
2c. 27th. – 25 dr. at 3:50 p. m. After left hours, sudden giddiness and extreme drowsiness while walking in street, she felt as if a cloud was coming over her; stiffening heavy sensation in jaws and facial muscles also stiffening in muscles generally, especially of knees and left hand; trembling in legs, with sensation of falling; icy coldness all over, with shivering and yawning. 7, rumbling in bowels, with feeling of diarrhoea, also deep pain in abdomen generally; severe darting pains in back of neck and head, and through head from back to front; burning heat in eyes; painful dryness and contracted feeling in throat. 28th. – M., stiffness in back of legs; painful dryness of throat; sore pains in scalp, as if hair had been pulled; rheumatic pains in various muscles and joints, at short intervals; burning heat in eyes and lids. Afternoon, spasmodic pain about pit of stomach, extending to heart at intervals, also at times similar pain in hypogastrium; extreme chilliness; sudden pain and pressure at top of head and in left eye; numbed prickly sensation in left hand for short time at intervals; sharp cutting pains in left hypochondrium and at times in left half of back; sharp pain deep in upper part of chest. 8, sharp needle – like pains under jaws, especially left side. 29th. – Severe dull pains in muscles and glands of neck, at times shooting up into head; pains in maxillary joints and back teeth; sharp needle – like pains in cheek – bone and under jaw, 1. side; rheumatic pains in legs from knees upwards, at time in joints of knees and hips, especially 1.; confused giddy feeling at intervals, with loss of memory; intense aching and icy coldness of entire back; rheumatic pain in left back about waist; peculiar stinging in nostrils, as if a cold was coming on; very low – spirited and gloomy; deep pains in abdomen at intervals, generally from below upwards; soreness of tongue and roof of mouth.

2d. 30th. – At 2:45 p. m., 30 dr. 3:30, intense aching in soles and outer sides of feet; stiffening of muscles of legs, later also of back and neck; tremulous and powerless, also rigid, feeling in legs; giddiness; hot fixed sensation in eyes; sharp pains at pit of stomach, extending round to region of liver. 6, stiffening of hands, she fears to take hold of anything, and when she did she could not grasp it firmly; when stretching out arms, hands became involuntarily clenched; agonising gnawing pain in muscles of legs above knees, and in back and neck; intense itching of skin of entire body, even of scalp; icy coldness down spine, accompanied by a kind of nervous shuddering; bitter greasy risings with bad taste. 31st. – On rising, intense soreness in muscles generally, especially of legs and back; sharp pains in back teeth and maxillary joints; rheumatic pains behind left shoulder, and in muscles of arms and legs; dull pains in occiput and temples; giddiness at intervals; deep boring pains right lower half of abdomen, changing suddenly from one part to another. By evening soreness and aching of whole body had become much worse, with intense aching in back, especially left half about waist, and behind ears; dry contracted feeling in throat; sharp needle – like pains under jaw, 1. side; icy coldness down spine; extreme drowsiness, with stupid headache. April Ist. – M., violent bursting headache, with stiff contracted feeling in eyes; burning heat in eyes; contracted feeling in muscles of neck; icy coldness down head and spine; feverish thirst, nausea, and bad taste; sore pains in bowels, with sensation of threatening diarrhoea; rheumatic pains and stiffness pains in ends of fingers and toes; intense aching of feet when walking; a kind of internal twitching and nervous feeling, radiating as it were from pit of stomach. evening, sharp sore pain in eyeballs; sharp darting pains in shoulders and elbows.

2e. 2nd. – At 4 p. m., 30 dr. After left hours, sharp momentary pain in top of left shoulder, shooting down to breast; needle – like pains in right knee; extreme giddiness, with loss of memory and drowsiness; shaking of legs, especially knees; stiffening of jaws and down back; convulsed, stiffened and twisted feeling at one moment in arms and hands, at another in muscles of face, arms felt snatched back when taking hold of anything, – lasting about 3 hours, and then suddenly passing off; sharp pains at pit of stomach. N., sudden heat down spine, with trembling faint feeling; sharp pains in back of head and glands of neck; occasional jerking of whole body; choking sensation, as if something were tied tightly round throat; violent itching and tingling in soles and palms. 3rd. – M., felt much better, head and eyes free, which they had not been for a week. Forenoon, rumbling in bowels, with feeling of threatening diarrhoea; stiffness down spine and in knees; spasmodic feeling of contraction in throat. Afternoon, knee sharp pains behind left upper arm and in front if thighs, also in right upper chest. N., sudden jerking of legs. 4th. – M., sharp pain in left hypochondrium, at times shooting to pit of stomach. Noon, rheumatic pains in thighs. Afternoon, giddiness at intervals, with tremulous feeling; sore stiffness in knees and right calf; violent sharp pains in right hand; extreme stiffness of back; pains in back teeth and maxillary joints. evening, violent thumping pains in head, especially right half, and over left eye, lasting about 2 hours; intense aching in soles. N., violent cramp – like pain in lower right abdomen. 5th. – M., same pain in abdomen, also severe cutting in bowels, with feeling of impending diarrhoea. Noon, intense aching in shins when walking; sharp darting pains behind right ears; rheumatic pains and momentary stiffness in hands. evening, dull pains in maxillary joints, shooting into temples. N., extreme restlessness and talking in sleep, with peculiar sense of “working” at back of brain. 6th. – Sharp tearing pains down entire length of spine, also in muscles of arms, and in right knee, with tremulous feeling.

