
6. Dr. GARDINER took same, e, and m. while sitting, a. m., burning in right hypochondrium and, later, heavy pressure there. (Next m., while dressing, a very violent attacks of vertigo, becoming much worse after walking out; he could hardly stand, and was compelled to lie down and remain at home several d. The vertigo caused nausea, after eating rice he was obliged to vomit; it recurred at every movement of body or even head At same time pulse was more frequent. He had previously had similar attacks. – one, severe, after glonoin. On other occasions aconite had always helped him,. but this time it did not; not did glonoin or belladonna. the vertigo gradually passed away after 3 – 4 d.) (Ibid)

7. Dr. WHITEY took 2nd trit., several gr. n and m. In fauces above larynx, itching and a kind of burning, as if he had scalded himself with hot drink, lasting several d. After 2-3 day an eruption makes its appearance, such as he had never had. Small red pimples, very bright red and sharply defined, with minute vesicles upon them, appeared first outside calves, then inside forearms above wrist, and spread from these points, causing very severe itching, worse at n. in bed. (Ibid)

8. Dr. GOSEWICH took 12th dil. at 4 p. m. next., when lying on left ear, a kind of sharp pressing pain from neck into left ear. After a few day small red papules, itching much, appear on abdomen, inside thighs, and on perineum. Temper during and after proving much quieter than usual. (Almost every drug he had hitherto proved gave him headache; this did not.) (Ibid)

9. Same gave 6th dil. to two persons.

9 a.. A man took 1 dr. at 5 p. m. (He was hardly in normal state when beginning, for he speaks of “sleepy, heavy condition” as then existing.) While lying on sofa after supper numbness in abdominal walls; slight feeling of suffocation in upper throat; palpitation of heart and general throbbing through whole body, with full pulse; after this had lasted an hour, copious sweat for 1 1/2 h. Metallic earthy taste in mouth; feels empty and weak in stomach; dull pain between shoulders; numbness in occiput and nape; sense of warmth, as after spirituous drinks. Next m., customary stool is lacking; urine dark. Some pain in mid – sternum, abdomen, and clavicle. On returning from a walk after supper, large joints of limbs felt as if sprained and beaten; on every movement brain felt as if bruised. In m., after deep sleep with bad dreams, felt heavy and dull; skin was hot and dry; sensation as if overtrained as if bruised, as if he had taken cold after severe exertion. At close of urination, burning in orifice of urethra.

9 b.. A woman took drop doses (how often is not stated), and made following report: – Lassitude and weakness, then pains in elbows, ankles, and various parts, sharp and quick; singular contracting sensation in epigastrium as if parts were folded together; when this sensation passed away, there remained pain and soreness in left side; very quiet mood (opposite of usual state). After she had for some time remarked nothing further, pain and soreness began in renal region, extending downwards and over to abdomen, with pressing down as if from a weight, which increased during whole n. Nightmare during n. In m., kidney pains were still worse, especially sense of soreness. She was also attacked in right abdomen, and still worse low in back, with gnawing rubbing pains, which continued several. Head heavy, full, and sleepy; constipation, with much flatulence; blind haemorrhoids; pimples on face. (Ibid)

10. Dr. METCALF took, Aug. 14th, 1851, at 5 p. m., 1 gr. of 3rd trit. After 15 m. drawing cramp – like pain in supinator longus of left arm just below bend of elbow, lasting 1/2 h. General warm sweat over whole body when sitting writing (afternoon was cool). Fine sticking prickling in various parts of skin whole evening, very annoying; it compels him immediately to rub the spots. 9 p. m., a second gr. 15th. – At 6:30 and 10:30 a. m, repeated dose. Already at 10:20 prickling returned; it was like flea – bites here and there for whole day, and continued off and on for some weeks, though no more t. was taken. On the 24th there appeared on forehead a small group of round vesicles on a red areola. The vesicles dried up into small scabs and extended gradually at the circumference; there was only a little itching and pricking. 31st. – the spot is now completely circular, and in centre is a red desquamating spot without vesicles. Urine is in smaller quantity (17 1/2 oz. in 24 h.), dark red, sp. gr. 1030. Sept. 1st. – Itching and stinging in “herpes” became very troublesome, and wandered over whole body. A similar spot, with intolerable itching, appeared on left flank, forming about 3/4 circle, and not so regular as that on forehead. 2nd. – Urine 22 1/2 oz., characters same. analysis gave –

