Veratrum Viride

8 b. Slept well, but had frightful dreams of being on the water. 9 a. m., feeling well, pulse 79, took 3 dr. of fl. extr. 9:30, pulse 76; slight dull frontal headache, with contractive feeling of skin of forehead. 10, took 4 dr. 11, dull frontal headache, with neuralgic pains in temples; sharp pains in epigastric and umbilical regions, passing down to pubes; pulse 71. 12, took 5 dr. 2 p. m., very severe frontal headache, with dull aching pains in umbilical region; pulse 74. Took 6 dr. 4, constant dull headache; pulse 70. Took 6 dr. 9, head as at 11 a. m.; tongue feeling as if it had been scalded; dull aching in epigastrium; very sleepy. Took 8 dr. 23rd. – Restless night; frightful dreams of persons drowning. In m. flat taste in mouth; tongue coated yellow along centre. Soft papescent stool. 9 a. m., took 10 dr.; pulse 70. 10, there have been constant and severe cutting aching pains in umbilical region, with rumbling in bowels, and a soft stool. Took 12 dr. Thereupon dull heavy aching pains in region of gall-bladder and umbilicus; arms also ache. 12, took 12 dr. 1 p. m., very severe aching in back of neck, difficult to hold head up; constant burning distress in region of heart; felt very weak, and trembled all over; pulse 46, soft and very weak, hardly to be felt; mushy stool without pain. 2, dull frontal headache; face very pale, nose looks pinched and blue; constant hiccup, with violent and constant spasms of upper oesophagus, causing dysphagia; profuse vomiting of thick glairy mucus and water; profuse secretion of tears, also of saliva; neck aching severely; pulse 44, soft and very weak. 2:20, violent vomiting, with severe frontal headache and hiccup; cannot walk, if he attempts it he is faint and completely blind; obliged to keep in horizontal position. 4, pupils dilated; neck and arms ache severely; dull aching in umbilical region, with rumbling; pulse 44, soft and very weak. 5, still umbilical aching, with sharp neuralgic pains in left groin; can walk about 10 rods, when he becomes blind and is obliged to sit down; pulse 46. 8, feeling much better; pulse 61, soft and weak; aching still in umbilicus, and also about gall -bladder. Took 8 dr., and retired. 24th. – Slept soundly, but had frightful dreams of water as before. Mouth and tongue as yesterday on waking; slight dull pains in bowels; pulse 64, soft and full. Took 10 dr. 8 a. m., dull aching pain about umbilicus and gall-bladder, occasionally becoming sharp and shooting; tongue felt as if scalded. 10, took 10 dr. 12, dull frontal headache; natural stool, followed by aching in rectum pulse 55, soft and very weak. Took 10 dr. 1 p. m., very severe frontal headache, and symptoms as on 23rd – hiccup, oesophageal spasms, vomiting, lachrymation and salivation, aching and weakness in back of neck and arms. Pulse was 44, soft and scarcely to be felt; after a short walk became blind and faint, but could sit up without any trouble. Hiccup and spasm lasted 2 hours 2, dull frontal headache; severe aching in neck, very much worse on movement; dull pain in bowels; pulse 46; constant dull aching burning pain in region of heart, under sternum ringing in ears, and movement quickly brings on deafness. 3, pain in region of heart and in umbilicus, as before; pulse 46, very soft and weak. 5, same, but pulse 57. 6, same, but pulse 60. 10 pulse 66; dull pain in umbilicus, with desire for stool; mushy stool, followed by aching in rectum. Next m. felt well; pulse 66, small and hard. (HALE’s New Remedies, 2nd ed.)

9. Mrs. – dissolved 1 dr. of tinct. in Oiss of water, and took a wineglassful at 8.5 p. m. Pulse rose at once from 74 to 80, and in 5 m. fell to 70. At 9 p. m. nausea, which passed off on eating. (BERRIDGE, N. Am. Journ. of Hom., N. S., iii, 500.)

