakness of lower extremities, disinclination for work, depression of spirits. Above pudendum and to left a red, afterwards dark – blue, boil, with hard areola, which discharges dirty yellow matter. The areola long remained hard and red. (Ibid.)

13. M -, medical student, aet. 26, of delicate constitution, took Dec. 6th, 6 a. m., 4 gr, He had tensive and dull pain in sinciput and frontal region; pressive, spasmodic tension and weight in heart. Tense, rapid, hard, irregular pulse. Ribs of whole left side of thorax painful and sensitive to touch. L. nipple very tender and painful. Difficulty of breathing, especially with left lung. Painful feeling in gastric region, causing irritation and spasmodic pressure. Teeth set on edge, especially when bringing molars together; feeling as if both rows were softened and adherent. Painful persistent heaviness and pressure, as if paralysed, in left inner bend of elbow. Nausea, as if he should vomit, with feeling of malaise in head and thorax. Loathing and loss of appetite for breakfast, after breakfast relieved. Chilly feeling, then febrile movement in the whole back. Noon, dull pain around and under navel. Tickling and irritation in m. m. of nose, as if he should sneeze. Breathing through nose stopped, as in severe coryza. Slept all n. till m., with many vivid dreams; on waking pressure and weight in both shoulders, and head slightly confused. – 10th, 9 a. m., 6 gr. Spasmodic twitching of laughing muscles and constant inclination to laugh. Persistent spasmodic pressure in scrobiculum cordis, oppression of whole thorax. Difficult, full, deep breathing. Nausea, confused head, pressure in forehead, inclination to vomit. Spasmodic sensations in heart and lungs Spasmodic drawing in middle of abdomen and dull pains in belly. Chill running over body. Weakness and relaxation of limbs, bruised feeling in knee – joints. – 12th, 9:30 a. m., 7 gr. Heart’s impulse stronger and more perceptible, like palpitation. Confusion and weight of whole sinciput. Giddiness. Spasmodic pressure in scrob. cordis and stomach. Oppressed and difficult breathing. Malaise with slight nausea. Shooting on left side of thorax, with painful feeling in left nipple. Febrile rigor all over body. Impeded respiration through nose, with anxiety and oppression. Rumbling and working about in bowels. Shivering, with inclination to vomit. Trembling in limbs and twitching of crural muscles; cold feeling in extremities. Increased malaise, tension, and pressure in forehead. Spasmodic pain in scrob. cordis. Chilly and cold feeling all over body. Frequent flow of water and saliva into mouth and inclination to vomit. Tensive pain in left thigh, pressure and shooting in left side of chest. Repeated persistent erections with painful feeling. Bruised pain in extremities, worst and most persistent in left thigh. Constant chilly feeling and general malaise. Violent pain in hip – joints as if bruised; tension and painful feeling on movement. Wax more copious and fluid in left ear, interfering with hearing; pulse beats heard more distinctly, they cause rushing noise in ears. Perceptible loss of strength and general inward unwonted suffering. Collection of mucus in throat, causing tickling in larynx. Loathing at the medicine. – 15th, 10 a. m., 10 gr. Irritation of Schneiderian membrane, impeded respiration and coryza. Prostration of both arms, with tension. Spasmodic pressure in scrob. cordis and stomach. Confusion of head. Slight rumbling in bowels. Stitches through urethra. Contractive and spasmodic twitching of facial muscles, with constant sickness and inclination to vomit. Heaving and fulness in stomach. Nausea, chill, and loathing. Pain around navel. Attack of chill over whole body. Retching. Painful feeling of whole body, relieved by rest. After dinner coryza increased, with stopped – up nose and yet discharge from it. Dry throat, with accumulation of mucus in larynx and constant desire to hawk the viscid mucous saliva, that rapidly re – forms and causes irritation anew. Slight pressing pains and rumbling in belly. Spasmodic pressure in chest and scrob. cordis. – Before the proving he felt very well, but since its commencement he has lost much strength, and feels his organism very much affected. ( Ibid., 489.)

