Veratrum Viride

10 c. Jan. 10th. – At 10:35 took 1 dr. of tinct. in a glass of water. Pulse rose at once from 64 to 76, and in a few m. fell to 70. In first 1/2 hours slight transient pains in right and left knee, and several other parts. After going to bed pain in upper part of left shoulder, and the itching in left side of nose. 11th. – On waking, had much slight shuddering in right and left shoulder in succession, and afterwards in whole chest, extending into abdomen; also pains in fingers and toes. At 12:30 p. m. took another dr. Pulse rose at once from 78 to 82, and in 5 m. fell to 74. At 4:15 p. m. repeated dose, pulse 92 (after a meal). Pulse rose at once to 98, and in 20 m. was 88. After a few m. more, transitory pains and flying aches occurred in various parts, and returned repeatedly. There was also steady dull pain over right eye, gradually extending to forehead. During evening pains became severer and steadier than before, chiefly in condyles of legs and arms; there was also a long – continued steady thrilling about an inch to left of dorsal vertebrae, 4 in. below scapula. At 10:20 p. m. took another drop. At n. on going to bed intense painful itching in middle of left index finger. (He had this feeling before a same and corresponding joint of next finger). while lying, pain on right side of left sole (this also had occurred previously). Had the pain in left great trochanter and both knees – simultaneously or alternately. 12th. – At 8:45 a. m. 1 dr. in 1/2 hours had pain in back. During day felt occasionally usual pains i joints. At 10:45 p. m. another dr. After going to bed, itching on several spots of face. No more was taken till 17th, but former symptoms recurred from time to time, especially in m. on walking.

10 d. On 17th, at 1:30 p. m., took 3 dr. of 3rd dil. on sugar. Pulse (which had been but slightly influenced by later doses of tinct.) rose at once from 82 to 98. Repeated dose at 7 p. m., with same result. At 10:10 p. m. took 1 dr. in water; pulse 82, did not rise at once, but in 3-4 m. was 88. In first 30 m. after dose several of the old pains recurred. Before going to bed noticed a pain in left shoulder, and after lying down had itching in face again. 18th. – At 8:15 a. m. took 1 dr. Pulse unaffected. Several pains in forenoon. At noon, 1 dr. on sugar. Pulse rose at once from 86 to 106, and in 5 m. fell to 82. The thrilling quivering sensation of the 11th was felt in back all evening, over about size of half a crown in extent. Two hours after dose, severe pulsating pains in 1st joint of right middle finger, lasting 1 m. At 10:30 p. m. 5 – 6 dr. on sugar. Pulse rose from 72 to 78, and immediately pain set in a at lower third of left tibia. Itching in face at n. On rising next m. found urine passed the n. before turbid, dark, depositing a reddish sediment and covered with a scum. There was smarting this m. upon urinating. At 8:30 a. m. took 7 – 8 dr. on sugar. Pulse rose from 66 to 72. Pains as usual. At 1 p. m. 3 dr. in water. Again usual pains, and thrilling in back changed once into a severe ache on rising from a reclining posture. At 10:20 p. m. took 7 dr. in water. Pulse rose from 64 to 72, and had not come down in 25 m. For the third time noticed nasal catarrh and sneezing shortly after the dose, soon passing off.

10 e. Dr. L. finally proved 30th and 200th, with very similar results as regards pulse and (flying) pains, but with no new symptoms. Prover dreamt much, especially of water, throughout his experiment. (Ibid., ii, 505.)

11. Feb. 1, 1862, at 2 p. m., after a light meal, pulse being 70, resp. 16, took 7 dr. of tinct. 3, pulse 65. 4, pulse 60; repeated dose. 6, pulse 50. Took 4 dr. From 6 to 7 there was slight nausea and feeling to weakness throughout body. 8, took 6 dr. 8:30, pulse 46; considerable nausea; no vomiting; indescribable feeling of weakness and lassitude in limbs. Went to bed at 9:30, and slept soundly till m. There was, during the 24 hours following the first dose, a considerable increase in the amount and corresponding decrease in the sp. gr. of the urine. (ABBORT, Bost. Medorrhinum and Surg. Journ., 1xvi, 190.)

12. Having taken 20 m. of tinct. of V. vir. in Zj water, nothing unusual occurred until about 3 hours after, when I went out to walk. I had not gone for when I experienced a sense of weariness in all the muscles f progression – especially the gastrocnemii. I remained out for about an hours, and was scarcely able to get home from muscular weakness. At this time I was in a profuse perspiration, and in a few m. was obliged to lie down; pulse was only 30, and not perceptible at wrist. I remained thus for 1/4 hours, cold perspiration pouring off, when my stomach got a little sick. Retching continued for 3/4 hours, food, mucus, &c., being brought up; but I got no relief till I threw up some bitter stuff with the characteristic taste of the V. vir. My mind was perfectly calm all the time; and although I thought it probable I should die, I did not feel alarmed. An unmistakable tendency to cramp was present in my legs when touched or moved. During all this time, if I assumed the erect position even for a m., dimness of sight and partial syncope supervened, which obliged me to resume the recumbent posture. This continued for 1 1/2 hours, extremities being quite cold, but clammy perspiration gradually wearing off. After this I slowly recovered, a cup of hot strong coffee doing more good than anything else. (P. M. RICE, Brit. Journ. of Hom., xxiv, 343.)