2f. 6th. – At 4:15 p. m., 30 dr. From this there was a speedy recurrence of the symptoms previously noted, giddiness, tremulous feeling, stiffening of muscles, convulsive shocks, cold chills down back, pains and itching in legs. There was intense burning in eyes at n., with nervous agitated feeling and sense of stupor and aching in head; next day feeling as if bad headache were coming on, with extreme fulness of head and ears, and burning and bruised feeling of latter; also (for this and following d.) intense pain down neck and spine, and sharp darting pains in various parts.

2g. 9th. – At 4:30 p. m., 30 dr., with similar result; tremor and giddiness being very marked. In addition, there was sensation as if a cold iron cap was on head, and rolling of eyes, which felt like cold bullets; sudden cold perspiration and icy coldness of entire body; at n., intense burning and itching of ears, nose, and eyes; next day, burning and tingling in nose, ears, and lips; scanty urine, with constant urging; constipation for 2 day, diarrhoea on 3rd, bowels uneasy with either, nausea and bad taste with latter. On 4th day, low spirits and feeling of intense stupor. Throughout restless nights, with profuse perspiration.

2h. 13. – 30 dr., with similar effects. Also, sudden burning heat in face, and extreme sensitiveness to slightest touch; if foot was touched it jumps as though it was shot. Very sleepless n., with extreme nervous excitability, palpitation, ugly faces passing before eyes; while falling asleep, quite suddenly several jerks as from womb, with burning irritating heat and violent pulsation in vagina, also feeling of great pressure and bearing down. On 2nd day felt very much shaken; usual pains prevailed, with intense aching in lower back and over hips, and extreme lowness and gloom. On 3rd day violent cutting pains in abdomen, with feeling of diarrhoea, distressing flatulence, coated tongue, bad taste, and headache in forehead and eyes. On 4th day, with headache and sharp pains here and there, sensation as though cold water fell from elbow or shoulder at intervals.

2i. 17th. – 30 dr., With usual immediate symptoms, rapid pulsation in left upper eyelid, lasting several hours and darting pain and thrilling in vagina, with momentary pulsation at short intervals; also extreme sensitiveness to slightest touch or noise – every sound appeared to beat at back of brain. On 2nd day same pulsation in lid, with weakness and watery discharge from eye for 8 h. On 3rd day violent pains in head, especially in forehead and over left eye, and same pains in right ankle, making it painful to walk. While at dinner sudden violent attack of spasm at stomach, lasting about 1 hours, attended with very severe pain and feeling of suffocation, so that she had to loosen her clothes. On 4th, same pains in head, and dimness and aching of eyes. Restless nights and profuse perspiration throughout.

2j. A. F – continued the proving some time longer, taking 30 dr. April 20th and 23rd, 35 dr. on the 27th, and 30 dr. April 30th and May 4th. The immediate effects were always those already noted, and those of the subsequent days showed the stiffness and soreness, the darting and shooting pains here and there, which have been so often seen. The following fresh symptoms may be mentioned. On Ist (doses being taken about 4 p. m.) immoderate fits of laughter; sudden jerks in stomach, especially on opening mouth; frequently fits of sneezing, with itching and stinging of nose. On 2nd day short breathing, with dry cough; hoarseness, with feeling as of a cold on chest, lasting 2 hours; peculiar pulsation in chin, as if in nerves of lower front teeth, at short intervals. On 3rd day violent tearing pains in womb and left breast, coming on at intervals and lasting a few m.; irritability of temper; sudden violent cutting pain in back about waist, as though she were chopped in half, extending right and left to stomach. On 4th day rapid pulsation in left temple and left hypochondrium; prickly sensation in feet at intervals; intense pain in back, aggravated by least exertion; constant aching round waist. No cumulative effects appeared,. and after dose of 23rd (making 300 dr. in all) she felt much better in herself. ( Ibid., vols. xii and xiii.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.