14. a. MICHAELIS took first 2 gr. daily for 4 day without effect. He then took 3 gr. per diem, and after the 3rd dose felt pressure in epigastrium, which lasted some time and took away appetite. A dose of 4 gr. caused a sensation like hunger, but soon came on nausea, was desire to eat, then nausea, also pressure on forehead, headache. After 1.1/2 hours vomited twice so violently that bile came away.

14 b. After waiting 14 day took 2 gr. for 5 successive day without effect. – 6th day 3 gr., the usual stool did not occur. This dose he continued till the 12th d. On the 7th and 8th had normal stool, irritation in stomach; 9th, 10th, and 11th, constipation and great consequent discomfort, bad appetite. – 13th day, m., 5 gr. After 1 1/2 hours eructation, thirst, and after 1.1/2 hours a stool, at first firm, then liquid. Another stool, p. m., thin. – 14th day, m., 6 gr. The effects inconsiderable, no more diarrhoea. Towards evening loss of appetite, felt tired, but could not sleep well, and was plagued with great desire to stretch arms. Next day head confused. 11 a. m., a liquid stool, after which all symptoms went off. ( Arch. f. phys. Heilk., x, 123.)

15. H. L. NORTHROP aet. 22, See I.25. used 2 gr. tablets of 2x trit. of Z. metal. 1st day – 9:15 a. m., took 1 tablet. 4:30 p. m., desire for stool. 6, strong desire for stool; loud rumbling in abdomen; passed nothing but wind; urinated frequently, and passed increased quantity of pale urine during afternoon. 10:30, took 1 tablet. 2nd day – No symptoms in m. 1 p. m., took 1 tablet. 4:30, face very hot and red while sitting in cool room; skin moist. Pulse 92, full and steady. 5:35, passed urine, which was cloudy as it left urethra, save towards last. 5:45, pulse as before: temp. 99.6. 6, took 1 tablet. 7, pulse 86, throbbing in head synchronous with pulse; head still hot and face flushed; neck and head covered with perspiration, especially behind ears, around nose, and in folds of skin. 9:30, pulse 68 and small; temp. 98.8; heat in head has disappeared. 11:15, sudden nausea, very severe, with vomiting of thin liquid; face pale and cold; nausea lasted 4 m., followed by colicky pains in abdomen, sometimes shooting down into scrotum; testicles feel sore and bruised. Quantity of urine normal. 3rd day – Slept poorly, dreamed of everything and nothing; felt used up in m. No symptoms until 8th day, when he took 1 tablet at 8:30 a. m. and at 1 p. m. 1:30, eyeballs ached, with stitch – like pain in left eye. Took 1 tablet at 5 and at 9 p. m. 9:20, itching of nose and scalp, relieved by scratching. During evening throat sore on swallowing. Unusual thirst during afternoon; strong desire for salt and salty things. Pulse and temp. normal. 9th day – Took 1 tablet at 8 a. m., 12 m., and 4 p. m. 10:55, dull, continuous, slightly throbbing frontal headache, followed by similar pain at root of nose, with sense of fulness. Hands burn, but palms are moist. Head feels full and hot. Pulse 90. Itching under eyes and behind right ear, relieved by scratching; feeling of weight in forehead: sleepiness and indifference. Twitching of left sternomastoid muscle. 3:30 p. m., desire for stool; bowels moved for second time. 4.9, sudden frontal headache on walking upstairs. Pulse 88, temp. 99.6 to 100. 6, face red and hot; face, neck, and palms moist with perspiration. 8 p. m., temporary sharp pain in left parietal region. 10th day – 8 a. m., dull pain in left chest. 11, slight nausea. 12 m., pulse 92, temp. 98.8; hand placed on forehead can feel pulsations. Hands burn; 1. frontal headache; thirst in aft. and evening 11th day – In m. rather more thirst than usual. No further symptoms. ( Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1888, p. 159.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.