13. T. L. -, aet. 14, took 10 pellets of 3x every 1/2 hours all day for 4 d. On 3rd day, vertigo and photophobia, relieved by closing eyes and resting head (in m.). Dull headache in occipital region. Tongue white in centre with red edges and white tip; it does not look like a coated tongue, but as if the blood were pressed out (in m.). Water tastes like lime-water. Very thirsty, drinks little, which relieves for a short time. Thirst with slight nausea an hours after rising in m. Very sleepy. Tenesmus and diarrhoea, copious and offensive stool, with burning of anus and pale face; tenesmus and burning before and up to the stool, but not during and after; felt better after stool. Felt cold in m., after being up 1/2 hours 4th day – When rising from a seat or from bed a sight dizziness. Dull headache, occipital, all d. Edges of tongue red, tip white, and centre almost pure white. Submaxillary glands swollen and sore to touch. Pulse 70 and weak (normal pulse 80). Three loose stringy stools, with tenesmus and burning in the anus up to stool, relieved by stool. 5th day – Dull headache, occipital, all day 6th day – Took 5 dr. of tinct. in water every 1/2 h. Slight occipital headache. One loose stool. 7th day – Dizziness, nausea, and severe vomiting on rising in m. Pulse slow. Several loose stools during day with tenesmus; felt better after each stool. Clothes would not fit him, seemed as if they were scratching him somewhere, and he could not relieve himself; constant twitching of different parts of the body, trying to relieve the rubbing sensation. (Dr. SULLIVAN’s provings, from Allen’s Encyclopaedia, x.)

14. E. B.S – on 1st day took 10 dr. of tinct., p. m. Pulse as frequent but softer than usual (at n.). Slept but little during night; restless. 2nd day – Took 5 dr. every 1/2 h. Face pale. Tongue bright red at tip and edges, white in centre. Usual morning stool, but scanty and soft; at noon tenesmus, followed by loose stool with burning of anus; stool relieves tenesmus; four stools, all the same. Urine scanty. At n., when standing, pulse 58. 3rd day-Constipated. Two day later took 5 dr. of 1x every 1/2 hours all d. General coldness of body (after 3 1/2 h.). 2nd day – Took 1x all d. No effect. 3rd. – Same. No effect. 4th day – Took 3x every 1/2 h. Slowness of heart’s action. Had a severe pain in left testicle all the time after 2nd day (Ibid.)

15. a. W. E. D -, 1st day, 10 dr. of 6x at 9:20 and 10:20 a. m. and 1 p. m. 2nd day – 10 dr. of 1x at 10.12 a. m. and 1 p. m. A heavy dull feeling over left eye, worse when stooping (2 p. m.). Two soft stools in evening, at 6 and 7.

15 b. 1st day – 3 dr. of tinct. at 7 and’ 10 a. m., and at 2, 6, 6:30 and 10 p. m. Soft stool, discharged easily. Urine very clear. 2nd day – 3 dr. at 7:45 and 11 a. m. Awoke in m. with a frontal headache, which seemed relieved after stool. Ravenous appetite on waking in m. Soft stool with slight tenesmus in morning; during day several soft stools, but no tenesmus. Decreased amount of clear urine. Pulse 80 and irregular at 7:15 a. m., normal (72 to 76) remainder of day 3rd day – Sensation about anus as if something were crawling out or about it, it seemed like a worm. It seemed clothes did not fit well, they irritated wherever they touched; would keep twitching, and it seemed almost impossible to keep still, especially when sitting. 4th day – 10 dr. at 8 a. m., 12 m., and 7 p. m. Tongue red on edges, greyish from tip halfway back, back part grey with red spots size of a pin’s head (strawberry tongue). Ravenous appetite at noon. At 1 p. m. while riding was attacked with sudden and fearful tenesmus, which doubled him up in spite of all he could do; an offensive watery stool came with a gush and great force; it amel. all at once, and that was the end of it; after the stool there was pain in bowels, with ineffectual desire for stool; pains in abdomen continued all afternoon. Pulse 78, full and strong. 5th day – Desire for stool woke him with urging tenesmus at 6:30 a. m.; stool soft, stringy, and doughy; at 7:30 a. m. another stool of about the same consistence, but now with so much tenesmus. During this proving had no headache after 1st and 2nd

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.