Fluids 930:10 Solids: 30.06 Urea.80 Uric acid 19:40 Incombustible Salts 19.64 Organic matters —— 69:90 ——— 1000:00 Colouring matter in marked excess. Hydrochloric acid produced striking changes in colour. 25th. – During last week (6th from first dose) during sticking pain in skin was much less, but it was followed by constant itching on scalp compelling continual scratching. There are fine vesicles there upon small reddish ports, drying up in a few day and leaving little whitish scales behind; they are most abundant at margins of hair and on neighboring skin. Ring on forehead is diminishing, but a smaller one is forming above it. Oct. Ist. – Eruption and itching on head almost gone, and the two original rings quite; but third is on the increase. Urine normal. By 8th the last “herpes” had disappeared. (Ibid.)

11. a. Dr. CARROLL DUNHAM took 1 gr. of 4th trit. every n. for 5 day The original records of this proving have been lost. The above is a summary(from memory and a few imperfect notes) of the most striking effects. The notes of time must be regarded as only approximately accurate.–C.D.. About 12 – 20 day after first dose left ear began to itch, burn, and swell. There were aching and throbbing pains in external meatus, and, in course of 3 – 4 day there was copious watery discharge from ear, smelling like fish – pickle. Discharge was offensive and acrid, caused vesicular eruption on lower lappet of ear and on neck wherever it touched the skin. the inflammation of the ear generally was not vesicular; the colour was a bluish red, and the ear had the appearance of being infiltrated with water. It lasted nearly 3 mos. “An examination which I made after the proving showed the membrana tympani to be irregular, thickened in parts, thin in other portions, the result of perforation and cicatrisation.”(Dr.HOUGHTON Amer. Obs.Feb., 1881.).

11 b. During second month the spine, from last cervical to about fifth dorsal vertebra, became very sensitive and seat of peculiar irritability, which made prover dread having part touched or even approached. this dread was disproportionate to the actual sensibility of the part when pressed or rudely touched, for this was not really very great. From the vertebra above mentioned a peculiar irritation seemed to radiate upwards into neck, outwards into shoulders, and forwards through thorax to sternum. The distress caused by the sensation was aggravated by fatigue, but only partially relieved by repose. It was great and very annoying, and lasted nearly 2 mos.

On two subsequent provings, with same preparation, being made within two years after the above, the same symptoms substantially were reproduced. (Ibid.)

12. Dr. X. HANSEN took for 7 day, each day an hours before dinner, a dose of bitellurite of potash, dissolved in water by aid of some potash (therefore strictly a neutral salt). During the first 4 day 0.04 grm. was taken, on the two following 0.05 grm., on the last 0.08 grm. On the first 2 day sleepiness set in, which compelled him, contrary to his custom, to sleep for 1/2 hours after eating. In subsequent course of experiment he no longer felt this sleepiness. During first 3 day he though he noticed increased appetite, but subsequently has diminished more and more. After last dose there occurred oppression in cardiac region, disposition to vomit without actual vomiting, and uncommonly copious secretion of saliva. the Tongue was coated white and somewhat swollen, so that on its margin impressions of teeth were strongly marked. Appetite was lost. these gastric phenomena did not cease till after 14 day; and garlic – like odour which breath assumed in first minutes after commencing dose was still perceptible even 7 weeks afterwards. (Ibid., p. 426.)

13. VON ROEDER took before dinner 0.04 grm. of same salt. Already, after a few m., breath assumed peculiar alliaceous odour, evident to all who conversed with him. there occurred frequently light eructation; he cold, however, eat (as he thought) with more than usual appetite, then felt unusual sleepiness, and actually fell asleep. No further effects. Next day he took a dose of 0.05 grm. there resulted eructation and (he thought) increased appetite, without further effects; but after 3 day his breath betrayed the T. odour. (Ibid., 427.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.