10.a. Dr. JAMES LITTLE, Dec. 19th, 1865, dissolved 1 dr. of tinct. in Oiss of water, shook it, and took a wineglassful at 8.5 p. m. Pulse rose at once from 74 to 80, and in 5 m. fell to 70. In first 1/2 hours had aching in left humerus just above elbow, which changed soon to left humerus about middle, soon shifting to left shoulder – joint, lasting longer there than elsewhere, but going off on eating at 9 p. m. Took another wineglassful before 9. Pulse fell at once from 76 two or three beats. At 10 had aching in left tibia, about middle, for 1 or 2 m. At 10:30 a wineglassful; pulse 82. In 20 m. pulse 80, with slight aching over right eye, also in right temple and malar bone just under eye. 20th. – Last n. in bed, itching in left malar prominence, in orifice of left ear, and in left groin. On waking from a short sleep, indescribable sensation rising from forehead towards crown, and grasping as it were vertex and occiput. On waking a second time felt as if waves were rising from stomach into chest. Rose at 7, and at 8 took a wineglassful. Pulse rose at once from 60 to 66, but in 15 m. had fallen to near 60 again. At 9:30 took 2 wineglassfuls, and while riding in an omnibus had pain in right elbow, which went up to scapula, also aching in left eye. While sitting, pain in left tibia returned. At 5 p. m. one wineglassful; at 6:45 (after dinner), 3. Pulse rose at once from 76 to 82, but fell to 76 again in 1/4 h. In 30 m. pain returned above left elbow, rose to middle of humerus, and then to shoulder-joint: it was severer than last n. It then went to left instep and outside left ankle, also over to right ankle. At 8:45 took 3 wineglassfuls of a dil. made of 1 wineglassful of former to Oiss of water. Pulse rose from 66 to 72, and fell again in 1/2 h. While eating at 9 p. m. distinct aching in bend of left foot inside. On waking next m. pain in left hip-joint, which soon went to right 21st. – At 8:15 a. m. took 4 wineglassfuls, after which pulse was 70; in 30 m. it was 62. Pain in left hamstrings, then in left instep, and at same time in middle of right tibia; afterwards a dull steady pain in muscles of left thigh, and in those above ridge of left scapula. At 11 p. m. took 4 wineglassfuls of a 3rd dil. made as above. Immediately a sudden severe ache in right trochanter. 22nd. – At 7 a. m. took 4 wineglassfuls. Immediately, distinct ache over right eye. At 9:30 took 5. In a few m. severe shooting, suddenly-stopping pain in left eye. 23rd. – Woke at 4:30 a. m. with violent cramps in both calves. Rose, and had stool before 5, larger and easier than usual. Took 2 wineglassfuls, P. m., steady pain of some intensity about left nipple. 24th. – At 11 a. m. took 4 wineglassfuls of a 4th dil. prepared as before. 25th. – On waking in m., shuddering for some time, with pains in joints till he fell asleep. On waking again felt shuddering once more, but without chilliness. 26th.- Woke with same shuddering, and with throbbing ache in knee (r.) on which he wa lying. On turning to left side and rubbing knee, pain gradually went off; it then came into left knee in a milder and less steady from, then went back to right, went off while dressing, but returned at times during day, especially when limb was in a constrained position. Pain in arm also came on when holding anything in hand, and went off on setting it down. Pain in right knee recurred every n. save one up to 30th, always when lying on right side (his usual position). It went off as before on turning and rubbing.

10 b. 30th. – At 11:15 a. m. took 1 dr. of 1st dil. Pulse rose at once from 82 to 92, but in 25 m. was 73, and in 20 m. more 72. One hours after, feeling of dislocation in right ankle, so severe as to make walking almost impossible. This pain (not unknown to him in former years, but rare of late) lasted more or less all d. In evening had slight return of pain in right knee, and in left thigh just above knee. At 10.48 p. m. took 3 dr. Pulse rose at once from 72 to 80, and in 5 m. fell to 76. Felt at once distinct but transient pain at extremity of right elbow. Pain in right knee returned, and also that in left thigh; also some heaviness about forehead, and sharp steady pain about middle of left instep towards inside, going off gradually in about 1 m. On going to bed very sudden severe lancing pain in right hip. Frequent return of throbbing aching in right knee, and once a little in l., and slight return of that above ridge of scapula, that in middle of left tibia, and that felt first in humerus above elbow. Also aching in upper part of right orbit. Much lively dreaming, in which he was continually provoked and baffled. Jan. 1st. – At 8:30 a. m. took 10 – 12 dr. in Zij water. Pulse rose at once from 64 to 76, and fell again in 10 m. A.m., very slight pains in left shoulder and great trochanter; p. m., something of dislocated feeling in right ankle. At 10.57 p. m. took 6 dr. Pulse rose at once from 72 to 80, and in 7 m. fell to 70; and there was aching in right knee about inner condyle of femur, pain soon extending to inner middle of thigh, and wandering to front of thigh and above knee. Inner condyle of left femur began to similarly affected, also inner condyle of l. humerus and left instep. Pains then seemed all to settle in right ankle outside. 2nd. – Twice during n. towards m. a shuddering; pain felt in right knee on waking. This m. slight pain in right knee and ankle. At 11 p. m. took 12 dr. in Ziss water, sipping it in 2 – 3 m. Pulse by that time had fallen from 82 to 76. 3rd. – This m. steady ache for a m. or two in middle of left ulna. At noon took 2 or 3 m. Pulse that time had fallen from 82 to 76. 3rd. – This m. steady ache for a m. or two in middle of left ulna. At noon took 2 or 3 dr. Pulse rose at once from 70 to 80. In evening made 30th dil. from 3rd, and drank all the intermediate (watery) dils. at once. In a few m. felt old pain above. During n. had several of the former pains, and an itching between right ala nasi and face. There was also the former aching in upper part of right orbit, and in line between right glutei and thigh.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.